Patrick Henry Vs Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

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Patrick Henry and Martin Luther King Jr. were two of the most influential revolutionary’s known to mankind. Even though their positions on how to go liberated were wholly opposite. their passion and grim finding finally proved to be honoring. Patrick Henry and Martin Luther King Jr. are as the Sun and H2O combat for the same atrophy flower but with different methods to success.

Patrick Henry had an intense. win large or lose large attack to freedom. In his address he is pleading to the president to open his eyes and notice that everything is non disposed. Henry was stating the president there was no peaceable agencies of settling this difference with Great Britain. They tried to work out their differences by speaking for 10 old ages. Henry said. but to no help. Harmonizing to Henry. there was nil left to make but contend for their freedoms. He said. ” If we wish to be free-if we mean to continue inviolate those incomputable privileges for which we have been so long contending-if we mean non meanly to abandon the baronial battle in which we have been so long engaged. and which we have pledged ourselves ne’er to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained. we must contend! I repeat it. sir. we must contend! ” . He yearned for freedom so urgently he was willing to decease for it. “Give me liberty. or give me death” .

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Martin Luther King Jr. was merely as ardent for freedom as Patrick Henry was. but his attack was different. He devised a more inactive program to raise his subjugation. He was really firm in his non-violent beliefs. His doctrine was that force merely brings fleeting consequences. Violence merely starts a circle of eternal pandemonium. He believed you must countervail hatred with love. In order to come on something has to be gained. When force is present nil is gained. hence. in order to come on you will necessitate to utilize non-violent tactics.

Patrick and Martin had many differences. They have different policies in which they followed to get the better of inhuman treatment. They besides had different types of subjugation. Martin was covering with racial issue and Patrick was covering with governmental issues. Martin was a peaceable. non-violent job convergent thinker and Patrick wasn’t acquiring any consequences being nonviolent so he became violent. These two work forces besides have some things in common. They both had a strong belief in God. They both had been under heavy subjection. They both fought the oppressor. although with different agencies of force. both were successful.

These two great work forces help determine our state in to what it is today. Whether by force or non-violent Acts of the Apostless both overcame the rough worlds of life. Without their forfeits where would we as a people be today?

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