loose change

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Before we point fingers
The attack that occurred on September 11, 2001 was an unforgettable day in American History. The attacks were sought to be from Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist organization in Afghanistan. But as the years have gone by, many researchers all over the world are raising questions. Now people have started to question who was really to blame on September 11. Who is to blame for the attacks? I believe our own government is to blame for the attacks.
For years now, I have always believed the attacks were completely controlled by the Iraqis and their leader Osama Bin laden. Although, recently I viewed the documentary “loose change” written and directed by Dylan Avery. This documentary claims that the U.S. government was behind this tragedy where many lives were lost. Overall it suggests that our country, often seen as an invincible superpower, has an imperfect government system. Also it supports the idea of a government in the opening of the film presenting facts in a way that strongly encourages its audience to conclude that there is conspiracy at a high level in our government. Facts such as moving the majority of our fighter planes out of “Scuttling” range, conducting hijacking training missions in the nearby area which confuses traffic controllers, Congress Officials being instructed not to fly on September 11th by Condoleezza Rice, and a suspicious variety of stock moves involving the airline industry all support claims of conspiracy, and furthermore, a government that is broken and not entirely for the people.
After watching this film, it totally changed my outlook on what actually happened that day not to mention the pre planning days before. I agree with the documentaries accusations; from the conspiracy behind the Pentagon, World Trade Center, and finally flight 93. There explanations for September 11th are simple; the attacks were a series of cleverly planned events carried out by our U.S. government not the result of…

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