My Philosophical Approach To Counseling Essay Research

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My Philosophic Approach to Counseling

Definition of Existential Therapy

One study taken by Corey suggests a definition of Existential Therapy

include two cardinal elements:

Experiential Therapy is basically an attack to guidance and therapy

instead than a steadfast theoretical theoretical account, it stresses core human conditions.

Normally, personality development is based on the singularity of each

single. Sense of ego develops from babyhood. Self finding and a

inclination toward growing are control thoughts. Focus is on the present and on what

one is going ; that is the attack has a future orientation. It stresses

self-awareness before action. ( 1996, p.465 )

In layperson footings, Existential therapy can be described as a philosophical

attack that is non designed to bring around people but alternatively assist the client reflect

and hunt for value and significance in life. Experiential Therapy does non provide a

cookery book of methods like other attacks but alternatively it provides a model

that is adaptable to the healer, in which to see the person and the

universe in which they participate.

Definition of Person-Centered ( Client-Centered ) Therapy

Harmonizing to Mosby & # 8217 ; s Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary,

client-centered therapy is a non directing method of group or single

psychotherapeutics, originated by Carl Rogers, in which the function of the healer is

to listen to and reflect or repeat without judgement or reading the words

of the client.

Aims of Existential Therapy

The aims of Existential Therapy are rather alone. Experiential

counsellors are focused on assisting the client achieve and spread out their self-

consciousness. Many Therapist assume one time self consciousness is achieved, the client

can analyze new ways of covering with jobs and except the duty of


Aims of Client-centered Therapy

The aim of client-centered therapy is to help the client to

experience ego geographic expedition, so that they can place jobs that are

impeding their growing procedure. Basically, the chief end of client-centered

therapy is to hold the client achieve a sense of increased consciousness and

apprehension of his attitudes, feelings, and behaviours.

Professional Opinions

Experiential and client-centered therapy have been criticized for non

being? scientific plenty? . They have been down played as non being empirical

and non holding a curative theoretical account that is steadfastly set in rock with a set of

methods and intercessions. A big figure of therapist feel that Existential

and client-centered therapy are non sound curative attacks for handling

and naming striplings. One chief ground for this statement is the

experiential position toward adolescence. Existentialist position adolescence as a clip

when a immature individual begins to derive a sense of consciousness on a surface degree.

After accomplishing this degree, the stripling bit by bit starts to concentrate on ego

significance, which takes topographic point through the development of their individuality ( Hacker,

1994 ) . Existentialist besides believe that how the single conceptilizes decease

dramas a portion in the whole being of the individual. A study of 82 pupils revealed

people viewed decease as cold and denied. This information indicates decease is

really influencial in making anxiousness in people ( Westman, 1992, p. 1064 ) .

Experiential and client-centered therapy have non labeled themselves with

a distinguishable clinical process, alternatively these techniques and constructs have been

effectual in assisting patients to acknowledge and carry through their ends.

For this ground, I believe experiential idea coupled with client-centered

therapy are appropriate in handling clients who confront some type of obstruction

or major event in their life ( facing decease, sudden isolation, altering from

childhood to adolescence ) . David Cain ( 1993 ) , a person-centered healer,

believes client-centered therapy is non a wise determination for handling clients in

some instances, he sites that due to the deficiency of development of Client-centered

therapy and the client-centered community & # 8217 ; s unwillingness to alter with the

promotions of guidance and psychotherapeutics has limited the curative


On the otherhand, therapist Philip Kendall and Michael A. Southam-Gerow,

seem to acknowledge the importance of client-centered therapy. Kendall and

Southam-Gerow conducted a survey which examined the long-run effects o

degree Fahrenheit

psychosocial intervention for anxiousness disordered young person, which they evaluated the

long term effects and the effectual constituents of the intervention.

The consequences from the survey revealed that kids and stripling clients

treated two to five old ages earlier with psychotherapeutics retained their additions over

anxiousness related upsets ( p 728 ) .

