Grade Comment Essay

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Please remark below on your old college classs as an index of your abilities. My leaden mean class for each semester has an overall uptrend during last three old ages. Furthermore. I am academic competent in my studied field. with a leaden mean mark of 89 for the specialised classs related to economic sciences and finance. Additionally. the tonss for all three econometrics classs are higher than 93. which shows grounds for my good quantitative accomplishments and package operation accomplishments. However. I performed comparatively bad in several mathematics classs. partially because I were non accustomed to the new instruction and trial methods when I merely entered college. The leaden mean tonss for last six semesters are 85. 5. 82. 5. 88. 7. 89. 3. 90. 0. 86. 4 ( integrated the 3rd term to the first term of the following academic twelvemonth ) .

My first twelvemonth tonss are comparatively low because I had to accommodate to the wholly different environment in that clip. the first clip to travel off from my parents and to be accustomed to distinct instruction and trial systems. Therefore. three mathematic classs. including Advanced Mathematics 1 & A ; 2 and Linear Algebra. merely earned tonss about 70 to 84 in the first two semesters. However. I don’t believe the low mark represents my hapless proficiency in mathematics. In the econometric categories. a class requires incorporate apprehension in advanced mathematics. additive algebra and statistics knowledge. I earned tonss higher than 93. For all 20 specialized classs related to economic sciences and finance. the leaden norm mark is 89. and merely two of them are lower than 87. In decision. after one twelvemonth of adaptation. my classs of each semester have an upward tendency. and I have showed good faculty members. quantitative accomplishments in my learning experience.

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