Multiple Intelligences in the structure of a new English syllabus for secondary school

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Chapter 1. Multiple Intelligences in the construction of a new English course of study for secondary school

1.1 Methodology as a scientific discipline

1.1.1 Contemporary issues of foreign linguistic communication learning at secondary school

1.1.2 Current constructs in secondary school alumnuss EFL

2.1 Gardner & # 8217 ; s theory

2.1.1 LinguisticIntelligence

2.1.2 Logical/Mathematical Intelligene

2.1.3 Intrapersonal Intelligence

2.1.4 Interpersonal Intelligence

2.1.5 Musical Intelligence

2.1.6 Spatial Intelligence

2.1.7 Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

2.1.8 Naturalistic Intelligence

2.2. Psychological analysis of Gardner & # 8217 ; s Theory

Chapter 3. Learning environment in learning English conversation

3.1 Multiple intelligences in learning English scholars to the senior

signifiers of secondary school

3.1.1 Development of pupils & # 8217 ; talking and pronunciation accomplishments

3.1.2 Use of the World Wide Web in learning English to secondary school alumnuss

3.1.3 Use of the VIDEO in learning English to secondary school alumnuss




Introduction Introduction

The subject of the present university grade thesis is & # 8220 ; Multiple

Intelligences as Strategy for learning EFL to High School Graduates & # 8220 ; .

The topicalityof the research is stipulated by rapid alterations in instruction

and intercultural communicating etc. , caused by the development of

computing machine engineerings.

The purpose of the university grade thesis is include the Multiple Intelligences as Strategy for TEFL to High school pupils.

Methods of the research:



-experience of celebrated bookmans,

-research of literature.

The theoretical value of the paper consists in utilizing the consequences of the research in the EFL instruction.

The practical value – a good chance of utilizing at the lessons of English on secondary school. It helps to accomplish the best consequences in learning English.

The construction of the paper:

The paper consists: The Introduction, Chapter 1, where I have considered & # 8220 ; Methodology as a scientific discipline & # 8221 ; , Chapter 2, & # 8220 ; The Theory of Multiple Intelligences & # 8221 ; ,

And Chapter 3 & # 8220 ; Learning environment in learning English conversation & # 8221 ; , in the terminal of the paper I & # 8217 ; ve done the decisions of the research, and used the certain literature.

Principles of Multiple Intelligence Theory

The undermentioned rules are a condensation of J. Keith Rogers and based upon his survey of Howard Gardner ‘s theory:

-Intelligence is non remarkable: intelligences are multiple.

-Every individual is a alone blend of dynamic intelligences.

-Intelligences vary in development, both within and among persons.

-All intelligences are dynamic.

-Multiple intelligences can be identified and described.

-Every individual deserve chances to acknowledge and develop the

multiplicity of intelligences.

-The usage of one of the intelligences can be used to heighten another intelligence.

-Personal background denseness and scattering are critical to knowledge, beliefs, and accomplishments in all intelligences.

-All intelligences provide alternate resources and possible capacities to go more human, irrespective of age or circumstance.

-A pure intelligence is seldom seen.

-Developmental theory applies to the theory of multiple intelligences.

-Any list of intelligences is capable to alter as we learn more about multiple intelligences.

Harmonizing to Howard Gardner, as presented in his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, human intelligence has the undermentioned standards:

-Potential Isolation by Brain Damage.

-The Existence of Idiot [ Autistic ] Savants, Prodigies, and other Exceeding Persons.

-An Identifiable Core Operation or Set of Operations.

-A Distinctive Developmental History, along with a Definable Set of Expert “ End-State ” Performances.

-An Evolutionary History and Evolutionary Plausibility.

-Support from Experimental Psychological Tasks.

-Support from Psychometric Findings.

-Susceptibility to Encoding in a Symbol System.

Chapter 1. Multiple Intelligences in the construction of a new course of study for secondary school Chapter 1. Multiple Intelligences in the construction of a new course of study for secondary school

Comparing old and the new English instruction course of study for secondary

schools one can clearly see some differences.

Let & # 8217 ; s get down with the introductory word. The introductory word of the old

course of study covers merely the account of practical and educational

intents of English acquisition and end-goals of acquisition linguistic communication

( listening, speech production, reading and composing ) . The introductory portion of the

new course of study includes:

1. Introduction.

2.Levels of address competency.

3.The rules of the programme.

4. Educational intents.

5. Evidences of content.

6. Methodological foundation ( footing ) of modern instruction and acquisition


7. Control and essessment.

Standards of essessment of students & # 8217 ; accomplishments ( 4 degrees: elementary,

center, sufficient, high ) have a particular topographic point in the new course of study. Such

information is non included into the old course of study.

Harmonizing to the new sullabus learning English starts from the

2nd signifier.

Analyzing the subjects of conversation we can see that the old course of study

gives us three chief subjects from the fifth to the 11th signifier: A Pupil and

His Environment ; Ukraine ; English-speaking Countries. The new

course of study provides with 6 subjects already in the 2nd signifier: About

myself, My Family and Friends, School Life, Recreation, Nature, Man,

The Life of Society and 8 subjects from the 3rd to the 11th signifier.

Analyzing communicative unit we find there speech maps and

illustrations of functional advocates in the new course of study, which are

non mentioned in the old course of study.

Language competency includes vocabulary, grammar and phonetics in

both course of study, but in the old course of study the figure of lexical units in each

signifier is fixed.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic competency and strategic competency

are non defined in the old course of study.

At the terminal of each twelvemonth specific demands to speech competency of students

( listening, soliloquy, duologue, reading, composing ) are defined in the new

course of study.

In general, the new course of study is much but specific wider.

1.1. Methodology as a scientific discipline

The term & # 8220 ; & # 1084 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1090 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1076 ; & # 1080 ; & # 1082 ; & # 1072 ; & # 8221 ; has several correspondences in English: methodological analysis, methods and methodics. The word methodological analysis will be used for & # 8220 ; & # 1084 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1090 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1076 ; & # 1080 ; & # 1082 ; & # 1072 ; & # 8221 ; and & # 8220 ; & # 1084 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1090 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1076 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1083 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1075 ; & # 1110 ; & # 1103 ; & # 8221 ; of learning English as foreign linguistic communication [ TEFL ] .

