Meaning of Life and Poem Essay

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Introduction Chinodya is a alumnus of the University of Zimbabwe. A good author. he won the first award in Literature in English in the Zimbabwean Book Publishers Associations’ Award in 1991. He has besides published several children’s books in his life. Discussion There is no set garentee to unlock the significance of a verse form. Each verse form dictates an single manner of attack. A utile attack to the analysis or treatment of a verse form is to name some of the elements that are foregrounded in the verse form.

M H Abrams defines highlighting as follows: `To foreground is to convey something into the highest prominence. to do it dominant in perception’ ( Abrams 1993:274 ) . Foregrounding may be achieved in several ways. The author may reiterate certain words or an full line to pull our attending. Sometimes. the typography ( puting of type ) and punctuation may be manipulated for consequence. Even images. such as ocular or audile. may be heightened for attending.

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Now that you know the significance of the term foreground processing. utilize it sometimes in your discourse of poesy. Just as Banoobhai foregrounds sarcasm in his verse form `He’s a Good Boy. This One’ . Chinodya foregrounds certain elements in his verse form for our immediate attending. Before continuing any farther. list at least THREE elements that are foregrounded in `Recollection’ . Your list would likely look like this: . Repeat of words: retrieve. irritant. Use of sound devices ( appealing to the sense of hearing )

. Use of coloring material ( appealing to the sense of sight ) . Colloquial tone. Use of long vowel sounds to decelerate down the beat. … and so on. Try to integrate some of the above points in your treatment of the verse form. The English poet William Wordsworth celebrates the power of the imaginativeness to remember and re-live memorable experiences in his celebrated verse form `I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ ( frequently referred to as `The Daffodils’ ) . Chinodya’s verse form is evocative of Wordsworth’s verse form.

The foreground processing of the word `remember’ . by its repeat. suggests that the speaker’s memories of his childhood yearss are graphic. It besides induces a nostalgic temper which contributes to the overall consequence of the verse form. Minute inside informations such as `crouching thorn trees’ . `criss-crossing shrub paths’ and `coarse harvest of grass’ suggest memories that are still alive after all these old ages. Unlike Wordsworth’s verse form. `Recollection’ sketches a past which was non ever idyllic ( look up the significance and pronunciation of this word if you are non certain ) .

In the 3rd stanza. the speaker’s description of his childhood yearss is interrupted by the unpleasant memory of a rough jurisprudence: I remember the large mark that said Something approximately people non being allowed in? Such memories are unerasable and frequently determine our attitudes as grownups. We recall how in our ain state apartheid Torahs restricted Black people ( including Indians and Coloureds ) free entree to public topographic points. Although as a kid the talker was excessively immature to cognize the significance of the `big sign’ . its consequence on him as an grownup is a enduring one.

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