Smart Cards Essay Research Paper 1

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Smart Cards Essay, Research Paper

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1. Technology Requirements of a Smart Card

What is a Smart Card?

Before I outline the engineering demands of the undertaking, I think it is helpful to specify what precisely a smart card is. The existent term smart card comes from France. It was during a period of national investing and modernization in France during the 1970 & # 8217 ; s which led to the development of the Carte a Memoire. This was subsequently renamed by the authoritiess marketing section equivalent ( the Intelimatique ) as the smart card. Although sometimes referred to as a bit card or an integrated circuit card, for intents of this study I will mention to the device as a smart card. Smart Card Forum ( 1996 ) .

The card itself tends to be similar in size to today & # 8217 ; s fictile payment card, except it has an existent Si computing machine bit embedded in it. A little gold or Ag contact connected to the bit inside the card is normally seeable on the surface. This allows it to be programmed with a much more sophisticated scope of information than say magnetic strip cards, which can merely keep basic numerical informations such as an history figure. Smart Card Forum ( 1996 ) .

Types of Smart Card

There are besides different types of smart cards, as outlined by the Estonian Institute of Cybernetics ( 1995 )

I ) An intelligent smart card contains a cardinal processing unit & # 8211 ; a CPU- that really has the ability non merely to hive away and procure information, but to do determinations as required. Because intelligent cards offer a & # 8220 ; read/write & # 8221 ; capableness, new information can be added and processed. Different types of applications can be supported and will let for new applications to be added to it. It will besides keep security & # 8220 ; firewalls & # 8221 ; between them. This type of card, for illustration, has already been adopted by 60,000 staff and pupils at the University of Michigan, doing usage of both a bit and magnetic band. Their cards contain a figure of characteristics such as personal designation, dormitory security, banking inside informations and library services.

two ) The 2nd type of card is frequently called a memory card. Memory cards are chiefly information storage cards that contain a stored value which the user can & # 8220 ; pass & # 8221 ; . These cards may be used in a wage phone for illustration and are more likely to be used and thrown off after a continuance of clip.

In add-on, each of these cards can be used in two different ways. One is in which the card is read by infixing it in a particular reader. These are known as propinquity cards. The 2nd is a distant card which can be read from a distance, such as at a toll booth as you may anticipate to happen on a expressway in Europe. The Estonian Institute of Cybernetics ( 1995 ) .

Recommended Technological Requirements

For the intent of this study, I believe that the multiple application/intelligent smart card is the most appropriate because three different systems will be on the card. It is besides flexible plenty for both alterations to be made and extra systems to be implemented if and when necessary. The card should be propinquity based whereby the card is placed into a reader to have informations. Obviously a distant card would non be practical in a busy corridor.

The pick of system to implement in the chief seems to be between Java, Multos and Microsoft Smart Card, albeit the smart card industry en masse is really disconnected. Microsoft Smart Card would be my first pick to implement. The thought that their smart card systems can incorporate with bing Microsoft merchandises such as NT is helpful, particularly as most administrations ( including UNN ) preponderantly use their merchandises already. The cost is about 1.50 a card. I would besides propose that there should be at least one card reader in each section in order to avoid crowding and congestion in a peculiar country of the campus. The cost per reader is about 40. By utilizing Microsoft Smart Card there is no demand to replace the bing system substructure as it works with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows 2000. Microsoft ( 1999 ) . Again, these are systems already used by UNN.

Staff will be required to come in the relevant informations onto the system utilizing a computing machine before being relayed to each of the metres on campus. It may be possible to utilize the bing computing machine hardware already available. If an ascent was necessary so possibly new computing machines would be required. In this case, hardware such as proctors, difficult thrusts ( 10mb ) , CD ROM s ( 48x ) , keyboards, Pentium III processor ( sooner 500mhz ) , motherboard, RAM ( sooner 128mb ) will besides be a necessary technological demand. In footings of networking, a LAN ( Local Area Network ) is likely to do although if UNN were to see traveling multi-campus ( Internet Explorer. Carlisle and Coach Lane ) so a WAN ( Wide Area Network ) would be more suited.