There are several definitions of this term:

Methodology ( from Greek methodos & # 8211 ; & # 1089 ; & # 1087 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1089 ; & # 1110 ; & # 1073 ; , & # 1096 ; & # 1083 ; & # 1103 ; & # 1093 ; & # 1076 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1089 ; & # 1083 ; & # 1110 ; & # 1076 ; & # 1078 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1103 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1073 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1087 ; & # 1110 ; & # 1079 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1103 ; , logos & # 8211 ; & # 1087 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1103 ; & # 1090 ; & # 1090 ; & # 1103 ; , & # 1074 ; & # 1095 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1103 ; ) is a model of organisation of learning which relates lingual theory to pedagogical rules and techniques. [ 37, p.5 ]

Methodology is a subdivision of teaching method which covering with distinctive features of learning a certain topic. [ 38, p.12 ]

Methodology of FLT is a organic structure of scientifically tested theory refering the instruction of foreign linguistic communications in school and other instruction establishments. [ 37, p.17 ]

Methodology is a system of rules and ways of organisation and building of theoretical and practical activity every bit good as learning about this system. [ 37, p.14 ]

Methodology is a scientific discipline which surveies purposes, contents, agencies, rules, techniques and methods of a system of direction and instruction. [ 37, p.15 ]

Methodology is a subdivision of educations which relates a lingual theory to pedagogical rules and techniques.

The bookmans & # 8217 ; ve considered the relation of methodological analysis of FLT to other scientific disciplines ( supplement 1 ) .

The aim of the present research is incorporating some facets of cognition of English, educations, psychological science, linguistics to explicate basic professional and pedagogical wonts and accomplishments. In G. Rogova & # 8217 ; s sentiment, methodological analysis screens three chief points:

purposes of TEFL ;

content of TEFL ;

methods ( supplement 2 ) , rules and techniques of TEFL.

But it becomes apparent that the three constituents do non represent the whole teaching/learning procedure. The activities of scholars and instructors, their interaction ( symmetrical or assymetrical ) and the function of direction stuffs are the outstanding components. The undertaking of methodological analysis is to incorporate the relationships among them and to outline demands for each of them.

Teaching a topic is viewed here non merely as the bringing of prescribed formulate, leaving a certain sum of cognition, but besides developing wonts and accomplishments, but besides as activity.

To achieve these purposes in the most effectual manner constitutes the chief topic of any methodological analysis. The methodological analysis determines the Torahs, rules, purposes, content, methods, techniques and agencies ( media ) of learning. The existent instruction of a linguistic communication may differ in the analysis of what is to learn, in the planning of lessons, in the instruction techniques used, in the type and sum of learning done thought mechanical agencies and eventually, in the testing of what has been learned.

Basic Categories Of Methodology

The methodological analysis of TEFL seems to incarnate such basic classs on which there is general understanding among those who have studied the topic: methods, rules, techniques, purposes and agencies of direction.

There is no unanimity sing the term method either. In G. Rogova & # 8217 ; s et. Al. position & # 8220 ; method is a technological operation, structural and functional constituent of the instructor & # 8217 ; s and scholar & # 8217 ; s activity, realized in techniques and rules of direction. A method is a theoretical account of direction based on definite theoretical proviso, rule, techniques and purposes of direction.

A method is besides a specific set of learning techniques and stuffs by and large backed by declared rules.

A method determines what and how much taught ( choice ) , the order in which it is taught ( step ) , and how the significance and signifier are conveyed ( presentation ) . Since presentation, drill and repeat may besides be the concern of the instructor, the analysis of the teaching/leaning procedure must foremost find how much is done by the method and how much by the instructor.

Aim is a way or counsel to set up a class or process to be followed. The instructor should explicate long-run ends, interim purposes and short-run aims. What changes he can convey about in his students at the terminal of the hebdomad, month, twelvemonth, class, and each peculiar lesson. Hence, purposes are planned consequences for students larning a FL. The purposes are stipulated by course of study and other official directives. They are: practical, instructional, educational and developing ( formative ) .

Practical purposes cover wonts and accomplishments which pupils get in utilizing a foreign linguistic communication. A wont is an automatic response to specific state of affairs, acquired usually as a consequence of repeat and acquisition.

A accomplishment is a combination of utile wonts functioning a definite intent and necessitating application of certain cognition.

Instructional purposes developed the students mental capacities and intelligence in the procedure of FLL ( foreign linguistic communication larning ) .

Educational purposes help the students extend their cognition of the universe in which they live.

Formative or developing purposes aid develop in learns animal perceptual experience, motor, kinaesthetic, emotional and motivative domains.

Principles are basic implicit in theoretical commissariats which determine the pick of methods, techniques and others agencies of direction.

Technique in the methodological analysis of TEFL is the mode of presentation, presentation, consolidation and repeat.

Meanss is something by the usage or aid of which a coveted end is attained or made more likely.

1.1.1. Contemporary issues of TEFL

A critical reappraisal of methods presently employed in TEFL/TESL has shown no consensus on the effectual manner to ease and speed up English acquisition. A displacement has been made from teacher-centered activity to student-centered, some methodologists even claim that acquisition is more of import than learning ( Michael West, Humanistic Approach, Silent Way ) .

Though many immature instructors still teach the manner they had been taught, it can & # 8217 ; t be denied that current thought in methodological analysis constitutes a challenge to convention believing about linguistic communication instruction.

One of the conventional methods of TEFL is the Grammar-Translation method ( G-TM ) :

The end of foreign linguistic communication ( FL ) survey, utilizing this method, is to larn a linguistic communication in order to read its literature or to profit from the mental subject and rational development that consequence from FL survey. G-TM is a manner of analyzing linguistic communication that approaches the linguistic communication foremost through detailed analysis of its grammar regulations, followed by application of the cognition to the undertaking of interpreting sentences and texts into and out of the mark linguistic communication. The first linguistic communication is maintained as the mention system in the acquisition of the 2nd linguistic communication.

