A Story To Relate To Essay Research

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The Scarlet LetterThe Scarlet Letter, a narrative of the diffficulties faced by Hester Prynne in perpetrating criminal conversation, is pertinent to today & # 8217 ; s teenage female parents in peculiar. The Scarlet Letter teaches one to confront the duties and effects of his or her determinations. It shows the position of the commonly misunderstood people. The novel shows that the adversities and capableness of teenage female parents. The Scarlet Letter is an inspiring novel which teaches to do the best of any state of affairs and be strong. Hester Prynne commits criminal conversation with Dimmesdale while her hubby is in another state. Dimmesdale is a curate and frights butchering his repute by doing it cognize that he is the male parent of their kid, Pearl. If Hester reveals the male parent, she may take the vermilion missive off, otherwise she must have on it for life. Honorably, Hester will non uncover his individuality. As a consequence, she becomes the symbol of wickedness. & # 8220 ; When aliens looked oddly at the vermilion letter-and none of all time failed to make so-they branded it afresh into Hester & # 8217 ; s psyche ; so that, oftentimes, she could scarecly chorus, yet ever did forbear, from covering the symbol with her hand. & # 8221 ; [ sl05.html # g09 ] Teenage female parents receive many stares. It & # 8217 ; s hard to assist from gazing at a adolescent female parent with her babe. Some adolescent female parents might experience embarassed at this, as Hester does. People can be really judgemental. The Scarlet Letter reveals how people may judge a teenage female parent in a incorrect manner. & # 8220 ; Lonely was Hester & # 8217 ; s state of affairs, and without a friend on Earth who dared to demo himself & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; [ sl05.html # g05 ] As a effect for her wickedness, Hester becomes an castaway from society. Her repute diminishes and she no longer has a societal life. Many teenage female parents are forced to give up their childhood and Don & # 8217 ; Ts have much clip for a societal life. They have to care for person else now. Most female parents sacrifice athleticss and clip for prep in order to care for their kid. Today & # 8217 ; s society might state all people are equal and no 1 is an castaway. Unfortunately, many people are misjudged and non given a opportunity ; like Hester, whom no 1 would be associated with. Even while using for occupations or to colleges, teenage female parents are treated otherwise. ; because they have a chil

vitamin D, people believe they can’t take on serious duties.

Hester feels as if her wickedness will impact the manner Pearl is raised, & # 8220 ; Day after twenty-four hours, she looked fearfully into the kid & # 8217 ; s spread outing nature ; of all time woolgathering to observe some dark and wild distinctive feature, that should match with the guiltiness to which she owed her being. & # 8221 ; [ sl06.html # g01 ] This shows Hester & # 8217 ; s fright of being incapable to raise a kid after perpetrating a wickedness. Many adolescents might experience insecure as female parents. They are larning that their actions will impact their kid & # 8217 ; s. Teenage female parents might experience as if they are striping their childs, since they are immature and inexperient. & # 8221 ; & # 8216 ; Woman, it is thy badge of shame! & # 8217 ; replied the austere magistrate. & # 8216 ; It is because of the discoloration which that missive indicates, that we would reassign thy kid to other hands. & # 8221 ; [ sl08.html # g11 ] This shows the responsibity and good which can come from being a teenage female parent. They can demo their kids the effects of holding a kid at a immature age. They can state their kids, firsthand, the jobs which are faced. & # 8220 ; Do you see that adult female with the embroidered badge? & # 8230 ; It is our Hester-the town & # 8217 ; s ain Hester-who is sort to the hapless, so helpful to the sick, so soothing to the afflicted! & # 8221 ; [ sl13.html # g05 ] This qoute shows that no affair what, there can ever be a brighter hereafter. Adolescent female parents may hold to work harder to achieve a good repute and be successful ; bu it is really possible. It shows that good things can come out of any state of affairs. The Scarlet Letter shows the obstructions and effects which adolescents must confront. Hester & # 8217 ; s situatuion is applicable to teenage female parents. Many adolescents feel the isolation from society and the false judgements made by people. These adolescents might be inspired by Hester & # 8217 ; s narrative. & # 8220 ; until, on the threshhold of the prison door, she rfepelled him, by an action marked with natural self-respect and force of character, and stepped into the unfastened air, as if by her ain free will. & # 8221 ; [ sl02.html # g09 ] Hester & # 8217 ; s credence of her penalty and her pride Teachs teenage female parents a valuable lesson they might normally bury. Whatever the effects may be, they should confront them boldly and independently. Besides, no affair how society treats them, they should be brave and have pride in themselves.

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