Motivation Of Mortimer Essay Research Paper Introduction

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Motivation Of Mortimer Essay, Research Paper

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This study is on a undertaking undertaken to assist an older gentleman named Mortimer who is 77 old ages old. This undertaking is intended to acquire Mortimer to develop a different behaviour than what he has been exposing in recent times. He recalls his life narrative in the undermentioned manner. As a immature adult male, Mortimer enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corp. He was stationed in Australia and met his beautiful bride, Rosie. They have six great kids, now in their mid-fortiess and 1950ss. Mortimer worked for an advertisement bureau after he got out of the service. He was in really good physical form. Tennis and path were his two athleticss of pick. As a affair of fact, Mortimer was a smuggler in the 1956 Olympics. At the age of 38, Mortimer became really sick and was left wholly handicapped for the remainder of his life. However, he was determined to get the better of many obstructions that may hold otherwise interfered with him populating a normal life.

Mortimer set some ends that he wanted to carry through. He wanted to

use the cognition that he had from working at the advertisement bureau.

Geting a Bachelors Degree in Journalism was his first end. Second, he wanted to compose short narratives and books. His 3rd end was to be independent and make some free-lance work in news media. Mortimer obtained these ends by composing many newspaper columns, short narratives, and books. This is how he earned his life. He was really successful in the Journalism field. He still has one book that he has started, but ne’er finished.

Relationship Between Project and Motivation Theory

Knowing that motive is something internal and that people have different things that motivate them, we will depict the relationship between our undertaking and Motivation Theory. Motivation is a feeling that comes from within that drives us frontward towards a goal-oriented behaviour. We believe that altering Mortimer & # 8217 ; s environment will enable him to make within himself to go motivated one time once more. Motivation explains why people behave as they do. Motivation determines behaviour and therefore said all behaviour is motivated.

Furthermore, human inherent aptitudes are more flexible and more unfastened to larning experiences than those of other species no affair what a individual & # 8217 ; s physical age. An illustration of instinctual behaviour is that all emmets build formicaries in the same manner, even when they are non raised together, this really means that the formicary constructing behaviour is instinctual, and non a erudite response. Even though we might non cognize what to make, it is instinctual. However, instincts merely describe behaviour, they do non explicate why a individual engages in that peculiar behaviour.

Mortimer & # 8217 ; s behaviour besides stems from his drawn-out unwellness. Mortimer & # 8217 ; s instinct now is that he can non make anything utile since he has experienced a long-run unwellness and is contending the most basic of human inherent aptitudes, to populate. He has found it easier to make what has become natural to him throughout his unwellness. We know that Mortimer was at one clip driven to carry through many ends that he set for himself. With the motive theory mentioned above, it is our purpose to acquire Mortimer to put ends that will increase his motive degree. With new life ends set for Mortimer to assist convey forth his motive from within that he displayed as a younger adult male.

The Problem

Within the past twelvemonth, Mortimer has fundamentally lost his will to populate. Mortimer has fallen into a terrible depression. The physical jobs include, failing, trouble walking, standing and eating. His desire to acquire out of bed everyday is diminishing as each twenty-four hours passes. It is hard to offer a conversation with him, because he merely speaks when spoken to. For illustration, his married woman Rosie tries to speak to him but he hardly responds and won & # 8217 ; t engage in a conversation. Dressing him is besides hard because he instead non do the attempt. To him there is no since of acquiring out of bed and acquiring dressed. The depression that Mortimer is in has wholly left him unmotivated and he has given up on life. This has had a annihilating consequence of his household and everyone near to him. Rosie has done everything a individual could perchance make for person in this place.

Rosie attends to his day-to-day demands. She tries to acquire him interested in things she knows he likes. She tries to acquire Mortimer up each forenoon, dressed, and motivated plenty to travel on a day-to-day walk with her. Their kids and grandchildren visit every bit much as possible, although some unrecorded out-of-town and don & # 8217 ; t acquire to see every bit frequently as they & # 8217 ; vitamin D like. They would all wish to see Mortimer acquire his old spirit back and they would wish to see Rosie acquire a interruption from the day-to-day swot of caring for person who lacks the motive and desire to populate. It is both physically and emotionally run outing for Rosie. Rosie and the remainder of the household inquire how they can assist Mortimer to actuate himself, so that he realizes that there is still intending to his life.

