Death Penalty Essay Research Paper ABOLISH THE

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Death Penalty Essay, Research Paper

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I believe the decease punishment should be abolished. I believe it should be abolished because it does non assist kerb offense. Another ground is It is non morally just or merely. We can? t be absolute in doing certain people are guilty of the offense. It is more expensive than Imprisonment. The judgements are non wholly impartial. I believe it is barbarous and unusual penalty which is against the jurisprudence. The decease punishment does non assist prevent offense. The slaying rates in provinces with the decease punishment are no lower than provinces without. The USA is the lone Western democracy with the decease punishment and we have the highest slaying rate. Canada? s slaying rate fell the same twelvemonth they abolished the decease punishment. I do non believe that punishments affect the offenses that people commit that much I believe punishments help control the peoples with condemnable inclinations. We can non do certain that everyone on decease row is guilty. Since 1970 over 70 people have been released from decease row because of grounds of there artlessness. Between 1900 and 1985 350 people were wrongfully executed. A black individual who killed a white individual is 40 times more likely than a white individual who killed a black individual to be sentenced to the decease punishment. The US is one of merely five states who have executed kids or anyone who was under18 at the clip of the offense. The other states are: Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. This violates The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. A little figure of states continue to put to death kids. During 1994 2,331 captives were executed in 37 states. 4,032 captives were sentenced to decease in 75 states. These were the lone 1s known to Amnesty International the true figures are likely higher. China, Iran, and Nigeria make up 87 % of the universes executings in 1994. In 1994 China executed 1,791 captives. 139 were executed in Iran. Over 100 in Nigeria. There are several hundred unconfirmed executings in Iraq. 55 counties have abolished the decease punishment for all offenses. 15 countr

ies have abolished the death penalty for all crimes but exceptional crimes such as war crimes. 27 countries consider abolitionists de facto but have not executed anyone in ten years or more. 97 countries retain the death penalty. Less than one percent of paroled murderers commit another murder. People who commit noncapital crimes and have served their full sentence are more likely to be repeat offenders. If this punishment is humane how come the put a hood on the prisoners? They do it to spare the witnesses and executioners the prisoners facial contortions caused by the pain. In 1992 a prisoner had an extremely violent reaction to a lethal injection and he gagged and had muscle spasms for 11 minutes until he died. In 1994 it took five minutes for David Lawson to die in a gas chamber while the whole time screaming ?I?m Human!? Most of the people who were convicted of the death penalty and killed but were found to be not guilty after the executions were convicted because of race, religion, and economic status. In 1993 Christopher Burger was executed at the age of 33 he had the intellectual capacity of a 12 yr old child. He was 17 when he was convicted of murdering a man. He was abused by parents, organic brain impairment, nervous severe trauma to the central nervous system, and schizophrenic. This was not brought up during the trial. You have to be at least be 15 to be executed. anything less is considered cruel and unusual punishment. I think the death penalty is wrong and should not be used. I say this because the USA is the only western democracy to use the death penalty but we have the highest murder rate. The death penalty is also not used on an impartial basis most of the people who are convicted are poor and of color. They also use painful and cruel punishments. The death penalty goes against the United Nations views. I believe that everyone has the right to live. Nature will take care of you if you are not the fittest. Execution costs more than 40 years imprisonment at high security. So all these arguments for the death penalty are not correct. It does not cost less and it is not the only way prevent repeat

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