President Andrew Jackson Essay Research Paper Andrew

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President Andrew Jackson Essay, Research Paper

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Andrew Jackson was born in 1767, and grew up in the boundary line of North and South Carolina. He attended frontier schools and acquired the repute of being fiery-tempered and willing to contend all comers. He besides learned to read, and he was frequently called on by the community to read aloud the intelligence from the Philadelphia documents.

In 1775, with the beginning of the American Revolution, Andrew Jackson, so merely 13 old ages old became an orderly and courier. He took portion in the Battle of Hanging Rock against the British and in a few little brushs with British sympathisers known as Loyalists or Tories. His brother Hugh was killed, and when the British raided Waxhaw, both he and Robert were captured. Because Jackson refused to smooth the boots of a British officer, he was struck across the arm and face with a sabre. The male childs were put in a British prison in Camden, South Carolina, where an epidemic of variola broke out. Mrs. Jackson gained her boys & # 8217 ; release, but Robert shortly died. Mrs. Jackson so volunteered to nurse other American captives, and she excessively caught variolas and died. Andrew was now 14 old ages old and without any immediate household. With the war over, he took up saddle devising and school instruction. With a $ 300 heritage from his gramps, he went to Charleston, South Carolina, so the biggest metropolis in the South. There he cut a gallant figure in society until his money ran out.

In 1787, Andrew Jackson became a attorney and he set his office up in McLeanville, North Carolina. He rapidly became successful attorney and engaged himself in land guess. He shortly moved his office to Nashville where he met and fell in love with Mrs. Rachel Donelson Robard. Believing that Mr. Robards had obtained a divorce, they were married in 1791. Two old ages subsequently they found that this was non so and the divorce had merely so become concluding. A 2nd matrimony ceremonial was performed. However, this failed to forestall chitchats and political oppositions from trying to do a dirt out of the Jacksons & # 8217 ; happy matrimony. Mrs. Jackson endured in silence the many slanders that followed. Jackson, nevertheless, preferred to utilize dueling handguns to revenge his married woman & # 8217 ; s award.

In 1796, Andrew Jackson was elected into the House of Representatives, stand foring Tennessee. He shortly allied with the Jeffersonian Party, knocking Washington and his disposal. He claimed that Washington & # 8217 ; s plan covering with the Indians were non strong plenty and that Jay & # 8217 ; s Treaty covering with foreign personal businesss with France was non in America & # 8217 ; s involvement. After one twelvemonth in the, Jackson moved to the Senate, the other chamber of the Congress of the United States. He served from September 1797 to April 1798 and so retired to private life.

During the old ages of 1804 to 1812, Jackson settled, with his married woman in his place & # 8211 ; retiring indefinately. Although Jackson was active in local political relations, he took small involvement in national personal businesss. The one exclusion was his brief engagement with the alleged Burr confederacy. Former Vice President Aaron Burr, determined to reconstruct his personal lucks, convinced Jackson that he had authorities endorsing to take a filibustering expedition into Mexico. Jackson agreed to construct him some boats, but when he realized that Burr and his group were moving wholly on their ain, he instantly dropped his connexion with the strategy. Jackson & # 8217 ; s hot pique involved him in a figure of feuds and affaire d’honneurs. Many of them were caused by comments made about his matrimony. The affaire d’honneur with Charles Dickinson in 1806 stands out as an illustration of Jackson & # 8217 ; s characteristic refusal even to admit the possibility of licking. Jackson let his opposition fire foremost, because Dickinson was a faster and better shooting. Leting himself clip to take deliberate purpose, Jackson planned to kill his adult male with a individual slug, even & # 8220 ; if he had shot me through the brain. & # 8221 ; Thus, Jackson took a slug in the thorax and, without squinching, calmly killed his adult male. Jackson was besides involved in a bash with politician Thomas Hart Benton and his brother Jesse Benton. Jackson was shot twice in the shoulder and arm by Jesse and was earnestly wounded. However, in ulterior old ages, Jackson and Thomas Hart Benton became close political Alliess.