The Current Situation

Rosie and Mortimer have been married for 58 old ages. Until about one twelvemonth ago, Mortimer had lived a full life. Rosie continues to take attention of his day-to-day demands, nevertheless, in the past twelvemonth, she has seen Mortimer easy neglecting. Rosie acknowledges the fact that Mortimer is neglecting and does non wish seeing him with no motive to travel on. She says Mortimer has told her that he feels like his life is coming to an terminal. It is likely that Mortimer is in a province of depression that may be treated with professional aid.


The end is to assist actuate Mortimer to populate the remainder of his yearss to fullest.

This includes, assisting him go involved with his household once more, caring about himself, non concentrating on the hopelessness of his current state of affairs and regenerate his grasp for life. In order to accomplish the end, his physiological demands that include, nutrient, shelter, vesture and other rudimentss, will hold to go of import to him once more. He must be reminded that he is in a safe and loving environment. His societal contact with household and close friends must besides go something that he values. Restoring his self-importance through acknowledgment of any positive attempts he makes is a cardinal ingredient. Everyone must assist him retrieve that he has endowments, gifts and possible regardless of how much clip he has left to populate. The route to achievement starts with a end. Mortimer must take little stairss each twenty-four hours in order to accomplish the motive he needs to populate a full life with the clip he has left.

Action Stairss

In order to accomplish our declared ends and to assist Mortimer understand that the behaviour he has developed is non normal or healthy we are traveling to hold a meeting with him and speak about options. The first order of concern is to acquire Mortimer to a trained professional to hold him evaluated for clinical depression. At the clip of the rating we will inquire the professional making the rating on Mortimer their sentiment of this program. Rosie & # 8217 ; s engagement with Mortimer demands to be curtailed in order to assist alter the environment in which Mortimer is populating. As we stated earlier Mortimer has found it easier to make what has become natural to him throughout his unwellness and we believe that cut downing his dependance upon Rosie will alter his environment. With the aid of a place wellness attention professional they are traveling to assist Mortimer with his basic physical demands and assist Rosie with non making everything for Mortimer. The place wellness attention professional will hold a background in psychological science and physical therapy to assist ease the alteration in the environment. Establishing a day-to-day modus operandi can assist Mortime

R attention about these basic demands once more. The nurse will besides assist reenforce his demand for safety. The professional direction can assist him safely stand and walk once more. Hopefully this will take to more assurance. The most of import portion of this procedure will be the function his household and friends play. Having more interaction with every bit many different members of his household as possible should be helpful. There are shortly to be new add-ons to the household. They must continuously remind him that he will shortly be a gramps and great gramps. He needs to cognize how of import this is to him, the new babies and the remainder of the household. Anything he does positive in one of these countries must be rewarded. Honoring even the smallest accomplishments such as acquiring dressed may assist reconstruct his self-importance.

He is a adult male of many endowments. Mortimer was a path in field jock in the 1956 Olympics. They should remind him of those accomplishments and demo an involvement in larning more about them. Writing is one of his passions and is how he made his life. It is of import that they help him experience that passion once more. One manner to make this is to purchase him a lab top computing machine so he can compose once more. This may assist him go interested in composing. He may even complete a novel he has been working on for old ages. Puting the end is merely the beginning.

There are many stairss to carry through this end. Each measure will assist Mortimer happen the motive he needs to populate once more. Know affair what aid he is given, in the terminal it is all up to him. It is their occupation to give the tools to win but he must happen it within himself to prosecute the end of going portion of the household once more. His fate is non a affair of the diagnosing he received from a physician, it is how he chooses to populate the remainder of his life

Possible Problems/Setbacks

Mortimer may non experience as though it is necessary for him to put ends at this phase of his life. He may decline to make this. In this instance, merely speaking with him may increase his motive to make so and may acquire him started in believing that there is more of his life to populate. He has to be receptive to the thought of being motivated. When person responds negatively, there truly isn & # 8217 ; t much that can be done. It & # 8217 ; s a affair of personal perceptual experience. Mortimer may truly experience that he has lived a really long and productive life and may non be willing to compromise his sentiment on this.

