Contrast convergent with divergent thinking

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Contrast convergent with divergent thinking.

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Divergent thinking is the act of developing a single idea into multiple ideas, i.e. it can be said to be an idea generating thinking. It can also be defined as a process whereby newly synthesized ideas or information is gotten from what is already known. Whereas, convergent thinking is a situation whereby many ideas are looked into, to find the one that will answer the problem or question at hand. It can be called problem-oriented thinking. It rely more on the already known knowledge, it utilizes the decision making strategies in reaching a solid conclusion on the problems at hand.

Divergent thinking is creative, it allows deep thinking at getting ideas for a particular situation, it also generated fresh ideas, whereas convergent thinking some up ideas and come up with the most appropriate solution to the situation. Divergent thinking always result into multiple solution, risk taking, looking from a new perspective, and sometimes unexpected ideas, it brings about new processes with some sense of uncertainty, whereas convergent thinking results in a painstaking review of ideas and information sieving out the best answer, using logic, accuracy, feeling of fulfillment, better knowledge of the problem and its solution.


Diverging and converging thinking (2008): Retrieval date: September 17, 2008

Convergent and divergent thinking: Retrieval date: September 17, 2008.

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