Oedipus And Othello Comparison Essay Research Paper

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Oedipus And Othello Comparison Essay, Research Paper

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*INTRO*The character Oedipus in the drama Oedipus the King by Sophocles, and the character Othello in the drama Othello the Moor of Venice by Shakespeare are both tragic characters. Oedipus ends up killing his male parent, and marrying and holding kids with his female parent, whereas Othello ends up distrusting and killing his married woman. These two persons have similarities and differences in several facets such as the rotundity of their characters, the requital that they incur upon themselves and upon their several married womans whether straight or indirectly, and their horrors.

*BODY 1* Both Oedipus and Othello are developed into unit of ammunition characters. Round characters are those that are good developed three dimensionally with multiple intending to their characters. Oedipus is a character whose destiny can non be avoided, and which of all time path he seems to take leads him to more problem than what he had to cover with earlier. Even though his character is all-around, he is non credible. It would be extremely improbable that Oedipus would get married a adult female who looked as if she could be his female parent without inquiring a few inquiries about her past matrimonies and about her kids. It could hold caused some penetration in their characters, and inquiries could hold arisen about the first kid which was sent off and idea of as dead. Othello on the other manus is a all-around character, and he is credible. Othello is a adult male who is filled with green-eyed monster and misgiving he learns that his married woman may be kiping with another adult male. Anyone who has been in love has had this feeling one time and a piece, and that feeling is being fed by the individual of whom they most trust, it can be lay waste toing for that individual. As Iago continually feeds Othello? s intuition, his injury and misgiving grows for his married woman, until he eventually kills her. The character of Oedipus is a unit of ammunition character, but can non be believed due to the absurd fortunes of his matrimony with Jocasta. Othello? s round character can be believed, because green-eyed monster invades

all of us at one clip or another and for Othello, he chose to move upon it much like those who act in our society today.

*BODY 2*Both Oedipus every bit good as Othello afflict themselves and their married womans. When Oedipus learns the truth about himself, about the excessively debauched Acts of the Apostless of matching with his female parent and killing his male parent, his married woman Jocasta slays herself in embarrassment. Her decease is therefore an indirect consequence of Oedipus? errors. He so blinds himself in order to bring down self-punishment. Othello on the other manus erroneously accuses his married woman Desdemona of criminal conversation with Cassio and hence accelerators her to decease. When he subsequently realizes that his accusal was improperly based, he is overcome with guilt, and therefore stabs himself to decease. Therefore, Oedipus performs moral devastation of himself where as Othello destroys himself by decease.

*BODY 3*The horrors of Oedipus and Othello, although similar in certain ways, are different in others. Oedipus ends up bring outing a echt horror ; while Othello ends up recognizing that the horror that exists is merely in his head. Oedipus? horrors were made true by his ain ego ; whereas Othello? s unreal horror was conceived and promulgated by his sure general Iago. The horrors of both are besides more or less a consequence of their pick in marriage. Oedipus marries Jocasta fallaciously presuming that she would non be his female parent thereby making puting himself up for enduring one time the truth reveals. Othello marries Desdemona, who is of a race different from his, and this is partly the ground why Iago chooses to do him endure.

*CONCLUSION*In decision, when comparing and contrasting the supporters Oedipus and Othello, the rotundity of their characters, the indirect or direct requital that they incur upon themselves and their several married womans, and their horrors illustrate the similarities and the differences among them. What? s most of import is that both characters duly picture the importance of righteousness in this universe therefore conveying to illume their single aristocracies.

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