Profile Report

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With the given task to interview an individual of the same age, I have decided to interview my long time friend. I have known her since our grade school years. I believe that it would be best for me to present her in this paper and also judge if the Myers-Briggs Test presented an accurate result for her. I also find her comfortable to ask such questions because we have spent time together for years. It would be reasonable for me to place her as the subject of this interview. However, my close friend did not want to be known therefore I would address her as L in this whole paper.

Does the interviewee remember information more accurately if he/she observes the behaviour being performed or does he/she prefer to read how the behaviour is performed?

            In the interview I had with L, she stated that it is more effective for her if the information that is being given to her is performed or exercised in front of her. She believes that she needs to see the actions or even action pictures in order for her to fully grasp the idea of the act being taught to her. She added, when she was in her high school days, she had a clothing technology subject which requires her to learn using a sewing machine. In her words, “I totally did not search for a book in learning how to sew on a sewing machine.” She said that she went straight to one of our friend’s house and asked for advice from the mother of our friend. “I don’t believe that I needed to read a book in order to learn how to sew,” she further explains. From her perspective, sewing is learned though experiencing how it feels to step on the pedal and move the cloth. She jokingly said that after a few sessions with our friend’s mom she became even better than her teacher (our friend’s mother).

Does the interviewee prefer studying in a library, or at home where there are background noises and some distractions?

            With this question, she did not give a particular answer. Instead, she stated that she can study in both in the library and at home however, it really depends on the people within the area. She stated that sometimes, “There are people in the library who do not care about other people. They still create noises even though they know that other individuals are trying to absorb the lesson or information that they are reading.” She also said the same thing with regards to their environment at home. Her brother plays drums so at times; she finds it hard to concentrate because of the distracting sound of the instrument. However, she stated that she finds it more comfortable at home. She could munch on some cookies or chips or even drink hot chocolate while reading. She added that she could lie down on her bed while enjoying her favourite novel or sleep when she feels like her brain is being crushed while reading her lessons. From the expression of her face while stating her experience studying at home, she seems more comfortable due to the lessened rules that she had to follow in comparison with the library. Her freedom to do whatever she wanted while reading seems to be more pleasing to her rather than being in a place with rules and regulations.

Has the person you are interviewing taken the Myers Briggs test? Report the results. Does your interviewee feel these results are accurate? Why or why not?

            In this question, she was honest in telling me that she did not know anything about the test. Although she said that she might have taking such kind of test but she did not know that it was the Myers-Briggs Test. For the reason that she was not sure if she had taken the test, I needed to surf the internet in order to make her answer the test. At first she was hesitant because the whole test had more than fifty (50) questions. However, when I said there was no right or wrong answer she became at ease and quietly answered the questions.

            The result of the test was INFJ which means she is an introvert (33%), intuitive (25%), feeling (50%) and judging (1%). To be honest, she was shocked when the result stated that she was introvert. As I have observed, she is not totally an introvert. She is friendly with other people however; she seems shy with the new people that she meets. She tries to converse with them but she does not attach herself immediately. She needs to spend a certain amount of time in order to feel at ease with the new person.

            She did agree with the percentage of the feeling because she honestly knows that she is emotional. She said, “I am a very emotional person and I attach myself to other people’s emotions. I usually sympathize with people that have problems.” She admitted that she becomes emotionally involved with the problem of another person. She also tends to try to speculate an answer to that person’s problem and as a result that individual’s problem also becomes her problem. She feels that due to the act of that individual in discussing to her the issue, she feels that it is her duty to provide an answer to the problem.

            With the percentage of her intuitiveness, she agreed with the results because she believes that she tries to balance everything that is presented to her. She believes that instinct and being sensitive with the situation and the surroundings is important to be able to judge the given circumstances. She was finds it strange that she got 1% on the judgement component of the test. She totally disagreed with the result.

Which experiences does this person feel contributed most in the development of his/her personality?

            With regards to this question, she believes that her personality is mainly developed during her high school years. When she was in high school, she said that did not feel comfortable with her self. She did not know what she wanted to do. There was a need for her to explore things on her own and she believed that she needed to be out of her box and experience other things more than school. She attended extra-curricular activities during her free days. She attended art classes, voice classes, dancing classes and other various classes that she could in which she finds interesting. She explained that she wanted to find her own expertise; she does not want to just sit down and think of what she wanted to do. She deemed that she needed to experience different things in order for her to realize her passion.

            She believes that her experimental moments in high school moulded her to become someone unique. L has become a lady who knows what she wants and takes what she deserves. Striving for the best is L’s greatest passion. L admits that she is not perfect with things that she does however; she believes that giving the best that she can in any activity will give her a calm and contented heart.

Does this person feel that he/she is self-monitoring in regards to his/her attitudes? How or how not?

            L believes that self-monitoring is very much important in the life of a person. In her own words she said that, “I believe that self-monitoring is very essential because I need to evaluate myself and my actions. I also think that evaluation of my actions could further improve my self and my relationship with other people. Not all individuals exercise such process. The bad part is, they only realize that they are hurting other people when conflicts are already present.” She added that self-monitoring makes her realize her passion in life. She narrates that she often reflects her on actions and decisions when she has time. She considers this as a self improvement process.

What does the interviewee feel was the strongest influence on his/her attitudes?

            In this question, she discussed that her mother was her greatest influence in her life. It was her mother that encouraged her to explore her passion in life. Her mother encouraged her to realize that she needed to further improve her self and not be stuck with what has. L’s mother pushed her to experience new things in life which will develop her hidden abilities. She added that her thriftiness was influenced by her mother. Whenever she buys any item L makes sure that it is reasonable and worth it. In addition to the influence of her mother, she finds that music have influenced her through out her life time. From her childhood until now, she feels that she cannot live without a tune that does not relates to how she feels.

What role does your interviewee feel a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity play when forming that person’s personality and attitudes?

            L, being a person who had been brought up in to a community with diverse environment, she truly believes that race, gender and ethnicity has a great impact on the personality of a person. Given that having a different ethnicity means having dissimilar culture and traditions compared to the general society, it does plays a great role in an individual’s life. Living with a different ethnicity will exude a different perspective with situations depending on the type of belief and culture that individual has. In terms of gender, L strongly believes that it is one of the huge factors in moulding a personality. In her own perspective, she believes that the society had created a certain duty for different genders. She gave the example of men being responsible for his family and not expressing much emotion unlike women. On the other hand, females are expected by the society to be physically beautiful due to the pressures of society. She believes that the society had already set a standard for each gender.

Does this person feel he/she is better at tasks when intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated?

            L honestly said that she is extrinsically motivated due to her interests. She also finds the normal work place to be boring. She believes that having different tasks rather than the normal ones is meant for her. L, claimed that, “I think I am not a person who would be satisfied in doing activities that are basic, I would always like to be unique compared to others. I easily get bored with routine tasks; I would like to experience other things not just one.”

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