Scientology Applied Philosophy Essay Research Paper Is

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Scientology: Applied Philosophy Essay, Research Paper

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Is at that place something to being human that can non be explained through biological science and psychological science? And merely how can mankind be saved through the actions of adult male? Possibly the truth lies in the yesteryear, and how it affects the present. Not social events, but personal experiences & # 8230 ; Ranging to 1000s of old ages ago. Harmonizing to L. Ron Hubbard, this is exactly what lies in shop for those who follow his doctrine, that of the Church of Scientology. The name Scientology, as he created it, was derived from both the Greek and Latin for & # 8220 ; to cognize, & # 8221 ; doing the art of Scientology & # 8220 ; cognizing how to know. & # 8221 ; Scientology teaches that physical unwellness, mental instability, and any signifier of personal malady may be corrected through assisted analysis, or & # 8220 ; auditing. & # 8221 ; A individual will sit in forepart of an associate keeping two metal tins connected to an & # 8220 ; E-meter. & # 8221 ; This device receives urges which can assist find the emotional province of the topic. As the individual running the session speaks, he watches the metre to happen which of his words brings a reaction from the topic. He so takes the tester through past events in which the malady shows up in some signifier. Finally, the original event, the first occurence of the unpleasantness, is reached. Purportedly upon playing through the original beginning of the hurting straight, any farther hurting is thwarted. This may intelligibly work instead efficaciously in some instances of emphasis concerns and phobic disorder. However, the procedure is used to handle sinusitis, grippe, and other complaints which are strictly physical in nature.

At times, the topic may non happen the original mental cicatrix. This means that the event did non happen during the individual & # 8217 ; s life: It remains from a old life-time. Scientologists believe that a individual & # 8217 ; s psyche, the Thetan, travels from organic structure to organic structure, weighted down by all the accrued experiences that hide its nature from itself. It brings all these memories with it to each new organic structure, where they lie hibernating until exhumed. Naturally, the lone dependable method to make this is through Scientology and scrutinizing. In order to make an experience from a old life-time, the topic is put into a enchantment really similar to one through hypnosis, and efforts to float rearward in clip. If he is successful, he will touch upon a memory from before his birth, in another organic structure, in another clip. With pattern, the topic may be able to see 1000000s of old ages worth of lives.

Through the reliving of traumatic events, a individual & # 8217 ; s thetan may be free

vitamin D of its wordly bonds, and may return to making whatever thetans do without organic structures. However, it must be awakened through witting attempt on the portion of the personality controlled by the thetan. To larn to make this, old ages of pattern and changeless acquisition are required.

Scientology trades with God in a really ad-lib mode. In most instances, reading of God is an single attempt. It is merely referred to as the & # 8220 ; Supreme Being, & # 8221 ; or the & # 8220 ; Eighth Dynamic. & # 8221 ; These mentions are rare and vague, and most Scientological patterns leave out any reference or idea of any sort of higer power, save the single thetan. The thetans are non looked upon as Gods, simply ancient existences of pure spiritualty who were trapped in their ain games when they decided to play at being stuff. They are non Godheads, but dwellers of creative activities.

In order to be saved, the Scientologist must unclutter his head of all mental corrosion accumulated throughout his and all his yesteryear lives. Then he must rouse the assorted thetans adhering to his thetan, and direct them off. In add-on, he is expected to read and digest all the Hagiographas of L. Ron Hubbard throughout his calling as a Scientologist. These are accessed through time-consuming and expensive classs. In the upper degrees of Scientology, activities such as speculation become more platitude as a individual seeks to admit his ain thetan, instead than hold the consciousness goaded out of him.

Scientologists are besides expected to pass most if non all of their clip analyzing in centres devoted to Scientology. Inside the centres, those who disobey the leaders are relegated to humble labour or, for smaller discourtesies, isolation and contemplation. They are besides to take the word of L. Ron Hubbard as infallible, non doubting a thing he says.

The closest to spiritual rites to be found in Scientology are the procedure of scrutinizing and the changeless purchasing of higher-level classs.

There are no true clergy in Scientology, though higher-level pupils are routinely granted regard and authorization over novices.

Scientology. The name sounds dignified, distinguished. They believe that they are the lone hope to salvage world from a atomic holocaust, by doing the full universe aware of the thetans populating their organic structures. Will they be adequate, or is Scientology merely a reasonably successful cult? It & # 8217 ; s difficult to state, but Hubbard and his adherents decidedly have the money to endorse up their eccentricities. To much of the contemporary universe, that & # 8217 ; s all that affairs.

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