Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation and Culture

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Intrinsic motivation it is a feeling of contempt that is internally generated when a person is doing something that he or she thinks is successful on completing it. The feeling of self worth comes after successfully completing the task. Extrinsic motivation is a feeling that is generated when a person feels he or she is being appreciated either by a material reward such as gifts, emotional motivation among other things that are external to the person’s feelings (Carlisle ; Sheila, 1986).

Some people attribute motivation to the following: –

            Personality and Belief – Ones way of think affects how we feel about what we do. In most cases personality affects the intrinsic motivation (Carlisle ; Sheila, 1986). However it also affects our extrinsic motivations by out thought that ‘How will people think about me – if I fail or succeed’. Some people feel motivated for the reason of their belief. For example Christianity teaches people to persevere pain and tribulation since their is a reward for those that persevere. This can be viewed as both intrinsic as well as extrinsic by different people, in that it can be seen as externally motivated while others can view it internally motivated depending on how they view supernatural being (Kazuo ; Ikujiro, 2006). Personality brings up the subject of choice; we choose what to do be because of what we think we are in relation to what we want to do.

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            Culture and Society – Some people are motivated by their families, society or culture. They do not think that there is any importance to them but feel whatever they are doing is important to the other people such as; giving to the poor (Kazuo ; Ikujiro, 2006).

            Material Rewards, gifts – This is another thing that motivates people, a company can motivate its employees by adding them salaries, improving their working conditions, giving them honorariums, giving them leadership within the organization among other things (Kazuo ; Ikujiro, 2006). This makes the employee feel attached to the organization and therefore improving their output to the company. In most cases any organization’s investment to its employees means a lot motivates them.


            Motivating people is a very important aspect of our lives, we motivate or we are motivated to feel part of our society or feel that whatever we are doing is worth. Parents motivate their children to go to school and learn, pass exams and get good jobs and eventually good life, this kind of motivation is verbal and informal (Kazuo ; Ikujiro, 2006). An employee is motivated by good salary by his or her employer to work hard; this is formal way of motivating people. I was motivated by my parents to do a course that I never thought I would just because they said that it is the best and marketable course in college and career wise.  Motivation is part of our lives; we live may be because of motivation.


Carlisle Kenneth and Sheila Murphy (1986). Practical Motivation Handbook.  New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Carol Sansone and Judith M. Harackiewicz, (2000). Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: The Search for Optimal Motivation and Performance. Academic, 489 pages

Cayer, N. Joseph (1986). Public Personnel Administration in the United States 2nd Ed. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Farideh Salili and Rumjahn Hoosain, (2007). Culture, Motivation, and Learning: A Multicultural Perspective IAP 416 pages

Kazuo Ichijo and Ikujiro Nonaka, (2006). Knowledge Creation and Management: New Challenges for Managers. Oxford University Press US

Kowal John and Fortier Michelle S. (Jun 1, 2000). Testing Relationships From the Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Using Flow as a Motivational Consequence. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

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