The Lottery Essay Research Paper MerriamWebster

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The Lottery Essay, Research Paper

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Merriam-Webster & # 8217 ; s online dictionary defines tradition as, an inherited,

established, or customary form of idea, action, or behaviour ( as a

spiritual pattern or a societal usage ) and the passing down of

information, beliefs, and imposts by word of oral cavity or by illustration from

one coevals to another without written direction. If we are to travel

by the latter definition, we can understand how traditions are easy

lost. Have you of all time played the game telephone? You whisper something in

person & # 8217 ; s ear and they whisper it in another person^s ear until it

eventually returns back to you and usually what is returned isn & # 8217 ; t even

near to what you originally whispered into the first individual & # 8217 ; s ear In

Shirley Jackson & # 8217 ; s short narrative, & # 8221 ; The Lottery & # 8221 ; , the chief subject is how

traditions that lose their significance due to human forgetfulness can do

awful effects to happen. Jackson uses a batch of symbolism to demo

this. The narrative is set in a little town, ^on the forenoon of June

27th^ ( 272 ) . It opens with false artlessness, utilizing the kids edifice

a stone heap, flim-flaming the reader into a disturbingly incognizant province.

The reader about expects the Lottery to be something fantastic since

the & # 8220 ; normal & # 8221 ; lottery has the victor acquiring a award of a big sum

of money or possesion. Even the narrative alludes to the artlessness,

explicating how the the town besides holds ^square dances, teenage nine and

the Halloween program^ ( 273 ) in the same topographic point that the lottery is held.

In & # 8220 ; the Lottery & # 8221 ; we discover that the town-folk usage a lottery, to pick

a & # 8220 ; winner & # 8221 ; to lapidate to decease. The victor is picked utilizing a black box

that has been around for ages, and has even been ^rebuilt with parts

purportedly from the original black box^ . ( 273 ) Within the box are faux pass

of paper, plenty for the full town. On one faux pas of paper is a black

point for the one lucky victor. Black has ever been a symbol for decease,

and the colour of the box and point are no exclusion to this regulation. One of

Merriam-Webster^s dictionary definitions of black is ^marked by the

occurance of disaster^ . The black point on the faux pas of paper

identifies the lucky victor of the lottery-the individual who will acquire

stoned to decease. No-one in town truly knows precisely why it is a

tradition although they have some obscure thoughts. Old Man Warner alludes

that it was one time said & # 8220 ; lottery in June, maize be heavy shortly & # 8221 ; . ( 276 )

Ironically, even the oldest member of this small town doesn^t even

retrieve the existent ground behind the lottery. Although ^The villagers

had forgotten the ritual and lost the original box, they still

remembered to utilize rocks & # 8221 ; ( 278 ) . Do people merely pick and take which

portion of a tradition they want to maintain?

On the 8th paragraph of ^The Lottery^ , the character Tessie

Huchinson, comes hotfooting to the square because she ^clean forgot what

twenty-four hours it was^ ( 274 ) . This shows how easy a individual can bury things. It

besides alludes to the homicidal ritual when Tessie exclaims ^wouldn^t

hold me leave m^dishes in the sink^ . Why would anyone who is

take parting in a lottery have to worry about soiled dishes, unless the

award was something awful. Tessie appears to non take the ritual

earnestly, perchance because of the sum of people in the small town or

the fact she has been desensitized to the violent rite. It can be

assumed that Tessie doesn^t know really much about the history of the


tion because the adult male who is ^the functionary of the lottery^ , ( 274 )

Mr. Summers, doesn^t retrieve the history either.

Mr. Summers, the functionary of the lottery, doesn^t know that there is a

^perfunctory tuneless chant ^ ( 274 ) that he was supposed to sing during

the lottery or a ^ritual salute^ ( 274 ) that he was supposed to utilize when

turn toing each individual who came up to the black box. The nameless

villagers who remember some spots of history about those forgotten

facets of the ritual, aren^t even definite about the truth of

their beliefs. Some believe that the ^official of the lottery should

stand^ a certain manner when he sang the chant, other believe that he

should ^walk among the people^ ( 274 ) . No-one precisely remembers the hows

and wherefore of the tradition, most have become wholly desensitized to

the homicidal rites. In paragraph two, the kids are so

desensitized that they are really basking themselves while they are

roll uping stones as a sadistic award for the lottery^s victor. Although

they are really immature they remember some facets of the ritual. Bobby

Martin stuffs ^his pockets full of stones^ ( 272 ) as if it were money and

non a slaying arm. Three of the villagers kids ^eventually made

a great heap of rocks in one corner of the square and guarded it

against rids of the other boys.^ ( 272 ) The kids know that they are

supposed to utilize smooth unit of ammunition rocks to kill the victor but they do non

cognize why nor do they look to care. Because the grownups have forgotten

the traditions history, the kids know even less and they are

desensitized to slay, believing it^s merely another merriment vacation like


In modern times we can see a contemplation of ^The Lottery^ in Christmas.

Christmas was originally intended to observe the miracle of Christ^s

birth, but over clip Christmas has become more commercialised and

associated with heathen beliefs. Since many parents have forgotten the

true significance of Christmas, many kids misinterpret Christmas as a

^gimmie^ vacation instead so a vacation marking the virgin birth

of Jesus. We can non wholly fault this on human forgetfulness without

turn toing the issue of lip service. Peoples hear what they want to hear

and take what rites to maintain for traditions.

The townsfolk could hold changed the tradition or even investigated

the history of the tradition. They, the townsfolk, had an active function

in the slaying of Tessie and can non fault their actions on forgetfulness

but instead on lip service. When Mrs. Delacroix was choosing a ^stone so

big she had to pick it up with both hands^ , ( 278 ) she could hold

stopped and questioned the moralss of ^the Lottery.

Forgotten traditions can be highly unsafe as Shirley Jackson

points out in her short narrative. It, the lottery, could hold taken topographic point

in any little town across America. Any one of us can bury something

of import about a tradition that could finally take to dreadful

effects. The simple game of telephone proves that we are merely

like those townsfolks, burying the original words but go oning

on as if the words we know are the original.

Plants Cited

Jackson, Shirley ^ ? The Lottery^ ? The Bedford Guide for College Writers Bedord-St. Martins 1999

Jackson, Shirley ^ ? The Lottery^ ? Http: //


^ ? The Lottery^ ? Dir. Daniel Sackheim 1996 ( Made for T.V. )

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