Dead Man Walking- The Morality Of Capital

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& # 8216 ; I know that it is non a inquiry of maliciousness or ill will or meanness of spirit that prompts our citizens to back up executings. It is rather merely that people don & # 8217 ; t cognize the truth about what is truly traveling on & # 8217 ; ( p. 197 ) . This transition, found in the book & # 8220 ; Dead Man Walking & # 8221 ; , written by Sister Helen Prejean, speaks straight about the subject of this book: the morality of Capital Punishment.

Sister Helen Prejean has written an insightful book about the morality of killing a human being and a society and authorities that allows it. She makes you believe of a decease row inmate as a individual and gives you the truth about what is really taking topographic point within our tribunal system and society.

What is most challenging is the confidant and personal history of Sr. Helen & # 8217 ; s religious journey with Capital Punishment. Her life experiences and ideas are weaved into the existent narrative of this singular journey. She allows the reader into to her thought procedure and so shows the reader, through the relation of the narrative, how and why she was compelled to compose this enlightening book.

Sr. Helen Prejean & # 8217 ; s aim for composing this book is to make consciousness about the humanity and morality of put to deathing a human being in the signifier of Capital Punishment. Sr. Helen is certain through educating the populace about the truth of executings ; the decease punishment will be abolished. She writes, & # 8220 ; & # 8230 ; we must carry the American people that authorities violent deaths are excessively dearly-won for us, non merely financially, but- more importantly- morally. & # 8217 ; ( p. 197 )

The narrative of her religious journey begins with Elmo Patrick Sonnier, a decease row inmate that she has been asked to match with, who is put to decease by burning.

Sr. Helen is a Catholic nun, portion of the reform motion in the Catholic Church, seeking to unite spiritual religion and societal justness by working with T

he hapless and less fortunate in Louisiana. She writes, ‘ We shortly became steady letter writers, and I begin to believe of him as a fellow homo being, though I can’t for a minute bury his offense, nor can I accommodate the easy traveling Cajun who writes to me, with the barbarous slaying of two incapacitated teenagers.’ ( p. 13 )

Through her correspondence with & # 8220 ; Pat & # 8221 ; she began to see him as a human being. This prompted her to dig into his instance and take a closer expression at the decease punishment. She introduces the reader to the victim & # 8217 ; s households, corrupt politicians, and the legal community. She farther involves herself by befriending Robert E. Willey, another decease row inmate, who is besides executed. The reader will besides happen in this book a factual history of the history, statistics, and atrociousnesss of authorities that surround the decease punishment. She includes all of her beginnings at the terminal of the book for the reader to farther educate him/herself.

After reading this book, I realized I was highly uninformed and guilty of non oppugning my ain morality, every bit good as the morality of a authorities and society, when taking a human life in the signifier of Capital Punishment- legalized killing. Her description in Chapter Two of walking into & # 8220 ; Death Row & # 8221 ; for the first clip to run into with Pat was improbably unsettling and traveling. It creates nervousness, in your tummy, as if you were truly the one visiting & # 8220 ; Death Row & # 8221 ; for the first clip. To be able to state a narrative in such a manner that evokes physical feeling every bit good as disputing you mentally, is a gift. This book is a must read before anyone claims to be for or against the decease punishment. It will educate you and lay waste to you at the same clip. Sister Helen & # 8217 ; s quotation mark to Robert Willey ( from the Gospel of John ) on page 198, & # 8220 ; You shall cognize the truth and the truth shall do you free & # 8221 ; , says it best.


& # 8220 ; Dead Man Walking & # 8221 ; , written by Sister Helen Prejean

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