It would be advisable to implement a & # 8220 ; back-up & # 8221 ; system to protect informations should the system fail due to a malfunction. This will guarantee the system is able to & # 8220 ; pick itself up & # 8221 ; and maintain running without major jobs. There should be proviso should a power failure occur. Thus a backup power system should besides be earnestly considered. It may besides be helpful if the card was used for enrollment and entree. At the minute, the manual methods used for enrollment are bit-by-bit and entree cheques to computing machine labs for illustration is non-existent.

This could besides be an chance to makes a figure of alterations to the three current system as opposed to merely transfering all three precisely as there are. In the first case, there should be a grade of certification scrutiny through looking at signifiers, system studies, direction manuals, occupation descriptions and any old surveies. This exercising may foreground any booby traps in the current system and technological accommodations may be required ( ie. More RAM ) . Besides, for illustration, there is presently the job of by chance making extra records of pupils. In relation to the SAS, if a pupil takes a interruption from analyzing so upon their return they may be registered a 2nd clip, therefore bring forthing a extra record. A similar job may happen when pupils switch between faculties etc. Therefore, possibly there besides needs to be a certain grade of integrating, instead than to keep the position quo of holding three separate systems albeit on a card.

A determination besides needs to be made in respects to whether a ready made system bundle should be implemented or whether a new system should be designed specifically. Such demands may depend on the & # 8221 ; volume to be processed and the coveted format the velocity of processing and its response clip, enlargement demands and certain criterions. Cotterell & A ; Hughes ( p112, 1994 ) .

Finally, for those who are opposed to the storing of their personal information on a card that could be lost, it is technically possible for the card to be configured as an designation mechanism merely. Information would shack on the waiter and the user & # 8217 ; s Smart Card would move as the individuality key. Microsoft ( 1999 ) .

2. Potential Benefits

I now turn to the possible benefits of utilizing this engineering, as discussed by the Smart Card Forum ( 1996 ) . Smart cards provide informations portability, therefore avoiding any web breaks for illustration. They are convenient, as they can easy be carried in a individuals billfold. There is likely to be a clear decrease in bureaucratism in footings of extinguishing the demand for staff to administrate clip devouring paperwork, as alterations in the class construction for illustration could automatically be copied to all take parting pupils smart cards. Hence there would besides be a extremist addition in the velocity in which information is processed. The card besides can enter its history, can outright entree multiple services and webs and hence will cut down errors. & # 8220 ; Technical support calls for companies implementing smart cards have been reduced by 40 per centum by automatically executing the erring hallmark procedure for users. & # 8221 ; Microsoft ( 1999 ) . Overall, this may really let for nest eggs in footings of staff Numberss. At present

Another of import point is that staff presently have no formal mechanism for roll uping attending information. In future, pupils could non merely utilize their card to register their attending but it could besides be used to entree a room ( peculiarly utile for computing machine labs ) . Lectors could besides utilize the new system to derive information sing a pupils class or marker construction and to do amendments to the class construction without holding to fall back to administrative protocol.

The existent monetary value of the engineering besides appears to be sensible. As stated by Microsoft ( 1999 ) in relation to their merchandise: & # 8220 ; At a monetary value of about $ 20 per card reader and a upper limit of $ 5 per card, Smart Card for Windows is smart and cheap.. & # 8221 ; . Furthermore, the Smart Card Forum ( 1996 ) suggests & # 8221 ; [ the monetary value of ] bit cards range from $ .80 to $ 15 depending upon their capacity and quantities. & # 8221 ; The initial costs may turn out cost effectual in the long tally when faced with lesser staff degrees and a decrease in proficient support costs sing the old system.

Security is another of import issue. The information held on a smart card is unafraid and protected from the likes of web or power failures should the informations have otherwise been held on a conventional database. Even if the card is lost or stolen which is about inevitable to some grade, encoding techniques can be used to protect the information and PIN Numberss or even fingerprint acknowledgment can be used. Thus information transportation will besides be secure. For illustration, Microsoft self-praise: & # 8220 ; Using the most unafraid crypto-algorithms. and built on the most dependable french friess, Smart Card for Windows is virtually inviolable.. If the card is tampered with, either by back-to-back wrong PIN entries, electron microscope, sawing unfastened or any other method, it automatically implodes, rendering it useless to meddlers. & # 8221 ; Microsoft ( 1999 ) . A figure can even be dialled to really turn off the card by distant control. Hence information is available merely to the appropriate user. The cards are besides more lasting than traditional magnetic band cards as the bit can non be affected by magnetic Fieldss or

abrasions like the magnetic band can.

