Trouble With Bill Clinton

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& # 8217 ; s Character Essay, Research Paper

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Trouble With Bill Clinton & # 8217 ; s Fictional character

In the article, & # 8220 ; The Trouble With Character & # 8221 ; from Time magazine, author

Richard Stengel describes Bob Dole & # 8217 ; s onslaughts on President Bill Clinton & # 8217 ; s

character during the 2nd Presidential argument and explains why Dole & # 8217 ; s

unfavorable judgments did non impact Clinton.

Stengel begins the article by discoursing how American parents do non

desire their kids to draw a bead on to go President every bit much as they used to. Most

Americans feel that person else should make the occupation, and this individual is no

moralistic theoretical account. Stengel says that the people & # 8217 ; s negative portrayal of the

President is demonstrated in the functions the President dramas in assorted films and


Stengel so discusses the 2nd Presidential argument in which Dole said

that Clinton & # 8220 ; single-handedly contaminated the highest office in the land & # 8221 ; and

is the taking cause of the public & # 8217 ; s misgiving of the authorities. The focal point of

Dole & # 8217 ; s run was non Clinton & # 8217 ; s issues, but his moral applicability. The imperativeness

were surprised by the fact that most people think that Dole has a better

character than Clinton, but they still prefer Clinton as President. This impression

comes from the concluding that most Americans are merely concerned with whether or

non the state and its citizens are taken attention of, and so ignore the

President & # 8217 ; s moral imperfectnesss which, in the people & # 8217 ; s sentiment, have really small

to make with the issues. So the President can rip off on his revenue enhancements or even his married woman

and the Americans will overlook it every bit long as he is acquiring the occupation done.

Claims such as these lead some to believe that Americans & # 8217 ; criterions of

acceptable moral behaviour are traveling down.

Stengel references illustrations of different presidents and the issues that

gave them a bad repute to show the fact that the people & # 8217 ; s

outlooks of the President have fallen. When it comes to political relations, Americans

are going more Europea

n? that is, they are going more and more tolerant

of the defects in their leaders. This is why Dole & # 8217 ; s ailments are uneffective in

converting electors.

In my sentiment, I think that Stengel is right in stating that the ground

why Dole & # 8217 ; s onslaughts are non working is electors are non concerned with the

President & # 8217 ; s personal defects, but instead his capableness of running the

state, and the two are non ever closely related. I think that Bob Dole is

traveling about the whole issue all incorrect, and his tactics are non practical and may

even blowback. He is seeking to do Clinton look bad by dissing his character,

but in making so, Dole is uncovering a batch about his ain.

Take for case the issue of Clinton and his playful attitude

sing his usage of drugs. Dole is utilizing a personal onslaught on Bill Clinton to

do the components think that Clinton is a drug user stating that he used

drugs during the & # 8217 ; 70s. I think the existent issue here is non Bill Clinton & # 8217 ; s

job, but the inquiry of what we are traveling to make to halt drugs. Dole made

such an attempt to assail Clinton, but I ne’er heard what Dole had to state about

the issue, and what he is be aftering to make about it. Looking from his household & # 8217 ; s

point of position and taking into consideration the negative impact drugs has had in

his household, I think that Clinton is decidedly concerned about drug usage in


I agree with Stengel & # 8217 ; s belief that this is the manner a bulk of the

electors feel about Clinton. The deficiency of strong belief that Dole claims is Clinton & # 8217 ; s

character defect is really his personal strength. Voters see his being

indecisive as & # 8220 ; still seeking for the answer. & # 8221 ; Alternatively of cleaving to the same

traditional values and rules, Clinton is flexible and can accommodate to new

constructs and vary along with the times. Like Stengel said, the citizens & # 8217 ;

outlooks of the President are altering and I think the state needs a

leader who can maintain up with a changing universe.

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