Mcmurphy Is A Tragic Hero Essay Research

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Mcmurphy Is A Tragic Hero Essay, Research Paper

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McMurphy is a tragic hero who has many grounds that leads to his incentable ruin. McMurphy is a patient inside a ward with cronics and agues. McMurphy enters the ward non cognizing the policy of the ward doing mayhem by traveling against policy regulations due to his actions. I think that his action is the flicker to his incentable ruin. This is a scene of his actions, disputing the Big Nurse, & # 8220 ; It & # 8217 ; s okay, Doc. It was the lady at that place that started it, made the error. I & # 8217 ; ve cognize some people inclined to make that. I had this uncle whose name was Hallahan and he went out with a adult female one time who kept moving like she couldn & # 8217 ; t retrieve his name right and naming him Hooligan merely to acquire his caprine animal. It went on for months before he stopped her. Oh? How did he halt her? McMurphy smiles and rubs his olfactory organ with his pollex. & # 8216 ; Ah-ah, now, I can & # 8217 ; t be telln & # 8217 ; that. I keep Uncle Hallahan & # 8217 ; s method a rigorous secret, you see, in instance I need it myself someday. & # 8221 ; ( Pg.40-41 ) . In this transition, McMurphy is stating of what he will make to the Big Nurse if she keeps on moving like she does, with what his uncle did to the adult female he went out with.

In the beginning McMurphy seems to be winning his conflicts with the Big Nurse but she is merely waiting for the right clip, expecting her chance. The Big Nurse has ultimate power over the patients and this is what makes McMurphy lose to the Big Nurse. McMurphy find out the ground why the other patients are in the ward when they say to him

& # 8220 ; Mr. McMurphy my friend I & # 8217 ; m non a poulet, I & # 8217 ; m a coney. The physician is a coney. Cheswick there is a coney. Billy Bibbit is a coney. All of us in here are coneies of changing ages and grades, hippity-hopping through our Walt Disney universe. Oh, don & # 8217 ; t misconstrue me, we & # 8217 ; re non in here because we are rabbits-we & # 8217 ; d be coneies wherever we were-we & # 8217 ; re all in here because we can & # 8217 ; t adjust to our rabbithood. & # 8216 ; Man, you & # 8217 ; re speaking like a sap. You mean to state me that you & # 8217 ; re gon na sit back and allow some old blue-haired adult female talk to you into being a coney & # 8220 ; ( Pg. 55-56 )

Chief Bromden warns McMurphy that the Big Nurse and the ward will acquire him and there & # 8217 ; s nil that you can make about it unless he & # 8217 ; s with them, & # 8220 ; The combine had whipped him. It beats everybody. It & # 8217 ; ll crush you excessively. They can & # 8217 ; Ts have person every bit large as Papa running about unless he & # 8217 ; s one of them & # 8221 ; ( Pg.

171 ) . Later, McMurphy become opened with the personal life, doing his private world a public belongings to the patients. He offers himself to them, stating them the manner he became in order for them to go more like him. The lone thing that keeps him traveling now is the will of the agues ; his ain will has now withered off. He is no longer able to go forth the ward, his nonvoluntary committednesss has become voluntary in order to beef up the other patients, he failing himself to the point where he can no longer unrecorded outside the ward. His ruin has caused him to go weak, he now sacrifices himself to salvage them. The forfeit that McMurphy makes is seen in a symbolic manner in Chief Bromden’s dream, “The honking came closer and closer boulder clay seemed like they must be winging right through the residence hall, right over my caput. They crossed the Moon – weaving necklace, drawn into a V by that lead goose. For an blink of an eye that lead goose was right in the Centre of that circle, bigger than the others, a black cross gap and shutting, so he pulled his V out of sight into the sky one time more. I listened to them melt away till all I could hear was my memory of the sound” ( Pg. 129 ) . McMurphy’s incentable ruin is his ignorance to listen to what the other patient’s have to state, believing that he’ll leave in a affair of clip.

He is surrounded by external forces that he has no or small control over which leads to his decease. These forces include the Big Nurse, Chief Bromden, ague patients ( his friends ) and the ward ( combine ) . An external force that McMurphy doesn & # 8217 ; t cognize approximately is what Chief Bromden knows, he says, & # 8220 ; Cipher complains about all the fog. I know why now ; every bit bad as it is, you can steal back in it and experience safe. That & # 8217 ; s what McMurphy can & # 8217 ; t understand, us desiring to be safe. He keeps seeking to drag us out of the fog, out in the unfastened where we & # 8217 ; d be easy to acquire at & # 8221 ; ( Pg. 27 ) . McMurphy doesn & # 8217 ; t truly maintain the Chief & # 8217 ; s advice in head, taking to his decease.

I besides feel sympathy for McMurphy because when he realised that it was impossible to go forth the ward, alternatively of go oning to go on his actions, which lead him into remaining. He decided that if the could alter the agues heads about remaining and do them stronger even by giving himself he would make it. Unlike Macbeth who knew what lied in front, McMurphy didn & # 8217 ; T and that & # 8217 ; s why shouldn & # 8217 ; Ts have died in the terminal.


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