Lowering Drinking Age Essay Research Paper

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Lowering Drinking Age Essay, Research Paper

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& # 65279 ; AGE of ADULTHOOD & # 8212 ; 18

DRINKING AGE & # 8212 ; 21?

In the 1980 & # 8217 ; s it was legal for eighteen-year-olds to buy and devour

alcoholic drinks. In 1984, the United States Government pressured the provinces to raise

the legal age to 21 ( Rally ) . Their logical thinking & # 8211 ; eighteen-year-olds were excessively

immature and responsible in their partaking of intoxicant. Outlawing the ingestion of

intoxicant by bush leagues does non forestall minor imbibing any longer than posting velocity bound

marks prevents rushing! Is at that place something that all of the sudden makes us responsible

drinkers when we turn 21? Many times, we see people under 21 make complete imbeciles of

themselves while imbibing. But can it non be concluded that we see an equal figure of

people over the age of 21 prosecuting in those same activities? Age does non find

whether or non an single drinks responsibly.

Remorseless imbibing has long been every bit much a rite of university life as football,

concluding test, and frat-parties! Alcohol maltreatment goes on rather frequently on college campuses

irrespective of 1s age. A great many jobs related to alcohol usage among college

pupils is in direct correlativity to the national imbibing age in this state. A 1996 survey

found that 84 per centum of college pupils under the age of 21 drink

( Jones 64 ) . Although one may non hold entree to alcohol at a saloon, but a pupil may be

imbibing at a party or may merely hold an older friend purchase their intoxicant. Surveies have

shown that college pupils who can lawfully buy intoxicant drink less than those who

can & # 8217 ; t. This merely makes it more exciting for one who is minor to imbibe because it is


Alcohol ingestion does non look to present the monumental concern in other

states as it does here in the United States. In states that impose a imbibing age, it

scopes from 16-18 old ages of age and in other states there is non one at all. In Europe,

people do non see & # 8220 ; acquiring rummy & # 8221 ; as an acceptable interest ( Mooney 18 ) . One says

that in Germany, & # 8220 ; the locals treat intoxicant as a addendum to flushing activities, non as the

chief event & # 8221 ; ( Rally ) . If immature grownups are taught that imbibing is a privilege and should be

taken earnestly, the job of intoxicant maltreatment on college campuses and across the state

would get down to alter itself.

The thought is that an 18 twelvemonth old is non mature plenty to be trusted with intoxicant but

can vote, pay revenue enhancements, serve on a jury, remain out subsequently than curfew Torahs, leave place, thrust,

fume ( in some provinces ) , purchase arms, engage in fiscal contracts, acquire married, give

birth, service and dice for our state in conflict, and be tried as an grownup in the tribunal of jurisprudence.

Eighteen-year-olds have the same duty as twenty-one-year-olds but are non

allowed to devour alcoholic drinks. Is it right to allow eighteen-year-olds all of

these privileges, duties, and duties yet restrict them from imbibing intoxicant?

If eighteen-year-olds have the ability to manage the freedoms and duties of being

an grownup, they should hold the privilege to imbibe intoxicant ( Rally ) .

Is it

truly about you? The Unites States is a state of consumers, dissemblers and

ignorance. If we raise the age-limit for driving we will ache the car manufacturers ( a batch less

ingestion and lost occupations ) . So we raised the age for imbibing & # 8212 ; it is OK. No occupations lost.

You think it is about our lives? Do you believe Washington cares about you or your lives?

No, they care about you and your life merely as a consumer ( Mooney 72 ) !

When the national imbibing age was raised to 21 in the & # 8216 ; 80s, the purpose

was chiefly to cut down the figure of intoxicant related deceases in America. Among drivers

killed in motor vehicle clangs, the highest rates of intoxicant poisoning occur in the age

group of 25-34, followed by 21-24 and so 35-44 ( Jones 23 ) . Conservatives and

lawgivers look down on take downing the imbibing age because of the many effects

linked to inordinate imbibing. Studies show that pupils under 21 are more likely than

any other age group to deter equals from driving rummy ( Rally ) . Therefore our function

theoretical accounts, our jurisprudence shapers, should present statute law for stricter rummy driving Torahs and

our pedagogues implement imbibing instruction plans in our schools.

Fake signifiers of designation are being purchased by underage grownups to let

them to imbibe intoxicant. Raising the legal imbibing age from 18 to 21 in the 1980s triggered

a roar in the concern of making bogus ID cards ( Mooney 34 ) . People twenty-years of

age and younger are buying these bogus signifiers of designation in order to let them

to come in and imbibe in bars with their friends who are of age, and to let them to buy

beer in shops. Many say that no affair what age the authorities sets as the criterion

legal imbibing age, people who are minor are traveling to hold friends who are older and

of age. If the legal imbibing age were lowered down to eighteen, there would be fewer

cases where this state of affairs would happen, because the bulk of eighteen-year-olds

go to college with people who are older and of age.

Students need to larn how to imbibe in a mature, relaxed environment, the sort of

environment found in Europe and other foreign states. Students who can near

intoxicant as a familiar and socially acceptable substance are more likely to act

responsibly and rationally than those who must run it down and imbibe in secret. Students

will imbibe whether the minimal age is 21, 25, or 30. Because intoxicant is non presented

as the normal grownup activity that it can be, minor pupils view its ingestion with

a & # 8220 ; forbidden fruit & # 8221 ; outlook that about ever end in surplus ( Jones 21 ) . Lowering the

minimal age back to 18 would necessitate a important displacement in this state, but it is a displacement

that is important to the intoxicant job many college pupils and immature grownups face.

Arguments for take downing the imbibing age on RALLY ( Realistic Alcohol Laws for Legal

Young person ) . Spring 1995. Syracus University. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //wwwl.rallyusa.org/ )

Jones, N and Barnes, G. Alcohol Misuse Among College Students and Other Young Adults.

San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1998

Mooney, L. , Granling, R. , and Forsyth, C. Deviant Behavior. New York: Harper & A ; Row,


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