1984 Essay Research Paper 1984

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1984 Essay, Research Paper

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1984 & # 8217 ; s chief character is Winston Smith, a adult male who doubts the righteousness of the totalitarian authorities ( Big Brother ) that regulations Oceania, one of three superstates in the universe of 1984. We begin the book with Winston, and learn that Big Brother is rather fictional. The authorities has developed its ain linguistic communication, is at changeless war with the other two superstates, and watches its citizens at all times. As Winston & # 8217 ; s rebellion advancements, we notice that Big Brother is non every bit unrealistic as we think.

Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia are the three battling superstates. Each has an indistinguishable government-one that is at ageless war in order to derive complete power over its dwellers. The procedure used to derive absolute power is one used by past, present, and future dictators, such as Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler. Big Brother manipulates its citizens into convenient manners of thought. However, alternatively of merely utilizing propaganda techniques, Big Brother besides uses Newspeak and telescreens. Newspeak is the official linguistic communication of Oceania, and has its exclusive intent in get rid ofing all irregular idea. ( Example: the word bad is replaced by the word & # 8216 ; ungood. & # 8217 ; ) The telescreens monitor each citizen that is allowed to be educated, at all times, watching for any action, word, or possible idea that could be irregular.

These two Orwell innovations were foretelling-we see the equivalent of Newspeak every twenty-four hours in present twenty-four hours society when we are & # 8220 ; politically correct. & # 8221 ; Telescreens are present in about every commercial establishment, and sometimes in our ain places. Orwell was evidently warning America and all other states about the control of totalitarian authoritiess.

When Winston is in secret approached by a coworker, he l

earns that he is non entirely in his belief that Big Brother is ‘ungood.’ Winston and Julia become lovers and finally squeal their feelings of defiance to O’Brien, a fellow coworker who is believed to be a member of a Rebel group, the Brotherhood. Two hebdomads subsequently comes the shocking and upseting flood tide. It is here that the reader is decidedly introduced to the metaphysical doctrine behind 1984. Orwell brings panic into the narrative when he shows us what is truly behind Big Brother ; Oceania’s authorities sends a representative into the secret plan. A authorities non unlike 1s in contemporary society is at the caput of Oceania, and that is where the blunt world of 1984 becomes apparent. The exclusive manipulative technique used by Big Brother is one that is virtually unrecognizable-mental use. Metaphysics, or the belief that there is existence beyond our comprehension, is represented by Big Brother when the reader learns about doublethink, the power of keeping two contradictory beliefs in one’s head at the same time and to the full accepting both. Doublethink and metaphysics are the engines behind the three universe authoritiess, and is defined by O’Brien.

& # 8220 ; Reality exists in the human head, and nowhere else, & # 8221 ; says O & # 8217 ; Brien. & # 8221 ; . . . In the head of the Party, which is corporate and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be truth is truth. & # 8221 ;

Political calamities, such as this, are published invariably, but 1984 is one of the few that has remained timeless and will ever be regarded as non merely historical, but besides prophetic. The book reminds us of what has gone incorrectly, what can travel incorrect, and what will travel incorrect when authorities becomes almighty. It is because of this political and societal penetration that 1984

is one of the best books of all clip.

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