Boiling And Altitiude Essay Research Paper Materials

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Heat Source

Thermometer ( Celsius )


Earth Science Reference Tables


1 ) Calculate the figure of Calories required to alter 10 gms of ice at 0? C to 10 gms of H2O vapour at 100? C. ( Requires 3 stairss )

1 ) Melt 10 gms of ice at 0? C

10g ten 80cl/g = 800 Calories

2 ) Heat H2O from 0? C to 100? C

10g x 100? x 1 = 1000 Calories

3 ) Change H2O at 100? C to H2O vapour

10g ten 540cl/g = 5400 Calories

Entire = 7200 Calories

2 ) Assume our heat beginning is set to 100 Calories per minute.

3 ) Determine how long it takes to run 10 gms of ice at 0? C. Observe temperature as it melts.

800 Calories? 100 cl/min = 8 proceedingss

4 ) Determine how long it takes to heat 10 gms of liquid H2O from 0? C to 100? C.

1000 Calories? 100 cl/min = 10 proceedingss

5 ) Determine how long it takes to zap 10 gms of liquid H2O at 100? C.

5400 Calories? 100 cl/min = 54 proceedingss

Entire = 72 proceedingss

6 ) Set up a graph demoing the clip versus temperature when altering 10 gms of ice at 0? C 10 gms of H2O vapour at 100? C.

7 ) Answer the decisions utilizing complete sentences.


A ) Get bluish book and read pages 129-132.

B ) Define the undermentioned footings:

Latent heat of fusion-when altering H2O from a liquid to a solid or from a solid to a liquid the temperature will stay at

0? C until the affair has completed its stage alteration to either a liquid or a solid

Latent heat of vaporization-when altering H2O from a liquid to a gas or from a gas to a liquid the temp will stay at 100? C until all the affair has completed its stage alteration to either a liquid or a gas.

Potential energy-the stored energy an object has because of its place or province

Kinetic energy- the energy an object has because of its motion or gesture

Heat curve for water-a graph which shows the temperature alteration of H2O in its three provinces as heat is added or removed

C ) Why does the temperature remain at 0? C while the ice is runing even though steady heat is being applied?

It remains the same temperature because all the heat applied is used to run the ice. The H2O becomes warmer merely after all the ice has been melted because merely so the energy can be used to heat the H2O alternatively of runing the ice.

D ) Why does the temperature remain at 100? C while the H2O is boiling?

Boiling H2O will stay at the same temperature because the heat being applied is used to alter the H2O into H2O vapour instead than altering the H2O & # 8217 ; s temperature.

Tocopherol ) Explain why H2O in Cortland really boils at a temperature less than 100? C.

Water in Cortland really boils at a temperature less than 100? C because of Cortlands height. For every thousand pess above sea degree H2O furuncles about 1? C less than its existent boiling point. Since Cortland is about 1000 pess above sea degree we can find that H2O in Cortland will boil at approximately 99? C or 1? C less than Waterss existent boiling point.

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