Effects of Background Music on Phonological Short-Term Memory Essay

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In this research article. written by Pierre Salame and Alan Baddeley. a series of trials were conducted to detect if a person’s short term memory was affected by listening to instrumental music versus vocal music. It is noted that immediate memory is verbally disrupted by concurrent- happening simultaneously- address. In Pierre’s experiment. he tested topics to remember a sequence of nine figures that were visually presented. In separate experiments they tested unattended vocal or instrumental music versus silence and found that both instrumental and non-vocal music disrupted short term memory public presentation. When proving the differences between vocal and instrumental. they found that vocal music was much more riotous than instrumental music.

Pierre’s experiment could potentially be recreated into an approaching scientific discipline carnival undertaking. The undertaking would hold the same construct of proving a person’s short term memory by a retrieving a sequence. But to construct on Pierre’s surveies. the experiment could be tested upon different age groups. In Pierre’s experiment it was unspecified the age or sex of the topics that were tested. However. as a possible scientific discipline just experiment. person could see if the consequences would differ depending on the age of the topic due to different phases of encephalon development in a person’s growing. Possibly the sex of the topic could do a difference every bit good as age. Pierre’s observations could ramify off even further into a new experiment to see if the consequences would change amongst different age groups.

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Plants Cited
Salame. Pierre. and Alan Baddeley. “Effects of Background Music on Phonological Short-term Memory. ” Taylor and Francis. Informa Plc. 29 May 2007. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. tandfonline. com/doi/abs/10. 1080/14640748908402355 & gt ; . Website used: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. tandfonline. com

Key Word ( s ) : Music

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