Academic Integrity Policies

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Cheating has always foreshadowed failure and for top notch universities such as Oklahoma State University (OSU) and the University of Texas (UT) this has been a significant problem that these institutions have been strived to stop. Cheating has been generated as an easier way out and not only does this occur in schools it also has become a societal problem. It has been labeled as a “shortcut to success” and in order for OSU and UT to uphold justice, these schools have developed policies based on how they view academic integrity.

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OSU and UT have been perceived amongst the top ranked colleges associated with the Big 12 Conference. Although winning numerous championships in sports, OSU and UT have also brought attention to world of academics. In 1839, UT established its school under the hands of the Congress of the Republic of Texas in Austin, Texas as Agricultural and Mechanical (A&M). OSU had similar ideas being built in the same institution. In 1890, oringinally known as Oklahoma A & M, OSU built its foundation in Stillwater, Oklahoma aquainted with the idea that the school would be able to brand future successful students.

Not only have these schools been known for its acceleration of success in sports but its academic achievement as well. Both schools offer programs to enhance student integrity such as various amounts of campus based clubs or majors that fit student interests. Today 24,390 students are enrolled at OSU and comparing to UT, which holds roughly 52,261 students, the issues of cheating are just as important for each university. With thousands of students roaming the campuses, it would be hard to catch every act of academic dishonesty.

In an attempt to uphold integrity on campus OSU and UT have created general polices to help limit the threat of academic dishonesty. Cheating has always been an important issue in school and in order to help resolve these problems OSU and UT have established honor codes and strict policies, but OSU policies have shown to be more appealing. The complication with cheating, especially in college, is that many students don’t see it harmful enough not to engage in.

As I have observed on OSU campus, it is conceived that students find the course work overly complicated or either simply do not have the time to study. Stating in Instructing Students in Academic Integrity, “Students who plagiarize tend to exhibit age-related behavior of or time management, difficulty in acclimating to the college experience, or poor understanding of the proper use of intellectual property” (Craig, Federici, Buehler 50). Students tend to get over-whelmed participating in school along with other activities and turn to cheating as an advantage.

Although the consequences of cheating may mark very severe sanctions, surprisingly many violations are never reported. According to an Academic Integrity Breakdown, in the summer of 2011 through the Spring of 2012 “a total 191 violations were reported “(Droste). Considering that there are over thousands of students on campus, that number in remarkably small! Methods of cheating have advanced over time along with technology. With Turnitin. com, instructors are able to track plagiarism.

If a student were to partake in cheating, that student would be able to take it to the level of storing information in a phone or copy and pasting selections within a computer to collaborate with other work. Copyright and plagiarism mark strong standpoints in academic integrity. As a student, I have also witnessed countless accounts on the act of cheating in the classroom atmosphere. Cheating not only destroys the basis in gaining knowledge it also serves as a fault in earning a degree.

Academic integrity is important because, “acts of academic dishonesty not only undermine the learning process and disadvantage students who earn credit honestly, but also subvert key responsibilities of the academic enterprise such as the assessment of certification of students’ scholastic progress and claimed educational achievements” (Dean of Students). Cheating also serves as a hazard in society because once a citizen becomes so use to cheating he or she thinks that it will always be a main source in overcoming an obstacle. That perception is definitely a false statement.

The harder a student works in the early years of school and in the community the better off that student will ultimately become. In school, cheating serves it purpose in helping a student obtain better academic grades. Specifically on tests, practicing homework, and working on quizzes, students have engaged in unauthorized teamwork sharing answers. Unfortunately, academic instructors have been well aware of these tatics and have created academic integrity policies restricting such behavior. Supporting preference can be found in the policies of OSU and UT.

In 2006, OSU developed its revised academic integrity policies by the source of Academic Integrity Division of Academic Affairs. Robert Sternberg wrote this form to encouraged OSU to appeal more to its students involving restrictions that would allow them to have better societal success. Sternberg states that his philosophy is, “I will respect Oklahoma State University’s commitment to academic integrity and uphold the values of honesty and responsibility that preserve our academic community” (Oklahoma). As students, we must think in the process of how we want to perform.

The Academic Integrity Polices of OSU states basic guidelines directing the right behavior. Stating in section 1. 04, violations include, “Unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, multiple submissions, cheating on exams, fabricating information, helping another person cheat, unauthorized advance access to examinations, altering or destroying the work of others, and fraudulently altering altering academic records” (Oklahoma). Violating these policies will deliver harsh consequences. Penalties in which will make any student think twice before committing a dishonest act!

Depending on how intolerable the act is, sanctions vary amongst three different sections which can be found in section 2. 05 of OSU’s Academic Integrity Policies. Level one consists of minor allegations. On level one, the sanction consist of, ”awarding a grade of “zero” or “F” for the assignment or examination” (Oklahoma). That may not express the worst punishment be will in fact raise concern for an instructors view on your future behavior. On level two, it says that an instructor will “award a grade “F! ” for the course for violations” (Oklahoma).