Reading and composing are the major focal point: small or no systematic attending is paid to talking or listening.

In a typical G-T text, the grammar regulations are presented and illustrated, a list of vocabulary points is presented with their interlingual rendition equivalents, and interlingual rendition exercising a prescribed.

the sentence is the basic unit of instruction and linguistic communication pattern. Much of the lesson is devoted to interpreting sentences into and out of the mark linguistic communication, and it is this focal point on the sentence that is a typical characteristic of the method.

of grammar regulations, which are so practised through interlingual rendition Accuracy is emphasized. Students are expected to achieve high standarts in interlingual rendition, because of & # 8220 ; the high precedence attached to punctilious criterions of accuracywhich was a requirement for go throughing the increasing numberof formal written scrutinies that grew up during the century ”

Grammar is taught deductively, that is, by presentation and survey exercisings.

The pupil ‘s native linguistic communication is the medium of direction. It is used to explicate new points and to enable comparings to be made between the FL and the pupil ‘s female parent lingua. ( G-TM dominated in FLT from the 1840s to the 1940s, and in modified signifier it continues to be widely used in some parts of the universe today ) .

In the mid- and late 19th centuries resistance to G- TM bit by bit developed in several European states. This Reform Movement, as it was referred to, put the foundations for the development of a new manner of linguistic communication instruction and raised contentions that have continued to the present twenty-four hours.

From the 1880s, nevertheless, practically minded linguists like Henry Sweet in England, Wilhelm Victor in Germany and Paul Passy in France began to advance their rational leading needed to give reformer thoughts greater credibleness and credence.

The chief rules of their theory were:

the survey of the spoken linguistic communication ;

phonic preparation ;

an inductive attack to the instruction of grammar ;

learning new significances through set uping associationswithinthe mark linguistic communication instead than by set uping associations with the female parent lingua ;

interlingual rendition should be avoided, although the female parent lingua could be used in order to explicate new words orto look into comprehension.

The thought put frontward by members of the Reform Movement had a function to play in developing rules of FLT out of realistic attack to linguistic communication acquisition. This led to what has been termed ‘natural method ‘ and finally led to the development of what came to be known as the Direct Method.

In the 1920s and 1930s H.E.Palmer, A.S.Hornby and other British linguists developed an attack to methodology that involved systematic rules of choice ( the processs by which lexical and grammatical content was chosen ) , step ( rules by which the organisation and sequencing of content were determined ) , and presentation ( techniques used for presentation and pattern of points in a class ) . Their general rules were referred to as the unwritten attack to linguistic communication instruction. The characteristic characteristic of the attack was that new linguistic communication points were introduced and practised situationally.

Subsequently the footings Structural Situational Approach and Situational Language Teaching came into common use.

Like the Direct Method, Situational Language Teaching ( SLT ) adopts an inductive attack to the instruction of grammar. The significance of words or constructions is non to be given through interlingual rendition in either the native lingua or the mark linguistic communication but is to be induced from the manner the signifier is used in the state of affairs. H.Palmer believed that “ if we give the significance of a new word, either by interlingual rendition into the place linguistic communication or by an equivalent in the same linguistic communication, every bit shortly as we introduced it, we weaken the feeling which the word makes on the head ” .

Explanation is hence discouraged, and the scholar is expected to infer the significance of a peculiar construction or vocabulary point from the state of affairs in which it is presented.

In 1939 the university of Michigan developed the first English Language Institute in the United States. It specialized in the preparation of instructors of English as a foreign linguistic communication and in learning English as a 2nd or foreign linguistic communication.

The attack to FLT became known as the Audio-lingual Method. Harmonizing to this method FL was taught by systematic attending to pronunciation and by intensive unwritten boring of its basic sentence forms.

The linguistic communication instruction theorists and methodologists who developed Audio-lingualism ( Charles Fries, William Moulton ) believed that the usage of the pupil ‘s native linguistic communication should be forbidden at early degrees.

Translation as a instruction device may be used where pupils need or benefit from it. It was one of the rules of Communicative Language Teaching the beginnings of which are to be found in the alterations in the British linguistic communication learning tradition dating from the late 1960 & # 8217 ; s.

Looking back from the vantage point of 1990 & # 8217 ; s we can see that the Direct Method, Audio-Lingual and Communicative Methods have their principle and protagonists, yet they are non every bit efficient for all scholars, and for all instructors, and for all state of affairss.

The methodological analysis must be flexible and electric, based on a careful choice of aspects of assorted methods and their integrating into a cohesive, consistent process. Of cardinal importance are positive attitudes of scholars and instructors ; they should pervade all phases of teaching/learning procedure, do every acquisition hr a stimulating, actuating experience taking to pleasance and success in linguistic communication acquisition.

The instructor & # 8217 ; s polar duty is to permeate pupils with assurance and self-esteem, emotional security and a well-integrated personality that will do them life-long scholars.

The emerging & # 8220 ; paradigm switch & # 8221 ; in learning schemes needs new generalisations which will take to improved attitudes, and better consequences in teaching/learning procedure, which will be good both for scholars and instructors likewise.

It is hard to foretell whether the Communicative Method will last any longer than its predecessors but it can & # 8217 ; t be denied that the work of the pioneers constitutes a challenge to convention believing about linguistic communication instruction, which is unluckily & # 8220 ; pig-headedly & # 8221 ; adhered by many schoolroom instructors and teacher-practitioners.

Current Tendencies

What is current methodological analysis? Do we hold to abandon all we have learned of the Audio-lingual method, the Direct Method ( DM ) , and get down afresh? Therefore far, the suggestions for alteration have been soft, but we have non been left with a vacuity to be filed. Judging from techniques and tendencies of the past few old ages, we can see that current thought methodological analysis seems to be in the way of: & # 8211 ; relaxation of some utmost limitations of A-LM and DM ; & # 8211 ; development of techniques necessitating a more active usage of the pupils mental item.

Let us analyze these two tendencies in some item.

Teachers have found that a close attachment to the listening-speaking-reading-writing order has non ever been effectual and brought the coveted consequences.

