Bill Clinton Vs Paula Jones Essay Research

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Bill Clinton Vs Paula Jones Essay, Research Paper

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A case has been filed by Paula Jones, a clerk for the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission, for sexual torment by so Governor Clinton. In her case, Paula Jones provinces that Clinton told an Arkansas State cavalryman to escort her to a private hotel room where she claims that she was sexually harassed. There are two sides to this instance: Clinton states that he did non make it and that he has ne’er seen this individual before. Clinton & # 8217 ; s attorneies say that coercing the president of the United States to reply to a case will deflect him for his already difficult and time-consuming occupation. On the other manus, Paula Jones says that & # 8220 ; no 1 is above the jurisprudence, & # 8221 ; non even the President of the United States. What she wants most is for the truth to come out and for her narrative to be heard. & # 8220 ; In no manner is she looking for her 15 proceedingss of celebrity, & # 8221 ; Jones says. The instance is traveling before the Supreme Court to make up one’s mind whether to change by reversal the determination of the two lower tribunals and detain the sexual harrassment case until P

resident Clinton leaves office. It could be months before the verdict from the Supreme Court will be announced. I believe that the case should be held at a later date when President Clinton is no longer in office. It takes away from his job which is to run the United States of America. Fifteen years ago, the Supreme Court blocked a damage suit against Richard Nixon with a five to four vote finding that the president is immune from being suied for his official acts. If the president gets in trouble, the whole nation is also in trouble because after all we did elect him. Our confidence in our political leaders will suffer, and out system of government will be impacted negatively. If Paula Jones is allowed to sue the president, then others may follow, creating an even greater impact on the president and his duties. This would be especially unfortunate if the president did not commit the crime of which he is accused. The president should be immune from being sued until he is out of office so the he can continue to run our great nation without the extra worries.

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