There is besides an issue of prestigiousness here in footings how it would be perceived as a consequence of implementing cutting border technological patterns, particularly if constructed & # 8220 ; in-house & # 8221 ; . I believe the result is likely to be favorable, and this seems to hold happened at Exeter University in relation to the execution of their smart card system. For illustration, Exeter was praised by a national newspaper: & # 8220 ; The university s ( Exeter ] engagement in the revolution of the information age is reflected in its academic and research work. & # 8221 ; ( The Times 1997 ) .

Finally, the chances for the hereafter of smart cards are good, and the consensus seems to be that its traveling to go on anyhow, and is non simply the following craze. & # 8220 ; Dataquest forecasts that by the twelvemonth 2001, 3.4 billion smart cards will be used global. Smart card activities are turning at 30 per centum a twelvemonth & # 8221 ; Smart Card Forum ( 1996 ) . Furthermore, it would be possible for extra maps to be added to the card, and this has been the instance at other universities universe broad. Smart cards which had ab initio been used to hive away similar academic information subsequently became used for excess services, such as enabling pupils to purchase books and nutrient, use the library, pay class fees and even utilize the laundrette.

3. Potential Information Problems

It has to be said that Smart Card engineering is still in its babyhood and hence I think it is sensible to propose that there may in fact be & # 8220 ; bugs & # 8221 ; within any given system or even worse a cardinal design defect. On the former point, Windows 95 was ill-famed for bugs and this job was non to the full addressed and rectified until Windows 98 was released. This is a factor which UNN should be prepared for should any system be implemented. However, some comfort could be taken if the system was IS09000 compliant.

Smart card engineering has non yet been standardised and there is more than one type of hardware and package. Most significantly, nevertheless, is that these cards are all incompatible. & # 8220 ; The smartcard market now has three runing systems, all incompatible Windows for Smart Cards. Multos and Java & # 8221 ; ( Computer Weekly News: 5th November 1998 & # 8220 ; Microsoft & # 8217 ; s Smart Move: is it Carte before Equus caballus? ) At nowadays, the International Organisation for Standardisation ( ISO ) is presently developing criterions for smart cards. As pointed out in the Newsgroup: ( 1999 ) & # 8220 ; The end is to guarantee unvarying criterions for smart cards that will let interoperability of cards among a broad array of industries. & # 8221 ; The worst instance scenario in a similar context is in comparing VHS picture to Betamax in the early 1980 & # 8217 ; s. When Betamax picture became disused, 1000000s of people were finally stuck with useless hardware. Hypothetically, UNN could pass a huge amount of money on a system which is disused in five old ages. Although the system will still being useable within its ain parturiencies, it may be unable to incorporate with other systems which may be different.

It should besides be clear that although the monetary value of single cards and readers is non enormously expensive, the overall cost due to the inclusion of 1000s of pupils into the system in likely to be high in the short term. Even in the longer term, there is the added necessity of ongoing care and proficient support which once more will function as a drain on resources. There is besides the hazard that the system supplier may travel flop in which instance there may no longer be agencies of appropriate proficient support. This is a existent danger as the market is so disconnected at the minute, and every bit mentioned, the deficiency of catholicity in criterions will non assist.

It will besides be dearly-won, clip consuming and disruptive to develop staff in utilizing the new system, and errors could be made in the short term as staff adjust. Staff costs will besides be incurred in learning 1000s of pupils how to utilize the engineering and besides in long term help desk installations.

4. Execution Schemes

Following I will turn to the Implementation Strategies of which I have identified three distinguishable options. They are Direct Changeover, Parallel Running and Three-Phase Implementation. These distinguishable schemes were looked at by Yeates et Al ( 1994 ) .

First, Direct Changeover is defined as & # 8220 ; when at a given clip on a given day of the month, one system must stop and its replacing must start. & # 8221 ; Yeates et Al ( p391, 1994 ) . The advantages of this attack are that it is cheaper ( and on the face of it more efficient ) to exchange from one system to another about overnight. The disadvantages are evident if something goes incorrect. For illustration, this attack was employed when the London Stock Market implemented a new computing machine system nightlong and the computing machines couldn & # 8217 ; t get by as excessively many users were logged in. The system merely hadn & # 8217 ; t been decently tested in existent conditions.