On the other manus a deficiency of such attachment has non proved harmful. They has besides called into inquiry the theory that address is primary and reading and composing are secondary manifestations. Such theoretical and experimental rethinking has resulted in the current tendency toward learning and proving the assorted linguistic communication accomplishments in more incorporate manner. The close process provides an interesting and challenging exercising, which trains the pupils to look carefully at all structural hints and to run around within a semantic field for related concerts. It is a good readying for careful reading and a utile overall written trial.

The teachers no longer experience the demand to postpone or widely separate reading and composing lessons from listening and talking activities.

Similarly the prohibition against utilizing the pupil & # 8217 ; s native linguistic communication has been well relaxed. It is merely more efficient to give accounts and instructions in the native linguistic communication because it affords more clip for truly meaningful pattern in English.

Noteworthy among current tendencies is the more practical acknowledgment of the changing demands of scholars. If, for case, a scholar needs a reading cognition of English above all else, so reading must hold precedence, and the scholar must larn this accomplishment through particular guided pattern in reading.

Another inquiry is whether the instructor should smooth learner & # 8217 ; s construction so as to except a alteration of doing a error. That & # 8220 ; prohibition & # 8221 ; of mistakes manner mostly due to the fright that errors would lend to the creative activity of a bad wont. Now that the & # 8220 ; wont theory & # 8221 ; of linguistic communication acquisition has been challenged and originative facets of linguistic communication acquisition emphasised, the instructor is freed from this fright. Student & # 8217 ; s originative engagement is more of import to the larning procedure than the mere avoiding of mistakes ( this doesn & # 8217 ; t intend that the instructor should non rectify the pupil and supply necessary drill when appropriate ) .

Teachers for some clip have felt a demand of traveling from A-LM ( with its stiff construction form ) to a less controlled state of affairs in which the pupil can pass on his ain thoughts. Classroom activities may be grouped into four classs:

wholly manipulative ;

preponderantly manipulative ;

preponderantly communicative ;

wholly communicative.

Examples of wholly manipulative activity would be:

a ) a drill in which the pupils simply repeat sentences after the instructor ;

B ) a simple permutation drill ( by demoing a image or explicating a scene from the pupils experience ) . The latter exercising could be made into a preponderantly manipulative drill, that is it would include a little component of communicating ) .

In a more advanced category the pupils retell a narrative the instructor has given them. Finally, an illustration of pure communicating would be a free conversation among the members of the category, such as a role-playing, conference, etc. )

Cognitive Code-Learning Theory ( CC-LT ) or the Trend towardCognitive Activity

The tendency toward a more active usage of the pupils ‘ mental powers likely represents the most of import attempt of the cognitive theory of linguistic communication acquisition. Advocates of the A-LM frequently advised the instructor to maintain pupils “ active ” – since, they said, when a pupil is active he is larning. They advised him to hold all his pupils stating things aloud in English during every bit much of the category period as possible. This was the main ground for making so much choral work. In this manner the greatest figure of

pupils could be actively take parting – “ utilizing the linguistic communication ” as it was called.

Language acquisition is viewed as regulation acquisition, non habit formation. Direction is frequently individualized: scholars are responsible for their ain acquisition. Reading and composing are one time once more every bit of import as hearing and speech production ; mistakes are viewed as inevitable.

But the public-service corporation of such “ active ” usage of the linguistic communication has been challenged by advocates of CC-LT. They point out that the mere mechanical repeat of linguistic communication signifiers is in world passive instead than active acquisition, for it is chiefly – sometimes about wholly – a physical, mechanical kind of activity. It does non get down to prosecute the pupil ‘s full mental powers. CC-LT, as a FLT method, is based on the undermentioned chief premises:

1. linguistic communication is a system of marks, governed by its ain regulations ;

CC-LT implies acknowledgment of signifier, perceptual experience of significance, dealingss of universals and specifics, generalization and analogy ;

3. the assimilation of stuff is straight relative to the grade of its comprehension ;

4. linguistic communication is more than a system of wonts which can be formed through

Systematic drills ;

5. linguistic communication acquisition is a originative procedure, therefore the pupil should

be as mentally active as possible in all assigned work:

6. a ) drills and exercisings should be meaningful ;

B ) deductive usage of exercisings designed to learn grammar constructions ( deductive accounts, i.e. regulation prior to pattern, get downing with the regulation and so offering illustrations to demo how this regulation applies ) ;

degree Celsius ) rote acquisition is to be avoided ;

vitamin D ) reading and authorship should be taught at early phases along with

hearing and speech production ;

vitamin E ) occasional usage of pupil ‘s native linguistic communication for account of new grammar and vocabulary is good.

The cognitive rules of learningcan convenientlybe

summarised under three headers:

1. the demand for experience ;

2. the procedure of assimilation ;

3. developmental phases.

These three rules are non merely suited to adult scholars but they have been readily adopted in the primary school, and the followers are suggestions for practising cognitive rules in the schoolroom with younger kids:

a ) Give experience of the linguistic communication they are larning – learn them verse forms, rimes, vocals, state them narratives, talk to them.

B ) Give them activities – picture, mold, playing game, etc.

degree Celsius ) Do n’t lodge stiffly to a preset linguistic communication syllabus – let the activities that take topographic point in the category to run freely and develop of course and allow the happening of exciting events that happen in the environment influence the vocabulary and constructions that are introduced and practiced in each lesson.

Sing linguistic communication acquisition as a natural originative procedure instead than as wont formation, suggests that the instructor should supply guided pattern in believing in the linguistic communication instead than a mere repeat drill. Such mental engagement tends to do linguistic communication larning more gratifying tor the pupil, – hence improved attitudes and better consequences.

It seems besides appropriate to remind ourselves that learning involves much more than a cognition of methods. However well-versed a instructor may be in psychological and lingual theories, in techniques and methodological analysiss, his cognition entirely will non guarantee success. An even more basic ingredient of all good instruction is the instructor ‘s attitude toward his pupils and his work.

