DBQ Andrew Jackson Essay

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Andrew Jackson was a adult male of the people because he was one time a portion of the people. Before he was elected into office. he was a adult male who had lived a tough childhood but learned to pull off and travel frontward to go a successful prosecuting officer and finally a good known general. A adult male who has lived through a life filled with challenges knows what is best for his people and knows what they want. He wanted the people to be a portion of the authorities. He wanted them to hold a voice. which is why he believed in democracy but the manner that he acted throughout his political calling was non democratic at all.

Andrew Jackson accomplished to alter many things in the authorities without the people’s ballot. He had a portion in the spoils system and he made determinations for groups of people that were wholly unjust. Andrew Jackson was non a large fan of how the authorities was antecedently ranned. There was ever something that he wanted to alter. One of the things he changed were the rotary motion of the authorities functionaries in office. Of class he kept in head that the people should be able to command all offices in Congress so he proposed a constitutional amendment. He was altering the clip period elected functionaries should stay in office. Not merely did he alter it for everyone else but he besides wanted to alter it for himself. ( Document D ) .

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