In 1815, Jackson became commanding officer of the South District Army. Two old ages subsequently, in 1817, Jackson was ordered to & # 8220 ; quiet & # 8221 ; the Seminole Indian folk who were busting colonies in Georgia and concealing under the Spanish flag by running to Florida. In 1818 Jackson pursued the Seminole into Florida. He seized a military station at Saint Marks, and he executed two British topics, Alexander Arbuthnot and Robert Chrystie Ambrister, for motivating the Seminole against American colonists. Then, larning that the Seminole had fled toward Pensacola, Jackson made a forced March and captured the station a 2nd clip. Andrew Jackson & # 8217 ; s actions were questionable. He had, in world no right to put to death British topics particularly in Spanish district. The British and Spanish were outraged. Many congresswomans wished Jackson censure his actions. Merely Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, who was so negociating with Spain for the purchase of Florida, defended Jackson. He convinced Monroe to ignore the advice of those who argued that an apology was the lone manner to debar war with Spain and Great Britain. Jackson & # 8217 ; s Florida run increased his popularity, particularly in the West, and it doubtless influenced Spain & # 8217 ; s determination to sell the district. In 1819 Adams concluded the purchase of Florida, and in 1821 Monroe appointed Jackson governor of the freshly organized Florida Territory.

Jackson, the traditional westerner & # 8211 ; pro-tariff and pro-internal betterment & # 8211 ; became a presidential campaigner in 1824. Jackson received 99 electoral ballots ; Adams, 84 ; Crawford, 41 ; and Clay, 37. Jackson besides won pluralities in the provinces where the voters were chosen by the people, non by the legislative assembly. The popular ballot was 152,899 for Jackson, 105,321 for Adams, 47,265 for Clay, and 47,087 for Crawford. However, because none of the campaigners had a bulk of the electoral ballots, the election had to be decided by the House of Representatives. Each province had one ballot, and merely the top three campaigners were eligible. On February 9, 1825, the House elected Adams president. He had 13 ballots, Jackson had 7, and Crawford had 4. Three Western provinces that had originally supported Clay switched to Adams. Later, when president-elect Adams named Clay secretary of province, Jackson & # 8217 ; s protagonists accused them

of doing a “corrupt bargain.” Jackson was determined to get the better of Adams in the election of 1828, and now he felt he had an issue that would assist him win.

Jackson, once more running for the Presidency in 1828 was determined to win. His followings attacked Adams ( who was running excessively ) of the & # 8220 ; pervert & # 8221 ; bargaining he had allegedly made with Henry Clay during the election of 1824. Adams responded by assailing Jackson with his matrimony matter ( scroll up for more inside informations ) with Rachael Jackson. Soon thenceforth, she died of a bosom attack.Andrew Jackson was convinced it was the mistake of Adams and his disposal and ne’er forgave them for it.

Andrew Jackson, as president was really similar, in his ideals with those of Thomas Jefferson. Both Jackson and Jefferson represented the & # 8220 ; common adult male & # 8221 ; . Both Jackson and Jefferson hated a bank of the United States. However, there were some important differences. Thomas Jefferson believed the representation of the hapless ( the common adult male ) by the regulation of the rich. That is, the rich, who were more educated and more suitable for political relations were to & # 8220 ; run & # 8221 ; the authorities in favour for the hapless. However, Jackson believed the regulation of the hapless stand foring themselves.

Jackson was the first president that practiced the spoil system to the fartest grade. His cabinet, called the Kitchen Cabinet ( it was alleged to hold met in the kitchen ) comprised largely of his friends & # 8211 ; some holding no experience in political relations. At times, it was non the loyality towards the party as a whole, but the trueness towards Andrew Jackson governed who was chosen or non.