We must recognize the instructor ‘s compassionate, intelligent, single attack to his work as the indispensable factor in successful linguistic communication instruction,

To sum it up, linguistic communication in CC-LT is viewed as an abstract theoretical account, governed by its ain regulations ; linguistic communication stuff is assimilated in blocks, non discretely i.e. in their constituent elements ; assimilation is straight relative to comprehension ; frequence of contrast is more of import than frequence of repeat. Harmonizing to this theory assimilation of linguistic communication is achieved by witting control over phonological, grammatical, and lexical theoretical accounts of a foreign linguistic communication by manner of witting acquisition and analysis.

And, eventually, pattern and pedagogical experimenting shows that the precedence of a certain methods is non justified. Some specializers believe that a originative synthesis of commissariats of every method ( eclectic method ) may give good consequences.

1.1.2. Current Concepts in secondary school alumnuss EFL

While the field of learning English as a foreign linguistic communication ( EFL ) to high

school graduates has its ain unique footings and constructs, it frequently draws

from the professional vocabulary of other countries of instruction such as K-

12, grownup basic instruction, and higher instruction. This article presents a

choice of such footings and constructs, discoursing them as they are

applied in the grownup ESL context and mentioning beginnings where they are

described with grownup immigrant scholars in head. Some footings are wide,

stand foring theories or attacks, while others might be more

accurately described as methods or techniques. Most are reciprocally

supportive and can be integrated in direction to spread out and enrich larning in any EFL scene.

Authentic or Alternate Appraisal

Authentic or alternate assessment describes attempts to document scholar accomplishment through activities that require integrating and application of cognition and accomplishments and are based on schoolroom direction. Ideally, these appraisals are relevant to real-life contexts and include activities such as making a budget, finishing a undertaking, or take parting in an interview Authentic appraisals are standard referenced, in that

standards for successful public presentation are established and clearly articulated. They focus

on the acquisition procedure every bit good as the merchandises and they include agencies for scholar

self-assessment and contemplation. Often, reliable appraisals are used in concurrence

with standardised trials to supply a more complete image of scholar advancement. Examples of reliable appraisal include performance-based appraisal, learner self-assessment, and portfolios. Performance-based assessment activities require scholars to incorporate acquired cognition and accomplishments to work out realistic or reliable jobs, such as taking telephone messages, finishing an application, or giving waies. Self assessment refers to checklists, logs, brooding diaries, or

questionnaires completed by scholars that highlight their schemes, attitudes, feelings, and achievements throughout the acquisition procedure.

Portfolio appraisal consists of a systematic aggregation of the scholars ‘ work ( such as authorship samples, journal entries, worksheets, recorded address samples, or standardised trial consequences ) to demo single advancement toward run intoing instructional aims.

Computer-Assisted Language Learning

The usage of computer-based engineerings for linguistic communication direction is known as computer-assisted linguistic communication acquisition ( CALL ) . Computer package, including multimedia applications, and the Internet and the World Wide Web are illustrations of such engineerings at usage in linguistic communication plans today.

Computer engineerings can supply a class of direction, facilitate activities and undertakings, or make chances for extra pattern. Name

can besides be structured to promoted teamwork and coaction among the scholars, a necessity for those plans with limited entree to engineering. It can be incorporated in direction as an built-in portion of a category, as an option that learners entree separately, or in some combination of class-based and self-access theoretical accounts.

Using engineering can sometimes be hard. The planning

procedure should affect consideration of at least the undermentioned elements: the demands and ends of the plan, instructional focal point, staffing, package and hardware handiness or handiness, scholars ‘ acquisition ends ; and scholars ‘ and staffs ‘ experiences with and attitudes toward computing machine usage.

Critical Literacy Theory

Critical literacy theory expands the treatment of literacy pattern beyond the basic maps of reading and authorship. Where traditional literacy direction might concentrate on accomplishments such as decryption, foretelling, or sum uping, critical literacy theory encourages critical scrutiny of text, particularly the societal, political, and ideological elements present. Based in the premise that literacy patterns have the capableness to

both reflect and determine the issues and power relationships at drama in the larger society, critical literacy theory seeks to authorise scholars through development of critical and analytical literacy accomplishments.

In the general sense, critical literacy theory encourages instructors to make instructional activities that help scholars use analytical accomplishments to inquiry and respond to such elements as position, intent, consequence, or relevancy of what they read and write.

For illustration, a instructor might motivate scholars to separate fact from

sentiment in a newspaper column or to place an writer ‘s place on a subject and compare it to their ain. The focal point is on the scholar as determination shaper and active translator in reading and composing activities.

Family and Intergenerational Literacy

Family literacy has traditionally described the usage of literacy within the context of the household, frequently every bit related to early childhood development and parental support of kids ‘s school accomplishment. Intergenerational literacy broadens that description, acknowledging that relationships between grownups and kids, both within and outside the traditional definition of the household unit, affect the literacy usage and development of all involved. Family literacy plans for ESL populations by and large use household and

household relationships as content and affect at least two coevalss of participants.

The ends of household and intergenerational literacy plans are varied. Some focal point on the household and school, seeking to increase parental engagement, better communicating, addition schools ‘ reactivity to communities, and support kids ‘s academic accomplishment. Others prosecute broader aims, such as fostering literacy accomplishments development and positive behaviours linked to reading for both grownups and kids. Still others focus on easing the reconnection of coevalss divided by different lingual and cultural experiences.

Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles

Multiple intelligences and larning manner penchants both refer to the ways that persons approach information processing and acquisition. Howard Gardner ‘s theory of multiple intelligences proposes that there are at least seven different abilities that persons can develop to work out jobs or create merchandises:

& # 61623 ; verbal/linguistic,

& # 61623 ; musical,

& # 61623 ; logical/mathematical,

& # 61623 ; spatial/visual,

& # 61623 ; bodily/kinesthetic, interpersonal, and

& # 61623 ; intrapersonal.

