500 Word Essay on Adam Sandler

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There is an opinion that comedians in real life are sad people, and sometimes even evil.

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It’s not difficult to understand them: how can one not become embittered if everyone expects jokes from you? Meanwhile, no matter how talented the actor may be, his true nature is no, no and yes he will only look carefully. And if the smile of the brawler and the hysteria of Jim Carrey is often sinister, then Adam Sandler was and remains a darling. Because he is like that – a nice kind guy, sincere in everything he does.

Jim Carrey is not mentioned here by chance. He is not just Sandler’s main rival: the two are complete opposites. Like white and red-haired clowns – one beats and the other laughs through tears. By the way, a comparison with clowns is also very appropriate. Most clowns own acrobatics, juggling skills, and trainer skills. So Adam Sandler can and does almost everything in the cinema: he writes scripts and music, plays and produces films. And if he takes up the production tomorrow, this is unlikely to surprise anyone.

Musician Athlete

Perhaps Adam owes his pleasant character to a prosperous childhood. In the biographies of Hollywood stars it is customary to write how hard it was for them, how long they went to fame – the American dream in all its glory. Sandler’s family could not boast of a large income, but lived in harmony, supporting each other in everything. So, Adam Richard Sandler was born on September 9, 1966 in Brooklyn, New York. His father, Stanley worked as an engineer, Judy’s mother raised four children: Elizabeth, Valerie, Adam and Scott. By the way, everyone made a career. Elizabeth became a dentist, Valerie became a restaurateur, and Scott became a lawyer.

Adam’s childhood passed in Manchester, New Hampshire, where his family moved when he was still very young.

And then his love for comedy was already shown. Actually, she inherited from her father, who collected classic comedy tapes. Stanley Sandler collected all the work of Abbott and Costello, Jerry Lewis and the Marx brothers, which he could get, and often called his son to laugh together in front of the TV.

However, with all the love for cinema in general and comedies in particular, Adam did not even think of becoming an actor. In Manchester Central High School, he was fond of basketball and played for the team of elementary grades, at the same time engaged in wrestling.

Sport on Sandler’s list of addictions shared first place with music. One of the brightest and most pleasant childhood memories that remained with Adam was the wedding of his sister Elizabeth, where he, an 11-year-old boy, sang You’re Sixteen Ringo Starr. His performance was greeted very warmly, and the boy literally flew a few more days.

As for the comic, then, like almost all of his colleagues,

Sandler was known as a clown at school. His numbers often ended in the director’s office, because the class was lying under the tables with laughter and teachers could not continue classes. Often his jokes were a reaction to the anti-Semitic attacks that he had to bear. Nevertheless, Adam did not have thoughts about a career in cinema. He did not even attend the theater club, as many actors did in his school years. At one time he wanted to become a rock musician, but, fortunately for his fans, he realized in time that this was not a good idea. So his father’s offer to enter the University of New York at the Faculty of Fine Arts, which he graduated in 1991 with a bachelor’s degree, did not meet the young man’s resistance.

What would he become after that – if he would work in some kind of art gallery or engage in scientific activities – we will never know now. By the time he graduated, Sandler was already an experienced pop comedian thanks to his brother Scott, who pushed Adam onto the stage by force back in 1983.

Man band

Adam was 17 years old when Scott forced him to take part in an amateur comic sketch competition. In the USA, these are held in almost every comedy club: anyone can go on stage and demonstrate their talent. True, it is impossible to predict the result – they can give a standing ovation, but they can also boo. Adam did not want to take risks, but his brother was adamant. But it was not up to Scott to perform! When Adam went on stage, not only his hands were trembling, but his voice was shaking. He stammered and looked lost, but that only added touch to his image. The number was received with a bang, and the Sandler brothers decided to continue.

While studying in New York, Adam regularly performed in comedy clubs, while simultaneously honing his acting skills at the famous theater school of Lee Strasberg. Sandler’s tricks provoked the same reaction from the teachers of the acting smithy as their high school colleagues. One of Adam’s masters once even wrote a memorandum in which he stated that Sandler should not study further due to absolute mediocrity. Adam did not drop out of school – the incident only spurred him.

Performances at the campus club brought Sandler with actor and screenwriter Allen Covert and director Frank Koraci, with whom he is friends and works to this day. They, as well as Adam’s roommate in the dormitory Tim Herlihy, became members of his close-knit team. Often they accompanied Sandler on “touring” trips around the cities, where he raised one comic club to the ears. Friendly support was sometimes very helpful, because not all the performances of the beginning comedian were good.

As the administrator of one of the Comic Strip clubs, Lucien Hold, who first invited Adam to the professional scene, recalls, “his reprisals were sometimes terrible, but he himself never seemed terrible. He was incredibly charming, and he got away with it. “

No matter how innocent Adam looked, he was prudent enough to understand that he needed television to move forward. His first experience was four small episodes in The Cosby Show, in the fourth season of which he played a funny guy named Smithy. Then a couple more episodic roles followed, but all this was not serious, just as Sandler’s first movie experience was not serious – the role of the waiter Chucky Moskowitz in the terribly bad comedy “Overboard”. The breakthrough happened when, after another performance in a New York club, Dennis Miller, a regular participant in the popular Saturday Night Live show, approached him. Miller said that he was impressed by Sandler’s work and would definitely say a word to the producers for him.