The 2nd solution is to utilize a Parallel Running scheme. & # 8220 ; [ Parallel Running ] aims to formalize the new system by look intoing the consequences it produces against the consequences produced by the old system. & # 8221 ; Yeates et Al ( p391,1994 ) . This option is the most expensive as both systems have to be run together at the same clip and impermanent staff may hold to be employed to staff both systems. However, it is besides possible to prove against a little portion of the old system in order to salvage both costs and clip, and to utilize this as a benchmark for the new system. Obviously, this is a safer option as if the new system doesn & # 8217 ; t execute as required, the old system is still in topographic point as a backup.

Third, there is Three-Phase Implementation. In this scenario, & # 8220 ; phased installing is where one portion of the system is installed and run live for a period of clip so a 2nd portion of the system is added and both are run live for a period any staying parts are dealt with in the same way. & # 8221 ; Yeates et Al ( p391, 1994 ) . The advantages here are that the an administration will acquire the nucleus portion of the system faster than if they had to wait for the complete system, so they system may get down to pay for itself earlier and will besides assist distribute the cost. In add-on, the lasting employees will be able to pick up on the new system at a more manageable rate than if everything was turned on over dark.

Proposed Information Scheme

Before make up one’s minding on which system to implement, I think it is of import to foremost research a figure of other considerations. These were looked at by Yourdon ( 1989 ) .

Both staff and pupils should be ab initio consulted through the usage of a questionnaire. In peculiar, staff could be asked to notice on the current system and to indicate out any reoccurring jobs and troubles or so anything which is losing from the system. As Yourdon ( 1989 ) significantly points out & # 8220 ; it is the interview where the tyre meets the route between user and system analyst & # 8221 ; .

It may even be helpful to detect staff prosecuting the current system in order to reenforce points they have made on bettering the system or so an analyst could detect a defect himself. Overall, this will hopefully ensue in an all inclusive attack which at the terminal of the twenty-four hours the bulk of users will happen as being a huge betterment and at the really worst acceptable.

Next, there should be a audience with other universities already utilizing smart cards ( there being several in the UK ) and which has implemented a similar system. A fact happening visit to such an establishment may besides be helpful in order to acquire first manus information.

Once UNN has a better apprehension of a typical system which could be implemented, so it would be prudent to ask for several suited sellers to give presentations on their solutions. These commands could so be evaluated and a contract drawn up.

As a precursor to the system traveling unrecorded, there needs to be a mass information run to inform both relevant staff and pupils of the alteration in position. Therefore, the electronic mail system could be used to previse relevant staff and pupils of the conversion, and this could be reinforced at staff meetings, in pupil publications, on notice boards throughout the university and lectors could be tasked with briefing pupils at the beginning of talks. I would besides propose that a help desk be set up to help with any pupil questions and concerns.

I would urge utilizing the parallel system and to ab initio establish it within one section merely ( in kernel a pilot strategy ) . This will suit both the old and new systems at the same clip and is, I believe, the safest option. As for Direct Changeover, such a venture is far excessively hazardous in my sentiment when covering with such immense Numberss of dependent users. The three-phase system is unneeded as there is no existent haste for execution. In the first case, the parallel system should be used to serve a twosome of 1000 pupils and hence should non be excessively great a figure to pull off and analyze compared to full execution. This will let clip for pupils to acquire acquainted with the system and hopefully address any jobs which can subsequently be avoided when the system goes unrecorded across the remainder of the campus. Staff excessively will besides hold to be educated on the new system. Recent information obtained from the cyberspace newsgroup: ( 1999 ) suggests a figure of recommended guidelines. For illustration: & # 8220 ; To place, recognize and esteem the privateness outlooks of users and do applicable privateness guidelines available to them and take appropriate disciplinary steps with [ staff ] who fail to adhere to such standards. & # 8221 ;

As the pilot strategy will merely concern a fraction of the full pupil population I don t think set timing is every bit important as would be the instance with a system such as Direct Changeover. However, it may be helpful to implement this first phase at the start of semester two, giving staff seven months to press out any troubles between so and September and to let for the staying substructure ( such as extra card readers ) to be installed. As card readers are installed, each should be strictly tested and all types of information be loaded onto the card.

In concluding, the grounds appears to be strongly in favor of the execution of smart cards.

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