Each intelligence is distinguished by its ain competences and accomplishments and straight influences the manner an person will construe and use information. Learning manners are the wide penchants that scholars tend to exhibit when faced with new content or jobs that need to be solved. These manners encompass cognitive, affectional, and behavioural elements, and describe scholars in footings of their penchants for group or single acquisition contexts, the grade to which they separate inside informations

from complex backgrounds ( field dependant vs. field independent ) , or their affinity for analytic, abstract positions as opposed to more incorporate, comprehensive 1s ( analytic vs. planetary ) . Awareness of different intelligences and larning manners, and persons ‘ penchants for them can assist instructors make positive acquisition experiences. By changing instructional activities to suit scholars ‘

penchants ( talks, visuals, hands-on activities, vocals ) or by offering options for responses to direction ( compose a paper, make a theoretical account, give a presentation ) , instructors can back up scholars ‘ entree to and apprehension of content.

Practitioner Inquiry, Reflective Teaching, and Action Research

Practitioner enquiry, brooding instruction, and action research refer to a teacher-centered attack to professional and staff development. Like the learner-centered attack to direction, which focuses on the demands of the scholars and respects them as spouses in the acquisition procedure, these attacks to professional development put practicians at the centre of the procedure shaping, investigation, and turn toing issues

in their ain instruction.

These theoretical accounts require practicians to go research workers and take a oppugning stance towards their work. Rather than concentrating on their shortages, instructors concentrate on their strengths and involvements as agencies for heightening their cognition and instruction accomplishments. The undermentioned stairss are normally portion of the procedure: reflecting upon pattern as a agency of placing a job or inquiry ; garnering information on that job or inquiry ; analyzing and reflecting on the information gathered ; be aftering some action based on the information ; implementing the action planned ; monitoring and measuring the alterations that may or may non ensue

from the action ; and join forcesing or sharing with co-workers. These

footings and similar fluctuations are frequently used interchangeably, their differences typically exemplifying the elements emphasized, in other words, brooding learning high spots ongoing self-assessment while action research focuses on planning, implementing, and measuring existent alterations in the schoolroom.

Project-based Education

Project-based instruction is an instructional attack that seeks to contextualize linguistic communication acquisition by affecting scholars in undertakings, instead than in stray activities aiming specific accomplishments. Project-based acquisition activities by and large integrate linguistic communication and cognitive accomplishments, connect to real-life jobs, generate high scholar involvement, and affect some co-op or group larning accomplishments. Unlike direction where content is organized by subjects that relate and contextualize stuff to be learned, project-based acquisition nowadayss scholars with a job to work out or a merchandise to bring forth. They must so be after and put to death activities to accomplish

their aims. Undertakings selected may be complex and necessitate an investing of clip and resources, or they may be more modest in graduated table. Examples of undertakings include a category cookery book, an international nutrient bazar, a folktale-based narrative hr at a local library, a vicinity services directory, or a category web page. In the choice of undertakings and activities, it is of import to include scholars ‘ input, every bit good as to see carefully how the undertaking will suit with overall instructional ends and aims.

Chapter 2. Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

2.1. Gardner & # 8217 ; s Theory.

Arguing that “ ground, intelligence, logic, cognition are non synonymous… , ” Howard Gardner ( 1983 ) proposed a new position of intelligence that is quickly being incorporated in school course of study. In his Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Gardner expanded the construct of intelligence to besides include such countries as music, spatial dealingss, and

interpersonal cognition in add-on to mathematical and lingual ability.

This research discusses the beginnings of Gardner ‘s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, his definition of intelligence, the incorporation of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences into the schoolroom, and its function in alternate appraisal patterns.


Harmonizing to Howard Gardner, as presented in his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, human intelligence has the undermentioned features:

-A set of accomplishments that enable a individual to decide echt jobs encountered in life.

-The Ability to make an effectual merchandise or offer a service that is valued in a civilization.

-The Potential for acknowledging or making jobs, thereby set uping the necessity for the new cognition.

Howard Gardner said in his book: & # 8220 ; it becomes necessary to state, one time and for all, that there can ne’er be, a individual incontrovertible and universally recognized list of human intelligences.

Though an thorough list of every intelligence may non be possible, identifying intelligences is of import for at least two grounds:

-Classification of Human Intellectual Competencies which will let a better apprehension of humanity.

-Identification of Intellectual Strengths which will enable research workers to pass on more accurately about the construct of Intellect.

Seven Intelligences

Gardner defines intelligence as “ the capacity to work out jobs or to manner merchandise that are valued in one or more cultural scene ” . Using biological every bit good as cultural research, he formulated a list of seven intelligences. This new mentality on intelligence differs greatly from the traditional position which normally recognizes merely two intelligences, verbal and computational. The seven intelligences Gardner defines are:

2.1.1 Linguistic Intelligence

Linguistic intelligence ( or verbal-linguistic ) is the ability to utilize with lucidity the nucleus operations of linguistic communication. It involves holding a command of linguistic communication. This intelligence includes the ability to efficaciously pull strings linguistic communication to show oneself rhetorically or poetically. It besides allows one to utilize linguistic communication as a agency to retrieve information.

Peoples with lingual intelligence have a sensitiveness to the significance of words — the capacity to follow regulations of grammar, and, on carefully selected occasions, to go against them. At a slightly more centripetal degree — a sensitiveness to the sounds, beat, inflexions, and metres of words — that ability which can do even poesy in a foreign lingua beautiful to hear. And a sensitiveness to the different maps of linguistic communication — its possible to excite, convince, stimulate, convey information, or merely to delight. Peoples such as poets, writers, newsmans, talkers, lawyers, talk-show hosts, politicians, lectors, and instructors may exhibit developed lingual intelligence.

2.1.2 Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Logical-Mathematical intelligence is logical and mathematical ability every bit good as scientific ability. It consists of the ability to observe forms, ground deductively and believe logically. This intelligence is most frequently associated with scientific and mathematical thought.

Abstraction is cardinal, concluding is complex, and problem-solution is natural.

Order and sequence are important. There is a thrust to cognize causality every bit good as the explication of being. Peoples such as mathematicians, applied scientists, physicists, esearchers, uranologists, and scientists may exhibit developed logical-mathematical intelligence.

