Many devices are used in this poem to show the raw harsh night of November Essay

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The first line is a simile ‘tinkles like ice’ the word ‘ice’ represents the abrasiveness and how painful ice is. When we look at the signifier of the verse form. we can see how the poet uses enjambement to go on in what’s being said. The line ‘tries the door. and sidles past’ gives of a feeling of panic as the poet has personified it and gives of an feeling that a human is seeking to come in the house. On the 2nd stanza the word ‘gulp’ is used as onampatpia which is a sound technique.

The line ‘Brown hair of cotton wool’ suggests its dirty and dirty because the ‘brown fuzz’ is pollution. The words ‘lamp fades’ suggests that the light buzzword be seen. On the 3rd stanza ‘frost in my lungs is rough as leaves’ implies the acuteness and how unsmooth the lungs are. In add-on. ‘harsh as leaves’ is a simile and the poet uses the simile to propose how chilly the tonight was. It besides is a strong simile that The line ‘scrape up on path’ suggests how barbarous and harsh the dark was.

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Many devices are used to demo us how acrimonious the dark was. On the last stanza the line ‘the worlds a bear shrugged in his den’ suggests he is sing the bear cavity. Further more. the word ‘snug suggests the heat indoors ; ‘snoring night’ is indoors off from remainder of the universe while winter is outside. Inside all ask foring but outside it’s harsh. The line ‘the fog unfolds its acrimonious scent’ suggests its comparison ice to obscure and besides its comparing the fog to the bad odor ‘chrysanthemums’

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