As president, Jackson supported Georgia in its attempt to strip the Cherokee state of its land. Jackson claimed that he had & # 8220 ; no power to oppose the exercising of sovereignty of any province over all who may be within its limits. & # 8221 ; The Cherokee appealed to the Supreme Court, and in Worcester v. Georgia, Chief Justice John Marshall ruled against Georgia. Marshall stated that the federal authorities had sole legal power over Native American lands. To this Jackson is said to hold replied, & # 8220 ; John Marshall has made his determination. Now let him implement it. & # 8221 ; Of class the tribunal had no enforcement power of its ain, so the determination was ignored. Within a few old ages most of the Cherokee were removed in a 1285-km ( 800-mi ) forced March, during which 1000s of them died. In 1834 the Indian Territory ( now Oklahoma ) was created as a lasting fatherland for the Native Americans who lived E of the Mississippi River. By the terminal of Jackson & # 8217 ; s 2nd disposal the ground forces had forcefully moved most of these eastern folks to their new & # 8220 ; home. & # 8221 ; The Black Hawk War of 1832 and the Seminole War that was renewed in 1835 represented the last attempts of the eastern Native Americans to retain their hereditary lands. Henry Clay called Jackson & # 8217 ; s Native American policy a discoloration on the state & # 8217 ; s award. However, Jackson & # 8217 ; s antipathy toward these peoples was typical of the frontier colonist, and because this policy opened more land to colony, most Westerners supported it with enthusiasm.

Jackson opposed reclamation of the charter of the Second Bank of the United States. Jackson objected to the being of a bank that had a powerful voice in national personal businesss yet was non antiphonal to the will of the people. He contended that the bank benefited merely the creditor, investor, and speculator at the disbursal of the working and agricultural categories that produced the existent wealth of the state by their labour. The fiscal processs of the commercial or monied category, he said, created a boom-and-bust economic rhythm. When the economic system was flourishing, the creditor was rewarded with a big fiscal return on his investings. When depression came, recognition became scarce. Workers and husbandmans, who were normally debitors, had no money to pay their debts and went insolvents. Their lands and belongingss were so seized by their creditors. Therefore, wealth became concentrated in the custodies of a few. With wealth came power and the chance to reenforce this good place by jurisprudence.

The election of 1832 was a landmark in American History because it was the first clip the campaigners were chosen by party conventions. Among other issues, the Bank of the United States was the most of import. The National Republicans supportors the Bank elected Henry Clay as a campaigner while the Democratic Party elected Jackson to run for the presidential term and Martin Van Buren as Vice President. The election was centered on the bank issue, and Jackson won a 2nd term easy. He had 219 electoral ballots to Clay & # 8217 ; s 49. William Wirt, who ran on the Anti-Masonic Party ticket, received 7 ballots, and South Carolina gave all 11 of its electoral ballots to its provinces & # 8217 ; rights campaigner, John Floyd. The popular ballot was 687,502 for Jackson, 530,189 for Clay, and 33,108 for Wirt.

Before even Jackson entered his 2nd term, South Carolina threatened nullification from the duty of 1832. Jackson was a title-holder of provinces & # 8217 ; rights. However, in a battle that placed the involvements of a province above those of the Union, he ever stood house behind the supreme powers of the federal authorities. Talking out against nullification, Jackson stated: I consider, so, the power to invalidate a jurisprudence of the United States, assumed by one State, incompatible with the being of the Union, contradicted expressly by the missive of the Constitution, unauthorized by its spirit, inconsistent with every rule on which it was founded, and destructive of the great object to which it was formed. Jackson besides pushed through Congress a force measure that authorized the usage of federal military personnels to roll up the duty. The crisis was eased when, through the attempts of Henry Clay, Congress passed a via media duty in 1833 along with the force measure. As a last noncompliant gesture, South Carolina accepted the duty but nullified the force measure. Jackson had preserved the Union, but nullification remained a great inquiry.

By 1836 Jackson was weak from TB and had no idea of seeking a 3rd term. However, he pig-headedly continued with personal businesss of province and party, including guaranting that the party nominated Van Buren as his replacement. Although he was eager to return to the Hermitage after Van Buren & # 8217 ; s election, he grimly fulfilled the responsibilities of his office until the startup the undermentioned March. The last twenty-four hours of Jackson & # 8217 ; s presidential term was every bit much a personal victory as his first. Thousands came, non to see the new president but to offer adieus to their beloved hero.



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