Stages of Crime- an overview Essay

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Condemnable jurisprudence is a organic structure of regulations and legislative acts that defines behaviors prohibited by the province because it threatens and harms public safety and public assistance and that establishes penalty to be imposed for the committee of such Acts of the Apostless. Condemnable jurisprudence differs from civil jurisprudence. whose accent is more on difference declaration than in penalty.

The term condemnable jurisprudence by and large refers to substantive condemnable Torahs. Substantial condemnable Torahs define offenses and prescribe penalties. In contrast. Condemnable Procedure describes the procedure through which the felon Torahs are enforced. For illustration. the jurisprudence forbiding slaying is a substantial condemnable jurisprudence. The mode in which province enforces this substantial law—through the assemblage of grounds and prosecution – is by and large considered a procedural affair.

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If a individual commits a offense voluntarily or after readying the making of it involves four different phases. In every offense. there is first purpose to perpetrate it. secondly. readying to perpetrate it. thirdly. effort to perpetrate it and fourthly the achievement.

My research undertaking on Phases of Crime – An Overview revolves around these four activities which basically required to be fulfilled in order of an offense to go a offense under Indian Penal Code.

Aims of Study

•The major aim of this undertaking is to analyze assorted phases of Crime with regard to the Indian Penal Code every bit good as English Torahs and critically analyzing state of affairs through assorted instance Torahs. •To analyze each a every phase of offense with regard to illustration and instance Torahs.


It is mostly based on secondary & A ; electronic beginnings of informations. Books. instance Torahs. diaries & A ; other mention as guided by module of IPC are chiefly helpful for the completion of this undertaking.

I. Purpose

Purpose is the first phase in the committee of an offense and known as mental phase. Intention is the way of behavior towards the object chosen upon sing the motivations which suggest the pick. But the jurisprudence does non take notice of an purpose. mere purpose to perpetrate an offense non followed by any act. can non represent an offense. The obvious ground for non prosecuting the accused at this phase is that it is really hard for the prosecution to turn out the guilty head of a individual.

This phase is a important advancement from mere deliberation towards existent committee of the offense. At this phase. the individual has made up his head to really implement or put to death his oblique programs. There is an purpose to do injury but he hasn’t yet taken any action that manifests his purpose. Further. there is no manner to turn out an purpose because even devil can’t read a human head. Therefore. this is non considered a offense. For illustration. purpose to kill anyone is non a offense in itself. However. it is an indispensable
ingredient of offense because without purpose to do injury. there can be no offense. On the other manus. even a thoughtless act. without any deliberation. can be a offense if there is an purpose to do injury.

In simple words. at this phases. a individual consolidates his oblique thoughts and identifies ways of making it. There is no action taken and there is no injury done to anybody nor is there any purpose to do hurt to anybody. Mens Rea or bad purpose is a important advancement from mere deliberation towards existent committee of the offense. At this phase. the individual has made up his head to really implement or put to death his oblique programs. There is an purpose to do injury but he hasn’t yet taken any action that manifests his purpose. S0. it is non a offense in itself. But this an indispensable ingredient of offense because without bad purpose to do injury or make incorrect. there can be no offense. Besides. even a thoughtless act. without any deliberation. can be offense if there is an purpose to do offense.

Purpose differs from motivation or desire ( Per Lord Bridge R v Moloney ) . Therefore. a individual who kills a loved one deceasing from a terminal unwellness. in order to alleviate hurting and agony. may good move out of good motivations. However. this does non forestall them holding the necessary purpose to kill…in the instance of R V Inglis.

Types of Purpose:

Purpose can be divided into direct purpose and oblique purpose.

Direct purpose:

The bulk of instances will be rather consecutive frontward and affect direct purpose. Direct purpose can be said to be where the suspect embarks on a class of behavior to convey about a consequence which in fact occurs. Example D intends to kill his married woman. To accomplish that consequence he gets a knife from the kitchen. sharpens it and so knife her. killing her. The behavior achieves the coveted consequence.

Oblique purpose:

Oblique purpose is more complex. Oblique purpose can be said to be where the suspect embarks on a class of behavior to convey about a coveted consequence. knowing that the effect of his actions will besides convey about another consequence. Eg D intends to kill his married woman. He knows she is traveling to be on a peculiar aeroplane and places a bomb on that aeroplane. He knows that his actions will ensue in the decease of the other riders and crew of the aeroplane even though that may non be portion of his desire in transporting out the action. In this state of affairs D is no less blameworthy in killing the riders and crew than in killing his married woman as he knows that the deceases will go on as a consequence of his actions.

