Personal Diet and Activity Plan Essay Sample

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Sing my ain eating wonts. this paper focuses on how I deal with my personal diet. the foods I gain from nutrient and the betterments I need in order to accomplish a balanced diet. Discussed here are the most of import things I gained cognition of about my nutritionary wonts and nutrient picks which include the recommended consumption of foods for my weight and degree of activity. Another concentration of this paper is my programs in order to reduce/maintain my weight harmonizing to the criterions. I have included here the alterations I will do in footings of nutrient penchants and the activity patterns to advance better wellness.

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From this class. I gained a batch of cognition about nutrition and its function to the improvement of our organic structure and wellness. I was able to understand the assorted foods indispensable to our wellness such as saccharides. proteins. vitamins and minerals. etc. These foods can be found in assorted beginnings particularly in the nutrient that we eat. Foods are besides divided into groups: meat. domestic fowl. fish. eggs. dry beans and nuts ; fruits and veggies. milk and cheese. staff of life. cereal. rice and pasta ; oils fats and Sweets. Proper sum of foods can be acquired if proper sum of helpings of these nutrients are included in a person’s diet. There is a criterion recommended day-to-day helping of each group that we can mention to. It is of import to observe that these foods should be good distributed harmonizing to the demands of the organic structure –not excessively small and non excessively much.

I besides had the opportunity to measure my ain diet and use everything I learned here. I was able to find whether I am making good with my diet or non and take the necessary accommodation to run into the criterions if needed. In this paper. I will discourse the three most of import things I have learned about my nutritionary wonts and picks from this class.

The first of the three most of import things I have learned is that I exceed the protein consumption in mention to the recommended sum by the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion. I about tripled the needed sum of protein I need for my day-to-day allowance. The normal protein intake for a individual my age is 56 gms a twenty-four hours. I am taking an norm of 165 gms of protein a twenty-four hours which is 294. 64 % of the standard protein demand.

Protein is made up of amino acids. There are two types of amino acids: indispensable amino acids and non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are produced by the organic structure through the chemicals found besides in the organic structure. Non-essential amino acids are supplied by nutrient because these are the aminic acids that the organic structure can non bring forth.

Protein is one of the necessary foods needed by our organic structure to prolong life. It has the indispensable substances vital for the growing and fix of our organic structure tissues. It besides aids in the formation of antibodies in order to contend diseases. The ordinance of organic structure maps such as musculus contraction. blood vessel enlargement and contraction which is necessary in keeping normal blood force per unit area is besides facilitated by protein. Some substances like insulin. enzymes and haemoglobin are besides formed with the aid of protein. ( Feeney. 1992. p. 574 )

Protein is classified into complete proteins and uncomplete proteins. Complete proteins have all the cardinal amino acids required by the organic structure. These proteins can be obtained from meat. milk. fish. cheese and domestic fowl. Incomplete proteins. on the other manus. lack some of the aminic acids required by the organic structure. These proteins can be obtained from veggies nutrients such as soya beans. dry beans. peas. some nuts and whole-grain merchandises ( Zucker. 2003. pp. 162-163 ) .

I have a high-protein diet. I exceed about 200 % of the recommended protein consumption and I possibly at hazard of seting strain on my liver and kidneys. When aminic acids from protein are burned. it produces ammonia as its waste merchandise. This waste merchandise goes to the liver. converted into urea so excreted by the kidneys. If there is extra protein. it follows that there is besides an surplus in its waste merchandise which may impact the functionality of the liver and the kidneys. The organic structure needs to acquire rid of these wastes and this would intend excess work for the liver and kidneys. This might ensue to malfunctioning of these variety meats due to have on and rupture.

Excess protein in the organic structure is besides turned in to energy or deposited as fat when non converted into musculus. The presence of extra fat is ever associated with bosom diseases and fleshiness.

The second of the most of import things I learned here is that I need to increase my fruits and vegetable ingestion because I lack more than 25 % of the needed sum of these in my diet. Unable to run into the recommended sum which is 2 cups of helpings for fruits and 3 ? for veggies. I may besides be missing certain vitamins and minerals that are found in fruits and veggies. It is seen. though. in My Nutritional Intake chart that I am able to run into the mark alimentary consumption. and I even surpass the recommended sum. which I likely get from other nutrient beginnings.

In relation to this. I found out that I am besides short of dietetic fibre provided by fruits and veggies. Although dietetic fibre does non truly supply any foods and can non be digested by the organic structure. it helps in the regularity of intestine and in avoiding irregularity. Dietary fibre is besides called ‘bulk’ or ‘roughage’ which aids digestion. It makes a individual feel full faster. that’s why adding this in the diet helps a individual to command eating excessively much nutrient. The length of stay of dietetic fibre in the digestive system allows proper soaking up of the foods from other nutrient. It besides helps lower cholesterin and decreases the hazard of geting coronary bosom disease. It is to be noted. though. that this should be added to the diet easy because disconnected addition in dietetic fibre may take to gas. bloating and spasms. Aside from veggies. other beginnings of dietetic fibre are whole-grain staff of life. nuts. seeds and leguminous plants ( Salunkhe. 1992. p. 305 ) .