2.1.3 Intra-Personal Intelligence

Intra-Personal intelligence is the ability to organize an accurate theoretical account of oneself, and to utilize that theoretical account to run efficaciously in life. At a basic degree, it is the capacity to separate feelings of pleasance from emotional hurting and, on the footing of such favoritism, to go more involved in or to retreat from a state of affairs. At the most advanced degree, interpersonal intelligence is the capacity to observe and to

symbolize composite and high differentiated sets of feelings. Peoples such as some novelists, healers, sages, psychologists, and philosophers may exhibit developed intra-personal intelligence.

2.1.4 Inter-Personal Intelligence

Inter-personal intelligence is the ability to notice and do differentiations among other persons and, in peculiar, among their tempers, dispositions, motives, and purposes. Examined in its most simple signifier, the inter-personal intelligence entails the capacity of the immature kid to observe and know apart the assorted tempers of

those around them. In an advanced signifier, it permits a skilled grownup to read the purposes and desires — even when those desires have been hidden — of many other persons and, potentially, move upon this cognition. Peoples such as politicians, spiritual leaders, and those in the assisting professions may exhibit developed inter-personal intelligence.

The last two intelligences are separate from each other. However, because of their close association in most civilizations, they are frequently linked together.

2.1.5 Musical Intelligence

Musical intelligence ( or Musical-rhythmic ) is the ability to utilize the nucleus set of musical elements — pitch, beat, and timber ( understanding the characteristic qualities of a tone ) . Auditory maps are required for a individual to develop this intelligence in relation to flip and chant, but it is non needed for the cognition of beat. There may be a hierarchy of trouble involved in assorted functions — composing, public presentation, listening.

Peoples such as vocalists, composers, musicians, music directors, and those who enjoy, understand, use, create, perform, and appreciate music and/or elements of music may exhibit developed musical intelligence.

2.1.6 Spatial Intelligence

Spatial intelligence ( or visual-spatial ) is the capacity to comprehend the universe accurately, and to be able to animate one ‘s ocular experience. It gives one the ability to pull strings and make mental images in order to work out jobs. This intelligence is non limited to ocular spheres — Gardner notes that spacial intelligence is besides formed in unsighted kids. It entails a figure of slackly related capacities: the ability to acknowledge cases of the same component ; the ability to acknowledge transmutations of

one component in another ; the capacity to raise up mental imagination and so to transform that imagination ; the ability to bring forth a in writing similitude of spacial information ; and the similar. A individual with a good sense of way or the ability to travel and run good in the universe would bespeak spacial intelligence. Peoples such as crewmans, applied scientists, sawboness, sculpturers, painters, map makers, and designers may exhibit developed spacial intelligence.

2.1.7 Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence is the ability to utilize one ‘s mental abilities to organize one ‘s ain bodily motions and the ability to manage objects skilfully. This intelligence challenges the popular belief that mental and physical activity are unrelated. Peoples such as histrions, terpsichoreans, swimmers, acrobats, jocks, jugglers,

musicians and craftsmans may exhibit developed bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

2.1.8 Naturalistic Intelligence

The undermentioned definition is an abbreviation and version by J. Keith Rogers and based upon his survey of Howard Gardner ‘s theory:

Naturalistic intelligence is the ability to understand, relate to, categorise, sort, grok, and explain the things encountered in the universe of nature.

Peoples such as husbandmans, ranchers, huntsmans, nurserymans, and carnal animal trainers may exhibit developed realistic intelligence.

Although the intelligences are anatomically separated from each other, Gardner claims that the seven intelligences really seldom run independently. Rather, the

intelligences are used at the same time and typically complement each other as persons develop accomplishments or work out jobs. For illustration, a terpsichorean can stand out in his art merely if he has

1 ) strong musical intelligence to understand the beat and

fluctuations of the music,

2 ) interpersonal intelligence to understand how he can animate or emotionally travel his audience through his motions, every bit good as

3 ) bodily-kinesthetic intelligence to supply him with the legerity and coordination to finish the motions successfully.

Footing for Intelligence

Gardner argues that there is both a biological and cultural footing for the multiple intelligences. Neurobiological research indicates that larning is an result of the alterations in the synaptic connexions between cells. Primary elements of different types of acquisition are found in peculiar countries of the encephalon where matching transmutations have occurred. Therefore, assorted types of larning consequences in synaptic connexions in different countries of the encephalon. For illustration, hurt to the Broca ‘s country of the encephalon will ensue in the loss of one ‘s ability to verbally

communicate utilizing proper sentence structure. However, this hurt will non take the patient ‘s apprehension of right grammar and word use.

In add-on to biological science, Gardner ( 1983 ) argues that civilization besides plays a big function in the development of the intelligences. All societies value different types of intelligences.

The cultural value placed upon the ability to execute certain undertakings provides the motive to go skilled in those countries. Therefore, while peculiar intelligences might be extremely evolved in many people of one civilization, those same intelligences might non be as developed in the persons of another.

2.2. Psychological analysis of Gardner & # 8217 ; s Theory

Despite swings of the pendulum between theoretical and applied concerns, the construct of intelligence has remained cardinal to the field of psychological science. In the aftermath of the Darwinian revolution, when scientific psychological science was merely get downing, many bookmans became interested in the development of intelligence across species. The late 19th and early twentieth centuries were punctuated by volumes that delineated degrees of

intelligence across species and within the human species. Francis Galton ( cousin of Charles Darwin ) was possibly the first psychologically oriented scientist to seek to mensurate the mind straight. Though

Galton ( 1870 ) had a theoretical involvement in the construct of intelligence, his work was by no agencies unrelated to practical issues. A committed eugenicist, he sought to mensurate intelligence and hoped, through proper “ genteelness, ” to increase the overall intelligence of the population. During the undermentioned half century, many of the most talented and influential

psychologists concerned themselves with the nature of human intelligence. Although a few research workers were interested chiefly in theoretical issues, most seasoned their concerns with a practical orientation. Therefore, Binet and Terman developed the first all-purpose intelligence trials in their several states ; Yerkes and Wechsler created their ain influential instruments. Even scientists with a strong

theoretical set, like Spearman and Thurstone, contributed either

straight or indirectly to the fashioning of certain measuring techniques and the favoring of peculiar lines of reading. By midcentury, theories of intelligence had become a basic of psychological science text editions, even as intelligence trials were taken for granted in many industrialised states.

