Mary Jane The Devil Weed Essay Research

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Mary Jane: The Devil Weed Essay, Research Paper

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Mary Jane: The Devil Weed

Abstraction: This paper, entitled & # 8220 ; Mary Jane: The Devil Weed? & # 8221 ; efforts to

analyze what we know about marihuana and what jobs are associated with its

usage. The paper examines briefly the history of marijuana statute law,

marihuana & # 8217 ; s known effects, and decisions about its danger.

Early on in this century, the authorities waged a war of terrorist act on marihuana,

or hemp sativa. & # 8220 ; By 1937, 46 provinces had Torahs against the usage of

marihuana, and its usage had already been made a condemnable discourtesy under federal

jurisprudence & # 8221 ; ( Jaffe, 659 ) . Andrews pointed out that & # 8220 ; non until some clip in the early

1930s did the Louisianna legislative assembly base on balls a province ordinance doing usage of the

drug illegal & # 8221 ; ( 5 ) . Jaffe noted that & # 8220 ; since the early 1900s, marifuana has been

considered the one drug that might present the susceptible to hard drugs. & # 8221 ;

Jaffe pointed out that & # 8220 ; since about 1950 & # 8230 ; . smoke of marihuana has been

linked statistically to the usage of other illicit drugs & # 8230 ; .Most perceivers have

concluded that the nexus is sociological instead than biological and & # 8230 ; marihuanas

is a marker for persons who are more prone to seek new experiences even when

these violate societal norms and local laws. & # 8221 ;

Andrews related that & # 8220 ; sensational newspaper narratives associating & # 8230 ; to offense is

by and large held to be accountable for the sudden passage of a jurisprudence prohibiting

its use. & # 8221 ; He went on to observe that & # 8220 ; users were frequently capable to heavy penalties-

-up to life imprisonment in Texas. & # 8221 ; & # 8220 ; After caffeine, nicotine and intoxicant,

marihuana is the 4th most popular abused substance & # 8221 ; ( O & # 8217 ; Brien, Cohen, Evans,

and Fine, 175 ) .

does marijuana merit this repute? We must foremost see what it is

and what effects it has. The active ingredient is tetrahydocannabinol, or THC

( Andrews ) . THC, found merely in the female works, produces a mild euphoric consequence.

Marijuana is considered a psychedelic drug, a Schedule 1 drup, under the Controlled

Substances Act of 1970 ( O & # 8217 ; Brien, Cohen, Evans, and Fine, 177 ) . A Agenda 1

drug agencies there is no known medical usage. Recently & # 8220 ; a new drug application was

approved for THC ( Marinol ) to be used therapeutically for control of sickness and

purging associated with malignant neoplastic disease chemotherapy & # 8221 ; ( Jaffe, 663 ) . This moved THC from

Agenda 1 to 2 ( medical usage despite possible for maltreatment ) .

How unsafe is marijuana? Jaffe notes that & # 8220 ; any public presentation trial shows

damage & # 8230 ; .although no typical biochemical alterations have been found in

humans. & # 8221 ; Andrews writes, & # 8220 ; Physical effects of marihuana usage is likely the

major inquiry & # 8230 ; .The reply? None. & # 8221 ; O & # 8217 ; Brien, Cohen, Evans, and Fine, reported

that the National Institute on Drug Abuse found,

“Marijunan now available is

five to 10 times more powerful than it was a half twelve old ages ago & # 8221 ; ( 178 ) . While

these statements may non sound conclusive, the Institute of Medicine, harmonizing

to O & # 8217 ; Brien, Cohen, Evans, and Fine, found, & # 8220 ; What little we know now about the

effects of marihuana on human wellness & # 8211 ; and all we have grounds to surmise & # 8211 ;

justifies serious national concern. & # 8221 ; They noted, & # 8220 ; More research has

demonstrated pronounced perturbations in depth perceptual experience, clip judgement, and

coordination during hemp usage. Coupled with studies that that indicate that

many traffic accidents occur to people utilizing cannabis derived functions, these facts

raise a important public wellness concern. & # 8221 ;

Is marijuana & # 8220 ; devil weed & # 8221 ; ? Though marijuana & # 8220 ; does non bring forth physical

dependance, & # 8221 ; it does bring forth & # 8220 ; psychological dependance and the euphoric and

ataractic effects can ensue & # 8221 ; ( O & # 8217 ; Brien, Cohen, Evans, and Fine, 179 ) . They noted

besides, & # 8220 ; Abstinence may ensue in feelings of crossness, jitteriness, or

insomnia. & # 8221 ; Jaffe observed that hemp & # 8220 ; may straight bring forth an ague terror

reaction, a toxic craze, and accute paranoiac province, or acute passion & # 8230 ; [ It may }

lead to sociopathy or even to the alleged AMOTIVATIONAL SYNDROME… [ and ]

aggravate schizophrenic disorder & # 8221 ; ( 661 ) .

Again we ask, Is marijuana & # 8220 ; devil weed & # 8221 ; ? In decision we must state that

marihuana might be, but the grounds is far from conclusive and far from

complete. That marihuana is a public wellness job is clear. Marijuana is a

unsafe substance for persons to utilize and run a motor vehicle of any

sort. That marihuana is potentially unsafe and destructive is clear.

Are there legitimate medical utilizations? There are some. It has been found to

redce intraocular force per unit areas in persons with glaucoma by 45 % ( Jaffe, 662 ) . It

has been used as an antiemitic for persons taking malignant neoplastic disease chemotherapy.

Andrews concluded that & # 8220 ; medical research indicates no physiological consequence of

any badness from usage of the drug. Thus it has been assumed marihuana is

harmless & # 8221 ; ( 12 ) .

But is marijuana & # 8220 ; devil weed & # 8221 ; ? The replies are assorted. The decisions

unsure. Andrews & # 8217 ; reply is likely the most accurate: & # 8220 ; Possibly so. Possibly

non. Surely more research is necessar. & # 8221 ; In other words, most of the

reserach and most of the scientists have indicated that all the replies are non

in yet.


Anrews, Matthew. ( 1972 ) . The Parents Guide to Drugs ( Doubleday & A ; Co. ) .

pp. 4-12. Jaffe, Jerome H. ( 1995 ) . Encylopedia of Drugs & A ; Alcohol

( Simon & A ; Schuster ) .

pp. 659-663. O & # 8217 ; Brien, R. , Cohen, S. , Evans, G. , and Fine, J. , ( Eds. ) .

( 1992 ) . The

Enclopedia of Drug Abuse ( Facts on File, Inc. ) . pp. 175-179.

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