A Brave Story Essay Research Paper A

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A Brave Story Essay, Research Paper

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A Brave Story Imagine a society so different from our ain that it is wholly flooring. This is the puting for Aldous Huxley & # 8217 ; s Brave New World. The sarcasm takes topographic point in the twelvemonth 632 A.F. , after Ford who has become a divinity for this society. Civilization as we know it ended after a really destructive war, which left the human population decimated and exhausted. After another war, a absolutism took control of the staying population. This new authorities was able to convey stableness by puting up a rigorous five layered caste system. Traditional establishments like matrimony and faith were wholly eliminated. The authorities purely controls all aspects of life. Children are born in trial tubes independent of parents and raised and conditioned by the authorities. Ethical motives in this hereafter puting are slightly flooring even to person of a really broad nature. World peace is maintained by governmental conditioning of all people to believe likewise. Besides, Soma, a soothing opiate like drug, is dispensed to all to squelch any extra emotion. The action begins in the London Hatcheries where kids are mass-produced and conditioned to the warped ideals of the Utopia. It & # 8217 ; s a barbarous image like animate beings being raised on a farm. One of the employees at that place, Lenina Crowne, has been dating employee Henry Foster with regularity, but wooing is discouraged by the State. Her friend Fanny Crowne begins to talk her about this, so in bend Lenina begins to day of the month another one of the employees. Bernard Marx, who is really smart but slightly deformed, becomes her newest object of infatuation. She decides to travel on holiday with him to a reserve in New Mexico, where the alleged barbarians live. These were people that were deemed unworthy by the State to be assimilated into the Utopia. There at the reserve, Bernard and Lenina brush John the barbarian and his female parent Linda. In a surprising turn, Linda turns out to be a former Utopian, who really bore the boy of the DHC ( the manager of the Hatchery ) . Natural birth is considered obscene in Utopia, which is why Linda is in expatriate from the society. Bernard obtains permission from one of the 10 supreme swayers, World Controller Mustapha Mond, to convey John and Linda back to the Utopia. Upon returning from the reserve, the DHC is about to direct Bernard into expatriate, but his secret relation to Linda and boy John is exposed. Overwhelmed by humiliation, the DHC resigns. Bernard and his friend Helmholtz act as defenders to John. They show him off around the Utopia, and for the first clip of all time, Bernard becomes popular and something of a position symbol. John is at first impressed by the society, but begins to understand the deepness of the philistinism and deficiency of existent humanity in Utopia. Becoming of all time more Moody, he begins to retreat from the populace. Meanwhile, Lenina has developed a strong infatuation with John. She makes several sexual progresss, but John is wholly disgusted by her blunt lecherousness and rejects her. Shortly after, John & # 8217 ; s female parent dies. The unfeelingness of the Utopians at the infirmary sends John into a tantrum of passionate fury. Lecturing the Utopians about freedom, he causes a public violence. After the public violence is put down, the World Controller Mustapha Mond biddings Bernard, John, and Helmholtz. At their meeting, Bernard and Helmholtz are exiled, but

John remains behind with Mond for a long philosophical treatment about the Utopia. After this, John has decided to fly the Utopia. Outside of London, he hides and begins to get down a new being, but is discovered. Upon making the point of mental exhaustion, he breaks down and partakes in the Utopian patterns, which he was so against. When he regains his calm, he is so overwhelmed by guilt that he commits self-destruction.

Brave New World is a sarcasm on modern twenty-four hours society. Huxley believed that if rampant consumerism and philistinism remains unbridled and if scientific discipline is non limited that our ain universe could stop up like the black 1 that is illustrated in the book. The universe in the novel is merely one possibility that could go on if nil is changed. This is a warning from Huxley that people need to believe for themselves. In the book, the society as a whole does non hold the ability to believe for themselves, bring forthing a cold robot-like character in the Utopians. The people are so conditioned to be a portion of the whole and non persons that when John the barbarian begins to talk about the value of freedom and individuality a riot ensues.A peculiarly effectual transition was when Mustapha Mond gives a talk to pupils at the Hatchery refering the forbiddance of literature, faith, history, and household life from the Old World. Here is when Huxley makes his message known clearly ; if adult male does non alter his ways, the hereafter will pass over out the yesteryear that we treasure. Huxley besides seems to be touching to what happened when the Communists took over Russia. I truly liked the manner Huxley developed and used the two chief characters Bernard and John. Bernard became the symbol of imperfectness in a society that claims to be perfect. He was a member of the top caste in Utopia, an alpha asset. Born somewhat deformed, he was non the theoretical account of a perfect alpha. It was believed that there was a toxin introduced to his blood alternate ( an unreal womb ) . Bernard was like the ugly duckling but ne’er grew into a swan, and this profoundly affected Bernard & # 8217 ; s personality and actions. John exemplifies the literary baronial barbarian, but his character goes deeper than that. When reading Huxley & # 8217 ; s description of Utopia, there is a voice inside you that says, & # 8220 ; This is incorrect, people aren & # 8217 ; t intend to populate like this. & # 8221 ; In the narrative John portrays that voice of saneness, ground, and humanity. When John goes up against the Utopia, he fails and takes his ain life. This serves to drive place Huxley & # 8217 ; s message, and it is highly effectual. This is one ground why Brave New World is an first-class sarcasm. It was interesting how a narrative about a society wholly different from ours can show a commentary on how we live, and where we may be headed. It is rare to happen a book that is so thought provoking. That was my largest feeling from this book. When I finished reading the last page, I put the book down and merely thought about the deductions that Brave New World presented. Huxley & # 8217 ; s ultimate end was to raise the consciousness of the effects of unbridled capitalist economy, or at the really least, make people halt and believe. I believe he achieved this end doing Brave New World a success every bit good as a superb sarcasm. The book had a few defects, but the positive properties outweighed the negative. I would strongly urge Brave New World to anyone.

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