Men And Women Why Are We So

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Work force And Womans: Why Are We So Different? Essay, Research Paper

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It is an undeniable fact that there are many differences between males and females, but we should be weary of doing claims of high quality puting the importance of one gender over another. We should non see these differences as an absence of equality, but instead as the driving force that enables society to map in a more complete and diverse mode. When interviewed by Natalie Angier, professor Virginia Valian showed that these differences are built-in by stating & # 8220 ; You can take a individual at random and list a clump of adjectives- & # 8220 ; self-asserting & # 8221 ; , & # 8220 ; has high leading ability & # 8221 ; , & # 8220 ; is sort to kids & # 8221 ; & # 8211 ; and the individual would hold no problem fiting them up with one sex or the other. & # 8221 ; This shows that society positions certain features as being clearly male and others as being clearly female. We, as work forces, should be careful non to undervalue adult females as Dr. Valian says we do. We should keep them as peers and as spouses. In making this, it is necessary to analyze some of these differences and to demo that though these do be, neither is superior to the other, and society should endeavor to reflect this. The first difference that we will analyze is the really nucleus that makes us different. That nucleus is biological science. In biological science, there are two distinguishable sets of cistrons: male ( XX ) and female ( XY ) . Though these are clearly different, there can already be seen some similarity in the two. Both carry the X chromosome. These different sets of chromosomes cause us to organize distinguishable male and female physical features. These differences enable males to be more suitable to certain undertakings. Males normally develop stronger musculuss than do females, doing us more suitable to certain undertakings such as heavy lifting. This in bend leads to genderization of callings. Jobs that utilize this excess strength, such as building or automobile mechanics are hence classified as fundamentally masculine careers.Other occupations, such as bibliothecs or cosmeticians, are classified as feminine. Though some would reason that the differentiation between masculine and feminine callings stems from social influence, it can be seen that biological science plays a immense function in doing this distinction. Another biological difference unites the two sexes in importance. That difference is in our reprod

uctive systems. “It’s a given that worlds, like most other species-bananas, sharks, ducks, any coney you pull out of a hat- rely on two sexes for reproduction. So basic is that demand that we have chromosomes whose primary intent is to present the cistrons that order up a male or female” ( Blum 46 ) . Here, there is no differentiation of importance. Both are every bit necessary for the continuance of the human race.

Though biological science may account for many of the differences between males and females, it can by no agencies, history for all of them. Many outside factors cause these differences. These factors are influenced by & # 8220 ; hidden premises about sex and gender [ that ] remain embedded in cultural discourses, societal establishments, and single minds & # 8221 ; . They influence and & # 8220 ; determine how people perceive, conceive, and discourse societal world & # 8221 ; ( Greenbaum 97 ) . The articles by Drum sanders and Farrell seemed to project work forces as & # 8220 ; victims & # 8221 ; of these cultural influences. I believe it of import to look at us, non as victims, but instead as heirs of a sociological gift that enables and ensures the continuation of humanity as a whole. Angier uses the term & # 8220 ; gender spread & # 8221 ; in doing these differentiations. Indeed, there is a spread, but this should non needfully be viewed as a negative thing. I believe the constructs of maleness and muliebrity to walk manus in manus. Both feed the other and neither can be independently. Though this spread exists, it is continually bridged by both parties & # 8217 ; dependance on the other. Simply put, though both functions are undeniably different, neither is more of import than its comrade function. Though society places a sort of predestination, to some extent, on what function we will presume as work forces, we are non victims because of this. To sort us as victims in bend topographic points a construct of one gender as being superior. Since both genders are reliant on the other and neither can be viewed as more of import, we must see the two as spouses and this predestination as a approval that about necessarily ensures our equality. This equality is indispensable to the continuation of civilised society. We must non endeavor to take these differentiations, but instead to populate harmoniously with our social counter-parts, for I believe that it is these differences that drive society instead than society that drives these differences.

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