The tierce of the three most of import things I have learned about my nutritionary wonts and picks from this class is that I need to modify my diet. Basically. my diet is High-Protein. High-Energy and Low-Fiber. I have excessively much protein intake while my fiber consumption is lower than the needed. My diet is comprised of largely meat and milk which are protein-rich. I need to decrease the helpings of these nutrients in order non to transcend the given allowance for protein. In order to run into the recommended fibre consumption. on the other manus. I will include high-fiber fruits and grains in my repasts. Pineapples. Blackberries and Blueberries are fiber-rich. Alternatively of refined white staff of life. I will hold whole-grain staff of lifes every bit good as oats. brown rice and unpolished rice in replacing of regular white rice. Green. leafy veggies and leguminous plants are besides a good beginning of fibre and I will besides add more of these to my diet.

My current weight is 245 lbs and I am looking to keep this weight or perchance lose 15 lbs. I have extra protein in my organic structure which may be converted into fats and I intend to cut these down which will positively cut down my weight besides. My entire energy consumption besides goes beyond the energy recommendation of 2339 kcal a twenty-four hours. I am taking in 6604 kcal worth of energy in a twenty-four hours – three times more the recognized scope. This sum of energy. if non burned up will turn to organic structure fats which is another jeopardy to my wellness. I possibly puting my organic structure at hazard of cholesterin and other diseases linked with extra fats. The latter means I ought to tear up some weight.

In order to accomplish my end to lose 15 lbs. I will prosecute myself with a Low-Protein. Low-Energy and High-Fiber Diet. I need non look much into my vitamins and minerals intake since I surpass the needed sum of these in a twenty-four hours. I will keep the functioning sum of nutrients that provide me with the indispensable vitamins and minerals. I will change some of these. though. to give me more fibre that I quite lack. I will choose hempen fruits and veggies such as Ananas comosuss. blackberries. blueberries. prunes. oranges. Sweet murphies. beans. and greed leafy veggies. Alternatively of fixing regular grain. I will choose for oats. whole-grain staff of lifes. and brown or unpolished rice.

I will give excess attending on my consumption of meat. milk. saccharides and other protein and energy-rich nutrient. I will supervise my day-to-day consumption of the said nutrients and do certain that I do non transcend the recommended sum of these to be taken in twenty-four hours. There are assorted ways I can follow to keep the recognized scope I have to take for a twenty-four hours: modulate the sum of high-calorie meat in a repast. utility high-calorie meat with low-calorie meat such as poulet. fish or bean curd. modulate the consumption of saccharides or if possible. change the ingredients of the repasts that I prepare. Alternatively of utilizing regular pasta. rice and staff of life. I will travel for low-calorie pasta. brown rice and whole-grain staff of lifes or burgoo.

I plan to alter my eating wonts bit by bit and easy so that my system can follow easy. Abrupt alteration in eating wonts might impact my metamorphosis. I do non be after to cut off certain nutrients from my diet and hunger myself. Alternatively. I will follow steps to chair the foods that I have surpluss. I will besides be aware of the alimentary content of the nutrient that I take particularly the protein and energy rich nutrients. I will be after my repast utilizing the Calorie counter as the mention whether I am taking excessively much or excessively less of something.

In respects to my activity forms. I plan to ‘burn’ extra energy by being more physically active. I will do it a point that I engage myself into exercisings or athleticss to use extra Calories I gained from the nutrient I eat.

My diet will certainly be altered because of some accommodations particularly about my protein and fiber consumption. My repasts will non be including much meat and other protein-rich nutrients as earlier. Some ingredients of the nutrients that I on a regular basis eat will besides be substituted with ingredients that will conform to the needed food content that is accepted for me. I will besides be alert about the sum of fibre of the nutrients that I eat mundane to make the standard sum I needed. The alteration in my eating wonts and activity forms will certainly modify my personal diet in order to accomplish a well-balanced diet and a healthy organic structure.


Latham. M. C. ( 1992 ) . Nutrition. human. In Grolier International Encyclopedia ( Vol. 14. pp. 304-307 ) . Nutmeg state: Grolier Incorporated.

Feeney. R. E. ( 1992 ) . Protein. In Grolier International Encyclopedia ( Vol. 15. p. 574 ) . Nutmeg state: Grolier Incorporated.

Zucker. E. D. ( 2003 ) . The Caregiver’s Resourcebook. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Health.

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