Dante’s Third Circle of Hell Essay

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In Dante’s The Inferno. the 3rd circle of Hell is reserved for the gluttonous. After wake uping from a swoon. Dante shortly finds himself in the 3rd circle surrounded by the disgusting slush. He tells about the black snow falling into the soiled H2O. Dante besides tells of the “stinking soil that festered at that place. ” In this circle lives the three-headed monster Cerberus. ripping and lacrimation at the evildoers as they lie in the sludge. The lone psyche named in this circle is Ciacco. nicknamed “The Hog. ” Ciacco was a occupant of Florence who was a gourmand. He tells Dante that for his discourtesy he lies “rotting like a conceited log. ” doomed to wallow in the quag and smell the deplorable malodor for all infinity. Dante. aghast at the putrid-smelling swill. Tells Ciacco that the sinner’s “agony weighs on my bosom and calls my psyche to cryings. ”

Although he pities Ciacco’s status. he does non waver to inquire him for information refering Florence. and it is Ciacco who gives Dante the first political prognostication of The Inferno. Virgil seems to be unmoved by either Ciacco’s or Dante’s show of feelings. Alternatively. he takes the chance to explicate to Dante that as the flawlessness of opinion nears. both pleasance and hurting will go more marked. Dante realizes that for the evildoers in Hell. this means that the hurting of their penalty will go greater. By discoursing the foul sludge. the black snow falling. and the putrid aroma in the air. Dante shows that those who were gluttonous on Earth will be punished by everlastingly wallowing in the terminal consequence of their incontinency. a foul. stinking cavity of wretchedness.

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