II. Preparation

As this phase. the purpose to do injuries starts attesting itself in the signifier of physical actions. Preparation consists of set uping or edifice things that are needed to perpetrate the offense. For illustration buying toxicant. In general. readying is non considered a offense because it can non be proved beyond uncertainty the end of the readying. For illustration. buying knife with an purpose to kill person is non a offense because it can non be determined whether the knife was bought to kill person or to chop veggies and therefore readying means to set up the necessary steps for the committee of the intended condemnable act. Intention entirely or the purpose followed by a readying is non plenty to represent the offense. Preparation has non been made punishable because in most of the instances the prosecution has failed to turn out that the readyings in the inquiry were made for the committee of the peculiar offense.

Illustration – If A purchases a handgun and keeps the same in his pocket duly loaded in order to kill his acrimonious enemy B. but does nil more. A has non committed any offense as still he is at the phase of readying and it will be impossible for the prosecution to turn out that A was transporting the laden handgun merely for the intent of killing B.

Preparation consists of set uping or edifice things that are needed to perpetrate the offense. At this phase. the purpose to do injury starts attesting itself in the signifier of physical actions. At this phase. it is nevertheless possible for the individual to abandon his class of action without doing any injury to anyone. Generally. readying is itself entirely non a offense because it can non be proved beyond uncertainty the end of readying. For eg ; purchasing match-box and kerosene oil to fire a house. entirely. can non be determined as an offense.

The jurisprudence ignores. as general regulation. the Acts of the Apostless of readying besides. It merely interferes when such readying precludes the possibility of an guiltless purpose. Merely such readyings are punished.

Preparation non Punishable: In general readying is non punishable. because a readying apart from its motivation would by and large be a harmless act. It would be impossible in most instances to demo that the readying was directed to a unlawful terminal. or was done with an evil motivation or purpose. and it is non the policy of jurisprudence to make offenses that in most instances it would be impossible to convey place the perpetrator. or which might take to torment of guiltless individuals. Besides. a mere readying would non normally impact the sense of security of the person intended to be incorrect. nor could society be disturbed or its sense of retribution aroused by what to all outward visual aspects would be an guiltless act.

Take a instance of slaying. Buying a gun is non punishable. being merely readying. but if a adult male holding procured the gun pursues his enemy with it. but fails to catch him. or is arrested before he is able to finish the offense. or fires without consequence. this amounts to try and. none of the considerations which justify the exclusion of readying from the offense will use.

Exceptions to Preparation ( When it is an offense under IPC ) – Generally. readying to perpetrate any offense is non punishable but in some exceeding instances readying is punishable. following are some illustrations of such exceeding circumstances-

1. Roll uping weaponries with an purpose of engaging war against the authorities of
India ( Sec-122 )

2. Fixing to perpetrate depredation on terrritories of any power in confederation or at peace with the Govt. of India ( Sec-126 )

3. Counter feiting operations for currency ( Sec-235 )

4. Preparation to perpetrate dakoity ( Sec-399 )

III. Attempt

The word ‘attempt’ . said main justness Cockburn. clearly conveys with it the thought that if the effort had succeeded. the offense charged would hold been committed. In other words. effort is the direct motion towards the committee of an offense after the readying has been made. Harmonizing to English jurisprudence. a individual may be guilty of an effort to perpetrate an offense. if he does an act which is more than simply preparative to the committee of the offense and a individual may be guilty or effort to perpetrate an offense even though the facts are such that the committee the offense is impossible.

Once an act enters into the sphere of effort. condemnable liability begins. because effort takes the wrongdoer really near to the successful completion of offense and so it is punishable in the jurisprudence like the completed offense.

Why effort is an Offense:

An effort creates dismay which of itself is an hurt. and the moral guilt of the wrongdoer is the same as though he had succeeded. The act may be sufficiently harmful to society by ground of its close propinquity to the completed offense classed as a offense. Hence. unlike civil jurisprudence. condemnable jurisprudence takes notice of efforts to perpetrate punishable wrongs and punishes them harmonizing to the nature and gravitation of the offense attempted. If this phase is successful. so the offense is completed and the accused will be apt harmonizing to the offense committed by him. Thus an effort in order to be condemnable need non be next-to-last act. It is sufficient in jurisprudence. if there is
at present purpose coupled with some open act in executing. Some legal system penalize from the phase of readying. They depending upon the importance of the system gives to the value of ‘crime prevention’ declare certain offenses to be condemnable and punishable from the phase of readying.

This 3rd phase is attained by executing physical actions that. if left unstopped. cause or are bound to do hurt to person. Since the purpose of the individual can be determined without uncertainty from his actions. an effort to perpetrate a offense is bound to go on and bar of offense is every bit of import for healthy society. For eg. – Harmonizing to Sec-307. if a individual deliberately does something to kill another and if the other individual is non killed. he would be apt for effort to slaying. However. his action must be capable of killing. It is besides clear that a individual is apt under this subdivision even if no hurt is caused to anyone. However. if hurt is caused. the penalty is more terrible. this construct evolved from the instance of Om Prakash vs. State of Punjab and State of Maharashtra vs. Balram Bana Patil

In other words this phase is attained by executing physical actions that. if left unstopped. cause or are bound to do hurt to person. The actions clearly show that the individual has perfectly no purpose to abandon his program and if the individual is left unrestricted. he will finish the committee of the offense. Since the purpose of the individual can be determined without uncertainty from his actions. an effort to perpetrate a offense is considered a offense because if left unpunished. offense is bound to go on and bar of offense is every bit of import for a healthy society.

