Ethics Case Study Essay

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What are Ethical motives? Ethical motives are criterions of behaviour. developed as a consequence of 1s construct of right and incorrect ( Judson & A ; Harrison. 2010 ) . Code of moralss is a list of rules that is intended to act upon the actions of health care professionals within an organisation. Ethical rules help steer the decision-making procedure among healthcare workers in complicated state of affairss. This paper will reexamine the assigned instance survey and supply the reader with the ethical issues and rules.

The instance survey discussed an 8-month old kid brought into the exigency section by the female parent due to disconsolate weeping. It was reported that the kid had been shouting since picked up at day care. The nurse found that the child’s critical marks were somewhat elevated and child’s thighs were dropsical and warm to the touch. The appraisal was so presented to the doctor ; concern was expressed that the kid may hold been injured. An X ray was ordered uncovering breaks to both thighbones. The female parent was informed of the findings by the doctor ; after talking with the female parent the doctor decided it was non child maltreatment and hence. the state of affairs did non necessitate to be reported.

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The ethical issues involved in this instance survey are the nurse and physician’s duty to describe suspected child maltreatment. Social services should hold been consulted to help in the procedure of describing the state of affairs to Child Protective Services ( CPS ) . Hardy and Armitage province “In all actions refering kids. the best involvements of the kid shall be a primary consideration” ( 2002. p. 109 ) . In this instance. the primary consideration was non in the best involvement of the kid. Harmonizing to Judson and Harrison the doctor has the duty to understand the tools for naming and handling maltreatment and to be familiar with the available resources ( 2010 ) . The nurse in this instance has the ethical responsibility to describe the doctor for non holding concern sing a possible kid maltreatment state of affairs. Healthcare professionals have an ethical responsibility to expose unethical behaviours by other members of the healthcare field.

Nursing has progressed over the old ages into a respected and honest profession. Insaf Altun ( 2008 ) states it best by stating. “The six cardinal functions of nursing are: protagonism. publicity of a safe environment. research. engagement in determining wellness policy. in patient and wellness systems direction. and education” ( p. 839 ) . The two cardinal functions the nurse in this instance survey failed to supply for the patient are protagonism and publicity of a safe environment. If the nurse was utilizing good moral and professional judgement. he or she would hold reported the state of affairs instantly for the well-being of the kid.

Three of the ethical rules that are discussed are nonmaleficence. veracity and paternalism. The first ethical rule is nonmaleficence. intending first do no injury ( Judson and Harrison. 2010 ) . A inquiry asked by Milton and Cody ( 2001 p. 290 ) was. “How can one maintain from making injury if one acts without cognizing what the world of the lived experience is for the individual? ” In the instance survey. neither the nurse nor physician knows what happened to the kid or the world of the fortunes that led to fractured thighbones. The healthcare professional would hold upheld this ethical rule and the jurisprudence by describing the suspected maltreatment. therefore making no injury and protecting the kid from farther injury.

Another ethical rule that the doctor could hold used is veracity. The ethical rule of veracity trades with the truth or truth relation ( Henry. 2005 ) . The doctor in this instance should hold discussed the wellness position of the kid with the female parent. made a “good” moral judgement. and told the female parent the incident must be reported to CPS ; the instance could hold been presented to the female parent in a non-accusatory mode. The doctor should hold been reported for presuming the incident did non necessitate to be reported. Furthermore. the nurse should hold stepped frontward and reported the incident. thereby advancing veracity on behalf of the instance at manus.

The 3rd ethical rule in the instance survey to discourse is paternalism. At times paternalism viewed as a negative act because it allows healthcare suppliers to do determinations for the patients ( Andre & A ; Velasquez. 2008 ) . The facts in the instance survey provide for an first-class illustration of when paternalism should be exercised. The nurse or doctor in the instance survey could hold used paternalism as a steering ethical rule to make what was right for the safety of the kid by describing the incident. The kid has no voice to support or protect him or herself and in this state of affairs. the nurse should hold advocated for the patient.

The three ethical rules mentioned above are valued in my personal and professional life as a female parent. nurse and pupil. The first ethical rule discussed nonmaleficence has been a personal value of mine throughout my life. used in all facets of my life. The 2nd ethical rule. veracity is maintained most of the clip. I believe there are state of affairss where stating the individual the whole truth would non hold an optimum result. The 3rd ethical rule mentioned paternalism is used at times in my professional life as a nurse and in my personal life as a female parent.

The result of the instance survey could hold been optimum for all involved the kid. female parent. nurse. and physician if the state of affairs occurred at a children’s infirmary. The likeliness of staff in a children’s infirmary to hold the proper preparation on marks of. naming. handling. and describing suspected maltreatment is much higher than an grownup focused medical centre.

The American Association of Heart Failure Nurses incorporates ethical rules in the regard of promotion of attention. instruction. and research to advance the best results for patients’ with bosom failure. One ethical rule used by the association is beneficence ; this rule is used by supplying evidence-based research. intervention. and instruction for patients and healthcare professionals. Using evidence-based medical specialty the association is giving optimum attention for this patient population.

Using ethical rules healthcare professionals can guarantee they are doing good moral determinations sing attention and intervention of patients. The ethical rules do non hold to be a value of the healthcare professional. but must be upheld for the best involvement of the patient.


Altun. I. ( 2008 ) . Invention in behaviour forms that characterize nurses. Nursing Ethics. 15 ( 6 ) . 838-840. Retrieved April 20. 2009. from
EBSCOHost database.

Andre C. & A ; Velasquez M. ( 2008 ) . For your ain good. Retrieved April 21. 2009. fromhttp: //www. scu. edu/ethics/publications/iie/v4n2/owngood. htmlHardy. M. . & A ; Armitage. G. ( 2002 ) . The child’s right to accept to x-ray and imaging probes: issues of restraint and immobilisation from a multidisciplinary position. Journal of Child Health Care. 6 ( 2 ) . 107-119. Retrieved April 20. 2009. from SAGE database.

Henry. L. ( 2005 ) . Disclosure of medical mistakes: Ethical considerations for the development of a installation policy and organisational civilization alteration. Policy. Politics. & A ; Nursing Practice. 6 ( 2 ) . 127-134. Retrieved April 21. 2009. from SAGE database.

Judson. K. & A ; Harrison. C. ( 2010 ) . Law and moralss for medical callings ( 5th erectile dysfunction ) . New York. New york: McGraw-Hill.

Milton. C. & A ; Cody. W. ( 2001 ) . The moralss of bearing informant in health care: A beginning geographic expedition. Nursing Science Quarterly. 14 ( 4 ) . 288-296. Retrieved April 20. 2009 from SAGE database.

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