A Long Long Sleep Review Essay

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1. A Long Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan
2. The book was foremost published in 2011 in the United States
3. Discussion of the secret plan

a. The narrative takes topographic point in the ComUnity 62 old ages after the chief character is “stassed” . B. The supporter of the narrative is Rose Fitzroy. who was awakened after 62 old ages in stass. c. Rose was the inheritor of the wealthiest household in the universe. However. she was put in stass by her parents for 62 old ages until she was discovered. Desperate of losing her parents. her first love. her friends and everything one time belonged to her. Rose attempts to set her yesteryear behind her and adapt to her new universe. d. Rose is the mark of newsmans and her milieus when she foremost starts her new life. The pupils at school attempt to avoid her and handle her as if she was a shade. She is rejected by Bren. the 1 who found her and woke her up by a buss. Every dark. she suffers the incubus of her past life and the fright of losing her new life once more. Most significantly. she is the mark of a automaton bravo. which was programed by her ain parents in order to “keep her safe” .

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e. As the automaton seeking to kill Rose. she besides finds out that Bren’s gramps. who arranged everything for Rose since the twenty-four hours she was found. is Xavier. her long lost love. She is daze and sinks into a sea of ideas. When she is speaking to Otto about what has happened. the automaton finds her and she merely gives up. On the manner to the automaton station. she is technically deceasing because of all the hurting. but still manages to believe about her yesteryear. what her parents had done to her and her household. her present. who she truly is and the people around her including Xavier. and her hereafter. who she is meant to be. At the station. where all the stass tubing is hidden. she decided to contend back the automaton. With her small strength. she manages to throw the battery at the automaton. which subsequently exploded. and she was saved by concealing in the tubing. As for her relationship with Xavier. they still love each other every bit much as they of all time had. Rose was able to forgive the people who hurt her. in order to keep on to her dream.

4. I think the book is about 8. I was drawn into this book and its narrative since the first few pages. This is the first book that I truly took place to read. The narrative is really aroused and can pick up the velocity at some parts. However. the fact that Rose fell in love with Bren excessively fast instead looking for her parents or Xavier made the narrative become merely another fairy tale with a modern turn. Besides that. I truly like this book!

5. A. How old was Rose supposed to be if she wasn’t stassed? * Rose was technically a hundred old ages old. Before the last 62 old ages in stasis. she was stassed many times. It really took her 38 old ages to make the age of 16. ( page 152 – 153 ) B. How many brother and sister does Rose hold?

– Rose had two other siblings. a brother named Stephano and a sister named Seraphina. Rose doesn’t know ( or retrieve ) of their being until she saw the files in the automaton. Her siblings were besides programed to be killed by the automaton. If non. they were still stassed until so. ( Page 312-313 ) C. What does Rise make in order to speak to Otto?

– Since Otto couldn’t talk and afraid to touch Rose. she decided to “chat” with Otto on a screen ( I assume it’s like a tablet ) . ( Page 102 ) 6. “I attempt to maintain myself active. maintain my bosom unfastened. garbage to drop into desperation when I find myself shouting for no ground in the center of the night” . This is my favourite line of the book because Rose has been enduring so much. all because of her parents. She did non hold the love that every homo being deserve to hold. yet she is still seeking truly difficult to travel on. bury the past and keeping on to her hereafter. I can besides happen myself in this line since I have been ever seeking to be happy and non being desperate over the “bad” things that happen in my life. 7. One thing I’ve learned from this book is to non give up easy and keep on to my dream.

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