Dennis kept his word. Adam was invited to talk by producer Lorne Michaels, and as a result, an unknown comedian was taken by the scriptwriter of the show. SNL producers were extremely cautious about new faces, so until 1993 Sandler appeared on the stage of the show only three times in small roles, the first two of which were not even mentioned in the credits. However, at some point it became apparent that some monologues written by Adam could be performed only by him. So, in particular, a crazy character appeared on the show, nicknamed the Manhorkestor for the strange habit of starting to sing opera arias at the most inopportune moment for this. Here Sandler came in handy for his early musical experiments, which were continued when he managed to sign a contract for the release of They’re All Gonna Laugh at You album with Warner Bros. For this work, Adam was even nominated for a Grammy.

Sandler’s humor was somewhat out of tune with the style of the other SNL members, but he still got a lot of fans. Adam’s popularity grew, and he took the next step – making his way to the movies. For several years, he starred in several supporting roles, which brought him nothing but small fees. Success came only in February 1995, when the comedy “Billy Madison” was released. Sandler played a leading role in it and was so sure that now everything will be fine with him that he left Saturday Night Live in May of that year. And I must admit, he was right.

Sissy dad

Exactly one year after “Billy Madison”, another popular comedy was released with Adam Sandler in the title role – “Lucky Gilmore”. After her, no one had any doubts: a new star lit up in the comedy movie. Sandler himself did not doubt himself. The roles of Billy Madison and Gilmore, invented by himself, became for the actor a kind of mascot. It is no coincidence that a few years later he named his production company Happy Madison, combining the two names into one.

Six months later, in the fall of 1996, the comedy action movie “Bulletproof” was released, in which Adam played in tandem with Damon Wayans. After that, he did not appear on the screen for almost a year and a half, preparing for the brightest period of his creative career. And it is not in vain that 1998 in Hollywood is unofficially called the year of Adam Sandler: “The Singer at the Wedding” and “Mama’s Son” were launched with an interval of ten months, who proved that the new comedian can not only make laugh, but also collect a great box office. Suffice it to say that “Mama’s Son” in America alone has earned more than $ 160 million. By the way, Big Dad released in June 1999 collected almost the same amount. Six months later, the first project of Happy Madison appeared – the comedy “Call Man” with Rob Schneider in the title role. The success of the picture was not so noisy, but she also cut her budget several times.

Then everything went on the thumb. “Nikki, Devil Jr”, “Love knocking down”, “Millionaire involuntarily”, “Anger management”, “50 first kisses”, “Spanish English”, “All or nothing”, “Click: With remote control for life “, As well as numerous cameos and two dozen production projects – all these works made Sandler one of the most popular comedians of our time. It is not surprising that in 2000 he entered the club of twenty million people. Moreover, for “Nikki, the Devil Jr.,” he received not only the 20-millionth fee, but also 20 percent of the profits. Three years later, he broke this record, earning 25 million for “Anger Management” and earning 25 percent of the profits. Jack Nicholson, who played with him in a pair, received half as much.

A sharp take-off could seriously change Sandler, turning him into a moody star, but he remained the same open and kind guy as he always was. And probably this would not have been possible if, like in childhood, loving people had not surrounded him.

Clown Happiness

Adam has always been a favorite of women. His touching and defenseless smile disarms at first sight, and his soft character leaves no chance of hostility. The ability to charm the girl she liked did not make Sandler a real womanizer. He did not change girlfriends like gloves, preferring a serious relationship. The first real romance began in 1989 with Margaret Ruden, manager of a cosmetics company. They even tried to live together, but something did not work out, and they parted. Adam seriously considered his relationship with Alicia Silverstone, but the actress at that time was at the peak of fame, and a couple of months-long mutual business trips were separated.

The longest and most passionate romance with him began with the model Jackie Titon, whom Adam met during a performance in one of the comic clubs in 1996. After that, they met regularly, Jackie even went to Adam to shoot. Their relationship led them to marry on June 22, 2003. Sandler hosted a beautiful and romantic oceanfront wedding surrounded by four hundred guests, including his friends Dustin Hoffman, Jennifer Aniston, Rodney Dangerfield, Sharon Osbourne and Rob Schneider. The most touching moment was the release of the English bulldog Meatballs with a box with rings fixed on its back. By the way, with the light hand of Adam, Ji ki also became an actress. To date, there are already six roles in her track record, though quite small. She is removed under her maiden name, although after the wedding she took the name of her husband. Their daughter, Sadie Madison, born May 6, 2006, bears the double surname Titon-Sandler. As a family, they live in a luxury villa in Bel Air.

Family happiness does not in the least prevent the actor from maintaining relationships with his many friends. He still exchanges guest appearances in movies with Rob Schneider, provides the work of his old associates, arranges noisy gatherings with colleagues in the workshop. Adam lacks time and fans, with whom he conducts correspondence through his official website. Like many truly happy people, Adam Sandler has rare spiritual generosity.

For this, everyone loves him.

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