This violation is more intense because it has to deal with inappropriate use of help and unauthorized participation during major assignments such as essays or tests. Level three takes it to the highest level in which a student can receive a sanction. Level three states, “recommend awarding a grade of “F! ” for an appropriate course, dismissal from the graduate, professional education, or Veterinary Medicine program and suspension from the university. ” (Oklahoma). Students are allowed to appeal sanctions by hearing but it would be best for the student to not put themselves into that situation in the first place.

It would be a shame for a student to lose all progress and money spent entering into college because they decided to make one wrong decision. Cheating serves as no excuse in working on the material in the proper way. For universities such as OSU and UT it is expected for students to maintain a high level of academic responsibilities. UT held similar ideas justifying their academic integrity policies by LaToya Hill in 2012. . In various ways UT is accurately comparable to OSU’s academic integrity policies.

Established under the Office of the Dean of Students, Hill has a philosophy stating that, “A primary responsibility of a university is to provide an environment that is conductive to free and open inquiry, the pursuit of wisdom, and the acquisition of knowledge”(Texas). It is believed at UT that students will have an academic advantage if they prove to themselves to earn it the right way. Students who participate in academic dishonesty are subject to harsh sanctions. Violations that are led to these sanctions are stated in section 11-402 of UT’s academic integrity policy.

Violations include, “copying from another student, failing to comply with instructions, use or possession of materials that are not authorized, providing aid or assistance to or receiving aid or assistance from another student, discussing the contents of a test with another student who take the test, divulging the contents of a test for the purpose of preserving questions for future use, substituting for another person, using, buying, stealing transporting soliciting, or coercing another person to obtain answers, falsifying academic work, taking, keeping misplacing, or damaging the property of University, altering academic work for an academic advantage, plagiarism, collusion, and misrepresenting facts for academic advantage”(Texas 206). At UT it is important for students to recognize and understand academic dishonest behavior. UT’s sanctions are not as organized in specific altercations such as OSU’s but do in fact carry the same outcomes. Sanctions likewise include, “written warning, disciplinary probation, withholding of grades, official transcripts, and/or degree, bar gainst readmission, bar against enrollment, withdrawal from the university, restitution, suspension of rights and privileges, failing grade, denial of degree, suspension from the university, expulsion, revocation of degree or withdrawal of diploma, no credit, and retaking of examination or resubmission”(Texas 213). Cooperating with academic integrity policies serves its purpose into help students reach a personal growth. Although OSU and UT academic integrity policies are very similar preferably OSU’s academic integrity policies have reached more out to students. In preference, I have selected OSU’s academic integrity policy instead of UT because it leans towards more into helping students instead of just stating their punishments for wrongdoing.

There are main points inside OSU guide which state to, “go to class, get it straight, plan ahead, know where to go for assistance, follow instructions, do your own work, sit apart from friends during exams, know whose or ideas you’re using, know your options, think”(Sternberg). OSU’s guide for helping students states reasonable actions that will allow better academic success in the future. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain composure during school no matter stressful it may get. Another reason that I support OSU’s academic integrity policy is because I am able to better understand the cheating policies instead of just reading a list.

OSU’s policies are more organized in detailed sections which state how a student should hold responsibilities of their actions. Students who are able to plan in detail overall will become a more effective member of society. Academic achievement at the universities of OSU and UT is highly expected of its students and by cheating, progress is constrained. It is important for students to be able to adjust to the college life and for myself I am still finding out ways to cut down the stress that school has caused me. College is teaching me to develop myself into more of a detailed oriented worker. In regarding both academic integrity policies, I have learned more about the values and expectations of each institution.

Specifically I did not know much about the violations and sanctions of cheating and plagiarism until I read into each policy. I have learned that being caught for these actions can serve under federal law and not just breaking the rules at the university. Along with regulations, I have also learned that academic integrity is not just about making good grades but setting principles for myself and reaching goals. It is important to grasp the view that OSU and UT’s academic integrity policies are attempting to show us to become an active, responsible, and successful citizen. By cheating students are limiting themselves to poor judgement and not reaching full potential. Works Cited Buehler A. Marianne, Craig, Paul A. , Federici Elizabeth: Instructing Students in Academic Integrity Scholarly Journal. (Journal of College Science Teaching), 50 Droste, Amanda. , “Academic Integrity Breakdown” Division of Academic Affairs, Stillwater, Ok. 7 Oct. 2002 Print. “Office of the Dean of Students”, http://deanofstudents. utexas. edu/sjs/acint_student. php,(15 August 2012) Internet. Oklahoma State University. Divison of Academic Affairs. Academic Integrity for OSU Students. 22 Mar. 2006:1-4. Web. 24 Oct. 2012 University of Texas. “Institional Rules on Student Services and Activities: The University of Texas at Austin” Web. (2011-2012): 206,213

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