Forbidden City Essay Research Paper Traveling to

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Forbidden City Essay, Research Paper

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Traveling to another state, and being situated in some unsafe state of affairss clears

1s eyes and helps 1s addition experience. In the book Forbidden City by William Bell,

Alexander Jackson is a 17 twelvemonth old male child that travels with his male parent Ted who is a camera

adult male that works for CBC intelligence. In this fresh Alexander Jackson goes from artlessness to

experience. He developes as a lovingness, responsible human being and grows up through his

experience in China. Alex before his journey to China is a typical adolescent. Therefore he gets

some experiences that alteration his point of position during the journey. After his journey he returns

to Canada ; nevertheless, he is non a typical adolescent any longer.

Alex before his journey to China is an ordinary adolescent like the other 1s. He enjoyes

playing, watching Television, traveling out, and making what of all time a adolescent ager likes to make. One of his major

avocations is military material. Actually he is a military fan and he enjoyes playing with bantam leaden

soldiers that we can separate by their apparels. War in Alex & # 8217 ; head is merely a strategic game

where leaders control the ground forcess and alter their tactics to suppress the land.

The books that I read about this said the soldiers were

lined up as if to protect the burial mound from profanation but

I & # 8217 ; m certain thats dead incorrect. It has to be. You dont face

towards what you & # 8217 ; re defending-any sap know that-you

face off from what you & # 8217 ; re supporting. You face the enemy. ( page 5,6 )

In fact he sees a positive face of war that is intersting and entertaining much like in films and


When Alex goes to China he gets some experiences that alteration his life wholly. During

those yearss in China there is deficiency of free dom for people particularly pupils that make them


In China you didnt take where you & # 8217 ; re traveling to work, Alex.

If you live in the state on a farm and you want to travel into

metropolis you can & # 8217 ; t & # 8230 ; . Here the intelligence is managed wholly. The chines

hold misanthropic but true stating. ( page 39,44 )

Alex sees the pupils inquire for more freedom and for rudimentss rights ; nevertheless, their authorities

does non react to their demands. When the pupils realize that authorities does non care

about their petition, they demonstrate. During this presentation civilians besides help the

demonstrators because they know that the pupils petitions are sensible and besides they know

the authorities is corrupt.

The powerful work forces and adult females in the party got particular intervention

in everything, from purchasing foreign goods in particular shops that

merely they could shop in to lodging to particular infirmary and more.

They made sure their relations and kids get good occupations and

privileges. They sent their childs to universities in Europe, Canada

and the provinces all at authorities disbursal. ( page 91-92 )

When the authorities realizes that it can non forestall the presentation, they use the force of

ground forces to forestall the public violence. The ground forces uses tear gas or even shoot ant people. they do non let

demonstrators, even civilians, to speak to the ground forces and guiltless people like Lao Xu lose their

lives because they want to halt the ground forces.

Suddenly Lao Xu explosion from the kerb and into the street

running towards the soldiers merely as they started to travel

frontward once more. He raised hid custodies in the air as if he

imagined he could keep them back all by himself. I could

hear his angered shouting, Are you insane? What are you

making? Stop the shot. The soldier raisedhis AK 47.

cleft! ( page 156-157 )

During this events alex turn from a hapless individual to a sympathetic 1 who cares about what

is traveling on in the surronding. Because of this ground he sees himself responsible to tape all the

happens and to smuggle it out.

When Alex returns to Canada with tonss of experiences he sees life with broad eyes. He

is regretful for all of his friends that he has lost ; in add-on, he thinks thatif ther was no war they

would be alive now. His position about war alterations, hence he sees the war non merely an

interesting and strategic ground forcess flim-flaming each other. He realizes war comes up with much

devastation that he did non cognize earlier. He does non see to the soldiers as playthings any longer.

Indeed he hates the armed forces so he destroyes all of his collections. & # 8221 ; All the soldiers from all the

wars melted down together into lead again. & # 8221 ; ( page 272 )

We see in this narrative Alex goes from artlessness to see by traveling to China. Alex

before his journey is an ordinary teenage ; nevertheless, when he goes to China and realizes the

authorities corruptness and pupils presentation he sees the events wiser. After his journey

he is non a typica teenage any longer ; in add-on, he is more sensitive and responsible. A human

being should care about the others and similar to Alex that put his life in danger and smuggled

the tapes out we have to be responsible for human being.

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