Attempt to perpetrate offense under the Indian Penal Code –
The codification does non specify this look. the following are the proviso wherein it has dealt with effort:

a ) In some instances the committee of an offense every bit good as the effort to perpetrate it is dealt within the same subdivision and the extent of penalty prescribes is the same for both. There are 20 seven such subdivision in this
Code. viz. .

Sections: – 121. 124. 124A. 125. 130. 131. 152. 153A. 161. 162. 163. 165. 196. 198. 200. 213. 239. 240. 241. 251. 385. 387. 389. 391. 397. 398 and 460.

In all these instances. both the existent committee of the offense and the effort to commit are made punishable every bit.

B ) In some instances efforts are treated as separate offenses and punished consequently. There are four such offenses.

I ) Attempt to perpetrate slaying ( subdivision 307 ) .
II ) Attempt to perpetrate blameworthy homicide ( subdivision 308 ) . III ) Attempt to perpetrate self-destruction ( subdivision 309 ) .
IV ) Attempt to perpetrate robbery ( subdivision 393 ) .

It is submitted that the actus reus necessary to represent an effort is complete if the captive does an act which is a measure towards the committee of the specific offenses. which is instantly and non simply remotely connected with the committee of it. and the making of which can non moderately be regarded as holding any other intent than the committee of the specific offense.

Differentiation between Attempt and Preparation:

Attempt to perpetrate offense is punishable. whereas readying is non. This is because readying would by and large be a harmless act. e. g. effort to perpetrate slaying creates a perturbation in the society and the sense of insecurity in an person. while readying may non make dismay in society. Harmonizing to Indian penal Code an “attempt” is a uninterrupted proceeding which at one phase assumes condemnable character.

In Sudhir kumar Mukharjee v. State of W. B. Supreme Court held that. effort to perpetrate an offense begins when the readying are complete and the
perpetrator commences to make something with the purpose of perpetrating the offense and which is a measure frontward toward the committee of the offense. In Abhyanand Mishra v. State of Bihar. Supreme tribunal held that. the motion perpetrator commences to make an act with the necessary purpose. he commences his effort to perpetrate an offense. Such an act need non be the penultimate act towards the committee of that offense but must be an act during the class of perpetrating that offense.

Trial for Differentiation:
Five Trials laid down by tribunals – Thus. it is simple to state that an effort to perpetrate offense begins where readying to perpetrate it ends. but it is hard to happen out where one ends and the other Begins. To work out this riddle assorted trials have been laid down by the tribunals.

These are as follows:

??The Proximity trial.
??The venue poenitentiae trial.
??The impossibleness trial.
??The societal danger trial. and
??The ambiguous trial.

1. The Proximity Test- Proximity cause as explains is the causal factor which is stopping points. non needfully in clip or infinite. but in efficaciousness to some harmful effects ; in other words. it must be sufficiently near the achievement of the substantial offense. In Sudhir kumar Mukherjee instance and Abyanand Mishra’s instance. the Supreme Court explained the offense of effort with aid of the propinquity trial. stating that: –

“A individual commits the offense of ‘attempt to perpetrate a peculiar offence’ when-

a ) He intends to perpetrate that peculiar offense ; and
B ) He holding made readying with the purpose to perpetrate the offense. does an act towards its committee ; such an act need non to be the
penultimate act towards the committee of that offense but must be an act during the class of perpetrating that offense.

2. The Locus Poenitentiae trial – In Locus Poenitentiae the word Locus means. a topographic point. – a word often used to denote the topographic point in or at which some stuff act or even such as offense. delict or breach of contract took topographic point. Locus Poenitentiae means the chance to retreat from a deal before it has become to the full Established and become binding.

In simple linguistic communication an act will amount to a mere readying if a adult male on his ain agreement. before the condemnable act is carried out. gives it up. It is. therefore. possible that he might of its ain agreement. or because of the fright of unpleasant effects that might follow. desists from the completed effort. If this happens. he does non travel beyond the bounds of readying and does non come in the sphere of effort. He is. therefore at the phase of readying which can non be punished.

