Mito Case Study Essay

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Nuc is short for karyon. which controls the whole cell and contains DNA. Flag is short for scourge. which helps travel the cell. ER is short for endoplasmic Reticulum. which processes proteins or lipoids depending on the type of endoplasmic Reticulum. Mito is short of chondriosome. which produces ATP. Chlora is short for chloroplast. which produces energy through photosynthesis. Golgi is short for golgi setup. which packages merchandises and sends them out to different parts of the cell. Ves is short for cysts. which shop and conveyance merchandises though out the cell. Lys is short for lysosome. which break down waste in the cell. The autogenous hypothesis of the beginning of eucaryotic cells is that over a long period of clip. procaryotic cells evolved into more complex cells which subsequently became known as eucaryotic cells.

When research was done on this autogenous hypothesis it was found that it was inevitable that prokaryotes evolved into eucaryotes. The endosymbiotic hypothesis is that at one point procaryotic cells ate other little cell organs and so with that they evolved into what is now a eucaryotic cell. The grounds is that both of these types of cells are really similar they have similar constructions and maps but they are besides truly different. The strengths of both of these hypotheses are that there is truth to both of them and it has been shown that in different cells under either hypothesis that there was some development from procaryotes to eucaryotes. it merely happened in a different manner. The failings are that in the endosymbiotic hypothesis there is non a clear account about how some of the cell organs are from.

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