Kendall noted the deficiency of anxiousness related jobs could hold resulted

from the clients ripening and non the long-run effects of therapy. This

grounds entirely exhibits merely one facet of the enormous effects of client-

centered psychotherapeutics. The survey besides demonstrated the assortment of techniques

used with the clients, which ranged from relaxation exercisings to function playing.

Another on-going unfavorable judgment of the two dynamic attacks to therapy is

gender plays a major function in the result of therapy. Researchers ( Porter, Cox,

Williams, Wagner, & A ; Johnson, 1996. ) have provided research to reason this point.

They conducted a survey, which a Client-Behavioral system was used to

measure the curative procedure with 27 sexually abused misss who were enrolled

in single guidance, the survey revealed that when sexual maltreatment was officially

taught that the misss were more likely to reply with maltreatment related replies in

response to child maltreatment inquiries, irrespective of whether the counsellor was male

or female.

Summary and Conclusion

One can see from the stuff provided that there are some repeating

subjects in the countries of client-centered and experiential psychological science: The hunt

for significance and value in life, self-awareness, and behaviour. While experiential

and client-centered roots are planted steadfastly in philosophical and humanistic

manners of believing without clear grounds of any scientific theoretical account,

existential philosophy and client-centered therapy offers the scientific discipline of psychological science a

path much different than the other attacks to therapy that seek merely a

scientific result. Experiential and client-centered offer a alternate signifier of

therapy, a phenomenological attack to the individual, non a expression at the inherent aptitudes

of the individual, non a separation of the Idaho, the self-importance, and superego, but a position of

the full being in the now.

The drawbacks of experiential and client-centered therapy have been

stated as a basic deficiency of pure scientific methodological analysis. These two attacks do

non offer a text edition of? how to? techniques, but alternatively they offer a point of view,

a lens, a manner of visualizing the individual and the universe in which they live. It

offers a manner to see oneself, as a healer, a incentive, and as a assistant.

They do non nevertheless, offer a fix-all to every job, instead they seek to assist

the client realize duty for their actions and ideas while assisting

the client addition a deep sense of consciousness and trust in themselves in the

curative relationship.


Cain, D. J. ( 1993 ) . The unsure hereafter of client-centered guidance.

Journal of Humanistic Education and Development. 31 ( 3 ) , 133-138.

Client-Centered Therapy Dictionary Definition. Mosby & # 8217 ; s Medical, Nursing, and

Allied Health Dictionary. [ CD-ROM ] Abstract from: Health Reference Center. File

Number: 00009108.

Corey, G. ( 1996 ) . Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. ( Rev.

ed. ) . Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Coleman.

Hacker, D. J. ( 1994 ) . An Experiential Position of Adolescence. Journal of Early

Adolescence. 14. ( 3 ) , 300-327.

Kendall, P. , & A ; Southam-Gerow, M. ( 1996 ) . Long-run followup of a Cognitive-

Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety-Disordered Youth. Journal of Consulting and

Clinical Psychology. 64. ( 4 ) , 724-730.

Porter, R. L. , Wagner W. , Johnson, J. , & A ; Cox, L. M. ( 1996 ) . Sexually abused

misss & # 8217 ; verbalisations in guidance: an application of the client behaviour


[ CD-ROM ] . Journal of Counseling Psychology. 43. ( 4 ) , 383-389. Abstraction from:

Health Reference Center. File Number: 18987461.

Westman, A. S. , ( 1992 ) . Experiential Anxiety as Related to Conceptualization of

Self and of Death, Denial of Death, and Religiosity. Psychological Reports. 71.



This paper examined two philosophical and humanistic attacks I have chosen

as my principle to guidance and psychotherapeutics. The paper will specify and

explicate the aims and techniques of these two dynamic therapies.

Furthermore, it will exemplify experiential and client-centered therapy & # 8217 ; s

importance in respects to handling adolescence.


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