Mortimer may besides give the nurse/social worker a hard clip about acquiring up each forenoon, acquiring dressed, and go toing to his day-to-day demands. He gives Rosie a really difficult clip with this until she refuses to cover with him and allows him to remain in bed and remain idle for the twenty-four hours. She so caters to his every demand, which is truly non a good thing to make. We can compare it to leting an alcoholic to imbibe and so enabling him to cover up for his opprobrious behaviour. If something were to go on to Rosie, Mortimer would be wholly devastated. He has depended on her being there for him for the past 58 old ages and she has ever been at that place.

We feel that Mortimer should increase his activity degree. He may non be willing to take a day-to-day walk. However, the nurse should explicate all the benefits of being physical. Not merely will this increase his physical being, but his mental being will besides profit. We don & # 8217 ; t experience that a day-to-day walk would be excessively much activity for him to manage.

Mortimer may non be willing to larn the computing machine. It is highly difficult for older persons to larn and accept the constructs of a computing machine. Mortimer may be afraid of it since he has ne’er learned anything like this in the yesteryear and the unknown may be really chilling for him. His teacher will hold to take it really easy, one twenty-four hours at a clip. The first lesson may be merely learning him how to pull strings the mouse. The 2nd twenty-four hours may be opening the computing machine and closing it down. Adding merely one undertaking each twenty-four hours and so reiterating what he has learned on a day-to-day footing would construct upon the old lesson.

Mortimer may ne’er complete that last book that he started. However, by supplying the right accomplishments and tools might do him a little more proactive about completing it. He may happen himself experiencing motivated and truly desiring to complete it.

Socially, Rosie and Mortimer are lacking. Mortimer stays place all twenty-four hours, either watching telecasting or laying in bed. Rosie is still really active, nevertheless, most of her twenty-four hours is spent providing to Mortimer. If they were to fall in some type of societal group, this would supply them both with other involvements and may even advance a avocation to each of them.

Their grandson may non hold the clip to convey the great-grandchild over to their house. One possible solution is that they could really travel over to their grandson & # 8217 ; s house to see the babe. Babies and kids have a manner of actuating older people. We think it makes them recognize that the universe will travel on.

Decision, Evaluation, and Suggestions for Following Measure

Mortimer is in a phase in his life were he does non see any ground to travel on. It is of import to this group that Mortimer regains a desire to populate, and that this desire evokes in him an ability to make and prosecute new ends. It is besides, nevertheless, unrealistic for us to believe that the new ends created are traveling to work out all of Mortimer & # 8217 ; s jobs.

In order for us to be able to measure Mortimer & # 8217 ; s advancement, it is of import to retrieve that any betterment is considered positive. This old statement means that our purpose is non needfully merely to acquire Mortimer to follow with our ends. As was discussed in earlier subdivisions, motive comes from within, and is used to bring forth end driven behavior. In this peculiar instance, it is the creative activity of the behaviour we are measuring, non the ends themselves.

The following measure in this procedure depends on Mortimer. We acknowledge that Mortimer may, and based on past experience likely will, respond to our efforts in ways outlined in our possible jobs subdivision. Through our continuity, coupled with the erudite aid of a place wellness attention professional, we must non give in to Mortimer & # 8217 ; s efforts to return.

This undertaking may alter Mortimer and Rosie & # 8217 ; s lives everlastingly. A new mentality could actuate Mortimer to finish unfinished plants, create new work, and regenerate his relationships with his married woman and kids. This undertaking may besides, nevertheless, drive Mortimer into a deeper depression, and do his life, every bit good as Rosie & # 8217 ; s life, suffering for the balance of their yearss.

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