sir robert peel

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Sir Robert Peel
December 14, 2011

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Sir Robert Peel
Law enforcement and forms of maintaining order have been attempted for centuries all over the world. However, no form of policing or doctrine was ever instituted. Sir Robert Peel was a prominent figure in forming the modern concept of policing as we know it today. Sir Robert Peel changed the face of law enforcement in Ireland and England. The concepts of policing that Sir Robert Peel introduced can still be seen in law enforcement today. Sir Robert Peel’s (12) principles of policing while unpopular at the time provided the foundation for a structured police department.
Sir Robert Peel was a conservative statesman who served the United Kingdom in various political positions ranging from Prime Minister to Home Secretary. Sir Robert Peel is most commonly known for his time spent as Home Secretary in England. While serving as home secretary Sir Robert Peel introduced the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829, reformed criminal, reduced the number of crimes punishable by the death penalty and also instituted the Peel’s Act. Sir Robert Peel changed the criminal justice system in the United Kingdom in many ways. Peel’s changes in the law were not always welcomed with open arms. Many citizens opposed the changes Peel made, even though the changes were not popular they proved effective.
Sir Robert Peel changed policing as we know it today by introducing the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829. The Metropolitan Police Act of 1829 was introduced as an act of parliament and passed unanimously by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The implementation of this act introduced the first Metropolitan Police of London. With the introduction of the Metropolitan Police London no longer needed the services of private citizens conducting security such as parish constables and watchmen. The Metropolitan Police in London was the first organized and structured law enforcement agency. Many citizens in England saw how…

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