Devil And Daniel Webster MovieBook Comparison Essay

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Devil And Daniel Webster Movie/Book Comparison Essay, Research Paper

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The Devil and Daniel Webster Movie

In the film and the short narrative, ? The Devil and Daniel Webster? , written by Stephen Vincent Benet, there is illustrated the conflict between the forces of good and evil. Although the narrative allows the reader to mentally visualize the scenes and the film does the depiction for the spectator, there are several similarities in each book. Some of these similarities are the manner the characters are depicted and the concluding scene. There are several incongruous scenes between the short narrative and the manner the film unfolds. The differences are the sum of clip that is spent on the character development, besides there are some scenes added into the film such as the crop dance and the reminder of the contract.

There are three chief characters in this short story/movie. They are Scratch, Daniel Webster, and Jabez Stone. The histrions picked for the functions fit about absolutely to the descriptions of the characters in the short narrative. Scratch is described as a? soft-spoken, dark-dressed alien? white dentition & # 8230 ; were filed to a point? . As shown in the film the histrion was besides a really darkly clad adult male. He besides had a really soft, hypnotic voice and whenever he smiled his dentitions were really glistening and pointy. The adult male described as? the biggest adult male in the state? when he stood up to talk, stars and chevrons came right out of the sky? and when he argued a instance, he could turn on the harps of the blessed and the shaking of the Earth underground? was Daniel Webster. In the film the histrion who filed his function was a really large adult male with a powerful voice. The last character, Jabez Stone, wasn? t given a really active function in the short narrative, but he was described as? an luckless adult male? he had a good married woman and kids, but the more he had the less at that place was to feed them. ? In the film Jabez is seen more throughout the flowering of the narrative and his household life was a small different. He had merely one kid and that was after the contract with the Satan was made.

The stoping to the short narrative took topographic point in Jabez? s barn and consisted of a jury filled with the ruthless dead. This was besides how the film was played out. Even the shutting address that Daniel made wasn? T told word for word in the short narrative, but the manner it was spoken in the film seemed to sum up the manner it was supposed to be in the short narrative. It had the same affect because it made? the glister [ be ] gone from the eyes of the justice and jury, and, for the minute, they were work forces once more, and knew they were men. ? The

merely difference in the film that I didn? Ts like every bit much was that the Devil didn? T seem as intimidated by Daniel Webster as he did in the short narrative. He merely laughed at Daniel and told him he? d acquire him in the presidential term race.

There are even more differences between the books so there are similarities. The first of these is the manner the characters are depicted. I already pointed out that Jabez had a bigger function in the film and that he merely had one kid. His married woman, her female parent, the adjacent husbandmans and the housekeeper were besides given more significant functions in the film. His married woman, Mary, was at that place to dote on him and besides to demo her support for him after all the husbandmans had turned on him. Her female parent and the husbandmans, who weren? t even mentioned in the short narrative, were at that place to move as Jabez? s witting. The female parent ever seemed to look after something bad happened. The husbandman? s were at that place at first to acquire him to fall in the Populist motion and the Farmer? s Guild. When he refused that and took the Satan? s offer all he would make was glee. They finally turned on him, this is different in the short narrative because in it they were really affectionate of him and even wanted him to run for province senate. The housekeeper was besides around a batch and for some ground after the babe is born she changes into Belle, a really seductive, immature adult females. This is one thing about the film that I didn? Ts like because it distracted from the whole thought of the contract he made.

In the film Jabez moves into a new place where he hosts a crop dance. During this scene he pushes his married woman off and Daniel comes to take her and their boy. Besides in this scene Mr. Stevens? contract is up and Scratch turns him into a moth and topographic points him in the box. I liked how the interaction between the Devil and Jabez occurred, but I thought the scene with Mr. Stevens twirling about and eventually fall ining was a small excessively much. He should hold merely been struck dead. That is why I do like the one scene where the Devil after Making the contract with Jabez writes the expiration day of the month in the bole of the tree so as to remind Jabez every twenty-four hours. Besides the scene with Jabez seeking to cut down the tree as to interrupt the contract was really effectual.

Overall the manner the manager decided to construe the short narrative was non the same as I did while I was reading it. For the most portion he tried to lodge with the book, but with the scenes he tried to alter they didn? T seem as effectual. However the scenes he decided to add and the characters he expanded on were a great pick and brought the narrative alive.

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