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There are many & # 8220 ; popular & # 8221 ; subjects used often by writers. Love, faith, and war are some favourites. Two other such subjects we typically read about are nature and decease. The two can be discussed individually or they can be related to each other. Walt Whitman, a lover of nature, tackled these topics in & # 8220 ; Song of Myself & # 8221 ; from Leafs of Grass. Another writer who does the same is William Cullen Bryant. Though two really different authors with different manners,

they portion some of the same thoughts. & # 8220 ; Song of Myself & # 8221 ; is a jubilation of life and God. Whitman loved everything conceivable about nature. He loved people, animate beings, and himself. Throughout this extended verse form, Whitman mentions & # 8220 ; ruddy & # 8221 ; people ( Indians ) , & # 8220 ; negros, & # 8221 ; meatmans, adult females, the hapless and the rich. He believed

that all are good in some manner or another and all people are equal. He loved them all for their ain particular ground. He besides loved animate beings. Stanza 13 praises the beauty and worthiness of cattle, tortoises, and mockers. He believed all living things were connected. Peoples are linked with the female horses, cats, prairie Canis familiariss, and other animals. Worlds are even linked to the grass in the land ( Reef 50 ) . That line sums it up. Peoples are a portion of nature. There is a birth, decease, and renewal rhythm that connects the two.

Stanza six is a simple, credible account of decease. It starts out in a conversation with a kid inquiring what grass is. The line of reply is & # 8220 ; the beautiful untrimmed hair of Gravess & # 8221 ; ( Whitman 2747 ) . When we die, we are buried in the land. We are returned, in a sense, from whence we came

. God did organize Adam, the first adult male, from the Earth. William Cullen Bryant says in “Thanatopsis, ” “earth that nourishes thee, shall claim thy growing, to be resolved to earth again”

( Bryant 2673 ) . The Earth has now become our place, our resting-place, our lap, & # 8220 ; and here you are the female parents & # 8217 ; lap & # 8221 ; ( Whitman 2747 ) . The life/death rhythm will go on. The organic structures returning to the foliages of grass will now nurture the flora. New life will shoot from the Earth. In a sense, decease does non to the full exist. The growing of the grass proves that decease does non stop a life ( Reef 50 ) . Whitman asks and replies what happened to the adult females, work forces, and kids. & # 8220 ; They are alive and good someplace ; the smallest sprout shows there truly is no decease & # 8221 ; ( Whitman 2747 ) . & # 8220 ; All goes forth and outward+.and nil prostrations & # 8221 ; ( Whitman 2748 ) . This serves to warrant Whitman s belief that people and nature are connected everlastingly.

A 3rd topic can besides be connected to nature, people, and decease. God is the Godhead of all things homo, animate being, and vegetable. He is ever with us and ushers us through life. Whitman besides believed in God s lovingness and speaks of Him in stanza three ; & # 8220 ; As God comes a loving bedfellow and slumbers at my side all dark and stopping point on the cheep of twenty-four hours & # 8220 ; ( Whitman 2745 ) . William Cullen Bryant besides has ideas similar to Whitman s. In Bryant s & # 8220 ; To a Waterfowl, & # 8221 ; he says, & # 8220 ; He

who, from zone to zone, ushers through the boundless sky thy certain flight, in the long manner that I must step entirely, will take my stairss correctly & # 8221 ; ( Bryant 2676 ) . God is the giver of life and the taker but allows us to go on through the foliages of grass.

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