Still, it is just to state that, within scientific psychological science, involvement in issues of intelligence waned to some extent. Although psychometricians continued to hone the instruments that purported to mensurate human mind and some new trials were introduced, for the most portion, the burgeoning involvement in cognitive affairs bypassed the country of intelligence. This divorce between mainstream research psychological science and the “ applied country ” of intelligence might hold continued indefinitely, but by the late seventies, there were marks of a reawakening of involvement in theoretical and research facets of intelligence. With his focal point on the information-processing facets of points in psychological trials, Robert

Sternberg was possibly the most of import accelerator for this displacement,

but research workers from a figure of different countries of psychological science have joined in this rediscovery of the centrality of intelligence.The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
A decennary ago, Gardner found that his ain research involvements were taking him to a heightened concern with issues of human intelligence. This concern grew out of two disparate factors, one chiefly theoretical, the other mostly practical. As a consequence of his ain surveies of the development and dislocation of cognitive and symbol-using capacities, Gardner became positive that the Piagetian position of mind was flawed. Whereas Piaget had

conceptualized all facets of symbol usage as portion of a individual “ semiotic map, ”

empirical grounds was accruing that the human head may be rather modular in design. That is, separate psychological procedures appear to be involved in covering with lingual, numerical, pictural, sign, and other sorts of symbolic systems.

Persons may be precocious with one signifier of symbol usage, without any necessary carryover to other signifiers. By the same item, one signifier of symbol usage may go earnestly compromised under conditions of encephalon harm, without correlate depreciation of other symbolic capacities. Indeed, different signifiers of symbol usage appear to be subserved by different parts of the intellectual cerebral mantle. On a more practical degree, Gardner was disturbed by the about sole emphasis in school on two signifiers of symbol usage: lingual symbolisation and logical-mathematical symbolisation. Although these two signifiers are evidently of import in a scholastic scene, other assortments of symbol usage besides figure conspicuously in human cognitive activity within and particularly outside of school. Furthermore, the accent on lingual and logical capacities was overpowering in the building of points on intelligence,

aptitude, and achievement trials. If different sorts of points were used, or different sorts of assessment instruments devised, a rather different position of the human mind might publish away. These and other factors led Gardner to a conceptualisation of human mind that was more capacious. This took into history a broad assortment of human cognitive capacities, entailed many sorts of symbol systems, and incorporated every bit good the accomplishments valued in a assortment of cultural and historical scenes. Recognizing that he was stretching the word

intelligence beyond its customary application in educational psychological science, Gardner proposed the being of a figure of comparatively independent human intelligences.He defined intelligence as the capacity to work out jobs or to manner merchandises that are valued in one or more cultural scenes, and detailed a set of standards for what counts as a human intelligence. Gardner ‘s definition and his standards deviated significantly from established patterns in the field of intelligence. Most definitions of intelligence focal point on the capacities that are of import for success in school.

Problem resolution is recognized as a important constituent, but the ability to

manner a productto write a symphonic music, put to death a picture, phase a drama, construct up and pull off an organisation, carry out an experimentis non included, presumptively because the aforesaid capacities can non be probed adequately in short-answer trials.

Furthermore, on the canonical history, intelligence is presumed to be a cosmopolitan, likely innate, capacity, and so the diverse sorts of functions valued in different civilizations are non considered germane to a survey of “ natural mind. ”

For the most portion, definitions and trials of intelligence are through empirical observation determined.

Research workers search for points that predict who will win in school, even as they drop points that fail to foretell scholastic success. New trials are determined in portion by the grade of correlativity with older, already recognized instruments. In crisp contrast, bing psychometric instruments play no function in Gardner ‘s preparation. Rather, a

campaigner ability emerges as an intelligence to the extent that it has recurred as an identifiable entity in a figure of different lines of survey of human knowledge. To get at his list of intelligences, Gardner and his co-workers examined the literature in several countries: the development of cognitive capacities in normal persons ; the dislocation of cognitive capacities under assorted sorts of organic pathology ; the being of abilities in “ particular populations, ” such as prodigies, autistic persons, imbeciles initiates, and learning-disabled kids ; signifiers of mind that exist in different species ; signifiers of mind valued in different civilizations ; the

development of knowledge across the millenary ; and two signifiers of psychological evidencethe consequences of factor-analytic surveies of human cognitive capacities and the result of surveies of transportation and generalisation. Candidate capacities that turned up repeatedly in these disparate literatures made up a probationary list of human

intelligences, whereas abilities that appeared merely one time or twice or were reconfigured otherwise in diverse beginnings were abandoned from consideration.

The methods and the consequences of this monolithic study are reported in item in Frames of Mind and summarized in several other publications. Gardner ‘s probationary list includes seven intelligences, each with its ain constituent procedures and subtypes ( see supplement 3 ) . It is

claimed that, as a species, human existences have evolved over the millenary to transport out at least these seven signifiers of thought. In a biological metaphor, these may be thought of as different

mental “ variety meats ” ; in a computational metaphor, these

may be construed as separate information-processing devices. Although

all worlds exhibit the scope of intelligences, persons differ — presumptively for both familial and environmental grounds — in their current profile of intelligences.

Furthermore, there is no necessary correlativity between any two intelligences, and they may so imply rather distinguishable signifiers of perceptual experience, memory, and other psychological procedures. Although few businesss rely wholly on a individual intelligence, different functions typify the “ terminal provinces ” of each intelligence. For illustration, the “ lingual ” sensitiveness to the sounds and building of linguistic communication is exemplified by the poet, whereas the interpersonal ability to spot and react to the tempers and motives of other people is represented in the healer. Other businesss more clearly illustrate the

demand for a blend of intelligences. For case, sawboness require both the sharp-sightedness of spacial intelligence to steer the scalpel and the sleight of the bodily/kinesthetic intelligence to manage it. Similarly, scientists frequently have to depend on their lingual intelligence to depict and explicate the finds made utilizing their logical-mathematic intelligence, and they must use interpersonal intelligence in interacting with co-workers and in keeping a productive and sm

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