Module 08 Case Study: CNS Movement Disorders Essay

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1. What status or conditions ( disease/diseases ) could Harry hold every bit described in this instance? Which one would be your primary diagnosing? In a really general account. depict this condition/disease. ( 1 point ) Harry suffers from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. besides known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. This disease affects a person’s motor nerve cells impacting voluntary motor control by damaging both the upper motor nerve cell and lower motor nerve cell.

2. Which patient findings/observations lead you to your primary diagnosing? How do they associate to the primary diagnosing? ( 1 point ) It was Harry’s general failing his awkwardness. and his agony from utmost weariness and weight loss and his diminished motor controls. slurred address and shows an unnatural Babinski physiological reaction that led me to his primary diagnosing.

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3. How does this status ( pathophysiology ) affect the organic structure and lead to the discernible symptoms and disfunction? Be specific in the countries of the CNS it affects. ( 1 point ) Because motor nerve cells degenerate with ALS. they can no longer direct urges to the musculus fibres that usually result in musculus motion. Early symptoms of ALS frequently include increasing musculus failing. particularly affecting the weaponries and legs. address. swallowing or external respiration. When muscles no longer have the messages from the motor nerve cells that they require to map. the musculuss begin to go smaller. Therefore limbs Begin to look “thinner” as musculus tissue wastings.

4. What intervention options are available for this status? ( 1 point ) Drugs can be prescribed to handle the mentioned symptoms and combat farther harm to the motor nerve cells. Baclofen could be prescribed in response to his abdominal spasticity to loosen up his skeletal musculuss. Riluzole is believed to work to cut down the harm to motor nerve cells through a lessening in the release of gultamate. As good. physical and speech therapy were recommended.

5. What is the prevalence and forecast of this status? Is it an inheritable ( familial ) condition/disease? ( 1 point ) The cause of ALS is non known. nevertheless there are cistrons and familial factors that can modify the disease and its susceptibleness. Although there is no current remedy for ALS. with intervention such as aggressive nutritionary intercession has provided important betterments in the morbidity and mortality. Besides there are symptom specific interventions and a multidisciplinary attack utilizing occupational and physical healers. address healers. dieticians. and nurse specializers that have led to improved quality of life and maximization of map in the individual populating with ALS.

6. What types of attention and wellness attention support will Harry hold to perchance depend upon in the hereafter? What readyings should Harass do? ( 1 point ) Harry will hold the support of occupational and physical healers every bit good as address healers. dietician and nurse specializers that will assist him populate a better hereafter.

Part II—”Keith” Questions

1. What status or conditions ( disease/diseases ) could Keith hold every bit described in this instance? Which one would be your primary diagnosing? In a really general account. depict this condition/disease. ( 1 point ) Keith has Huntington disease. which is a a devastating. familial. degenerative encephalon upset.

2. Which patient findings/observations lead you to your primary diagnosing? How do they associate to the primary diagnosing? ( 1 point ) Reasonably much all of Keith’s symptoms fit up with this disease such as personality alteration. the finger jerking. facial deformations every bit good as the random arm dork.

3. How does this status ( pathophysiology ) affect the organic structure and lead to the discernible symptoms and disfunction? Be specific in the countries of the CNS it affects. ( 1 point ) The portion of the encephalon most affected by HD is a group of nervus cells at the base of the encephalon known jointly as the basal ganglia. The basal ganglia is what controls musculus motions which is what was affected on Kenny with the vellication and arm cramp. The basal ganglia in HD patients psychiatrists because HD onslaughts and kills the nervus cells.

4. What intervention options are available for this status? ( 1 point ) Research has yet to happen a agency of bring arounding or even decelerating the deathly patterned advance of HD although some medicines can alleviate some of the symptoms in certain persons.

5. What is the prevalence and forecast of this status? Is it an inheritable ( familial ) condition/disease? ( 1 point ) At this clip. there is no manner to halt or change by reversal the class of HD. There is no current intervention to hold the patterned advance. which leads to decease after ten to 25 old ages. However. research has identified and located the cistron for HD. so it is inheritable. but hopefully this identified cistron can assist research workers larn more about this hideous disease.

6. What types of attention and wellness attention support will Keith hold to perchance depend upon in the hereafter? What readyings should Keith do? ( 1 point ) Keith will hold to depend greatly on others. which is why he was placed in the nursing place.

Part III—”Jim” Questions

1. What status or conditions ( disease/diseases ) could Jim hold every bit described in this instance? Which one would be your primary diagnosing? In a really general account. depict this condition/disease. ( 1 point ) I believe Jim has Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease ( PD ) is a chronic and progressive motion upset. significance that symptoms continue and worsen over clip.

2. Which patient findings/observations lead you to your primary diagnosing? How do they associate to the primary diagnosing? ( 1 point ) It was Jim’s symptoms of unmanageable manus and arm shaking along with his voice shudder and minor bradykinesia that led me to his diagnosing.

3. How does this status ( pathophysiology ) affect the organic structure and lead to the discernible symptoms and disfunction? Be specific in the countries of the CNS it affects. ( 1 point ) Scientists believe that loss of cells in countries of the encephalon and organic structure contributes to Parkinson’s. It is the decease of these nerve cells in the encephalon that leads to loss of motion and coordination.

4. What intervention options are available for this status? ( 1 point ) There are many medicines to handle merely the symptoms of Parkinson’s. but none yet that can really change by reversal the effects of the disease.

5. What is the prevalence and forecast of this status? Is it an inheritable ( familial ) condition/disease? ( 1 point ) Parkinson’s is chronic and easy progressive. significance that symptoms continue and worsen over a period of old ages. However these symptoms vary from patient to patient some can diminish easy or quickly. The cause of Parkinson’s has yet to be discovered although there are scientist that believe that it could be inherited by cistrons every bit good as some who believe that it could be from environmental factors or both.

6. What types of attention and wellness attention support will Jim hold to perchance depend upon in the hereafter? What readyings should Jim do? ( 1 point ) Depending on the badness and patterned advance of the disease some people could endure from incommodiousness while others may depend greatly on others to the point where they can non populate entirely. In Jim’s instance his inability to cutting his ain nutrient and functioning his forenoon cup leads me to believe that he will shortly necessitate to fix to depend on person full clip to care for him.

Part IV—”Mike” Questions

1. Based upon the findings presented. which physician made the right initial anticipation? ( 1 point ) It is my belief that Dr. Green is right.

2. Based upon old cognition of encephalon map. what consequences from the proving were consistent with a encephalon hurt? ( 2 points ) The positive Babinski in the right pes and the unnatural physiological reaction are consistent with a encephalon hurt every bit good as the reported giddiness and sickness.

3. Based upon old cognition of spinal cord map. what consequences from the proving were consistent with a spinal cord hurt? ( 2 points ) The lessening in esthesis in the upper and lower right appendages every bit good as the lessening temperature favoritism every bit good as the reduced strength and motions of musculuss are consistent with a spinal cord hurt. 4. Based upon old cognition of CNS map. what consequences could be consistent with both types of hurt? ( 2 points ) The lessening in esthesis in the upper and lower right appendages and the student response every bit good as the unnatural physiological reaction response could be consistent with both types of hurts.

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