“Interpreting The Day the Earth Stood Still for Contemporary Film Audiences” Review Essay

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In the article “Interpreting The Day the Earth Stood Still for Contemporary Film Audiences” written in 2008. the Author. Joshua Pardon. writes about the messages that were sent to the American movie audience of 1951 through the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still. based on a short narrative by Harry Bates written in 1940. These messages ranged from subjects like the social costs of atomic engineering and both a negative and positive position of militarism. to unfavorable judgment of the mass media. He besides writes about how. unlike Television shows. and narratives by the babe roar coevals portrayed the 1950’s as a clip when everything was fantastic for every citizen all the clip. the statement can be made that it was a “strange and weird” clip full of uncertainness. fright. and paranoia ; and this movie portrays these feelings. with strong messages that Pardon suggest could be applied to current universe events. To do you better understand his article. he added a really good written summery of the film followed by readings of the film’s scenes that could be applied to what was go oning in America in 1951 and events go oning in 2008.

He compares the Cold War’s potency to take to atomic calamity to the current war on terrorist act ; the public’s confusion on whether to swear scientist to the current argument of root cell research. clime alteration and the scientific footing of development ; and the media’s need to sensationalize current events take off from the existent issues both in 1951 and today. I would hold to state that Pardon’s article is really convincing and good written ; the sum of information given by the writer is really satisfactory. There is plentifulness of background information on what were the current events in the fiftiess on every reading on the non so concealed messages of the film that allow you to see the similarity of today’s issues and clearly see how the film can be relatable today. Besides. it goes into inside informations of every of import character. and even compares characters to specific iconic people from that epoch. such as Albert Einstein ; and even the character Tom Stevens. a company adult male with selfish purposes as a negative portraiture of a avaricious American concern civilization.

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Such great inside informations of reading make this article a really good and carry throughing read. In my sentiment. the weakest portion of this article is that. although the information given allows you to paint a clear image of what the writer is seeking to pass on. it frequently added excessively much information of what about felt similar irrelevant information. Additionally. I felt that the writer jumped from one topic to the following. merely to convey it back up later in the article. and even though it wasn’t confounding and the information was ever different. it made the capable feel redundant. To sum up. Pardon’s article on the reading of the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still. was a really enlightening and oculus gap article that clearly shows all the political messages in the movie. His words were able to paint a really good image of what was go oning in 1951. when the film was made. so that you can break understand the messages that were being sent by the movie that allowed us to better see how. even though it had been over 60 decennaries since this article was written. the movie is still relevant today.

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