Malkiat Singh instance explains this 2nd trial. in this instance. a truck transporting a Paddy was stopped at Samalkha Barrier. a topographic point 32 stat mis off from Delhi. Obviously. there was no export of Paddy within the significance of parity 2 ( a ) f the Punjab Paddy ( Export Control ) Order. 1959. the Court decided that there was no effort to perpetrate the offense export. It was simply a readying. Distinguishing between effort and readying Supreme Court observed that the trial of differentiation between two is whether the open Acts of the Apostless already done are such that if the wrongdoer changes his head and does non continue further in its advancement. the Acts of the Apostless already done would be wholly harmless. In the present instance. it is rather possible that the plaintiff in errors may hold been warned that they had no license to transport the Paddy and they may hold changed their head at any topographic point between Samalkha Barrier and the Delhi-Punjab boundary and non hold proceeded further in their journey.

3. Impossibility Test – In Queen Express v. Mangesh Jivaji. the Bombay high tribunal held that within the significance of subdivision 511 of IPC. an effort is possible. even when the offense attempted can non be committed.

In Asagarali Pradhaniu v. Emperor. what the plaintiff in error did was non an “act done towards the committee of offence” . and hence. he could non be convicted. But in a Malayan instance the accused was held apt for an effort to do abortion when the adult female was non pregnant.

The act itself is impossible of public presentation and yet it constitutes an offense of effort to perpetrate offense. This was exactly the place in English Law before Houghton v. Smith instance. In R v. Shivpuri it has been held that. if the mental component has proceeded to perpetrate the act but failed his duty for effort would be evaluated in the visible radiation of facts as he thought them to be ( putative facts ) . 4. Social Danger Test – In order to separate and distinguish an act of effort from an act of readying the undermentioned factors are contributed.

•The earnestness of the offense attempted ;
•The apprehensiveness of the societal danger involved.

In this trial the accused’s behavior is non examined merely partly but the effects of the fortunes and the comprehensiveness of the facts are taken into consideration.

For illustration. Ten administers some pills to a pregnant adult female in order to secure abortion. However. since the pills are innocuous they do non bring forth the consequence. In malice of this X would be held apt for an effort from the position point of the societal danger trial. as his act would do as dismay to society doing societal reverberations.

5. On the Job or unequivocality Test – If a individual does something that shows his committedness to follow through and perpetrate the offense so it is an effort. So. effort is done when the wrongdoer takes deliberate and open stairss that show an univocal purpose to perpetrate the offense even if the measure is non the penultimate one.

Case jurisprudence dealt in item: – State of Maharashtra vs. Mohd. Yakub 1980.

The Case of State of Maharashtra v. Mohd. Yakub –
A landrover driven by the respondent and a truck was stopped at approximately midnight near a span. The respondents started taking the package from the truck. At this clip imposts functionaries moving on a hint reached the topographic point and accosted the respondents. At the same clip. the sound of a mechanised sea-crafts engine was heard near the side of the brook. Two individuals from the vicinity were called and in their presence Ag metal bars were recovered from the vehicles. Answering no-1 had a handgun. a knife and some currency notes. On the oppugning it was found that the respondents were non the traders in Ag.

The test tribunal convicted the accused u/s 135 ( 1 ) ( a ) read with subdivision 135 ( 2 ) of the Customs Act for trying to smuggle out of India Ag metal bars worth about Rs 8 hundred thousand in misdemeanor of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. the Imports and Exports ( control ) Act and the Custom Act. But the Additional session justice acquitted them on the land that the facts proved by the prosecution fell abruptly of set uping that the accused had ‘attempted’ to export Ag in dispute of the Law. The High Court upheld the acquittal. The Supreme Court nevertheless allowed the entreaty and put aside the acquittal.

Two separate but agring judgements of Justice Sarkaria and Justice Chinnappa Reddy call for a critical rating with a position to appreciating their import for the jurisprudence of Attempt in India

•Justice Sarkaria Observed: – “what constitutes an ‘attempt’ is a assorted inquiry of jurisprudence and fact depending mostly upon the fortunes of a peculiar instance. ‘Attempt’ defies a precise and exact definition. Broadly talking all offenses which consist of the committee of affirmatory Acts of the Apostless is proceeded by some covert or open behavior which may be divided into three phases. The first phase exists when the perpetrator foremost entertaines the thought or purpose to perpetrate an offense. In the 2nd phase. he makes readying to perpetrate it. The 3rd phase is reached when the perpetrator takes deliberate open act or measure to perpetrate the offense. Such open act or measure in order to be ‘criminal’ need non be next-to-last act towards the committee of the offense.

It is sufficient if such act or act were intentionally done. and manifest a clear purpose to commit aimed. being sensible proximate to the consummation of the offense. ” •Justice Chinnapa Reddy undertook the definitional exercising even more strictly. He explored the English determinations and eventually concluded: – “In order to represent an ‘attempt’ foremost. there must be an purpose to perpetrate a peculiar offense. second. some act must hold been done which would needfully hold to be done towards the committee of offense. and 3rd. such act must uncover with sensible certainty. in concurrence with the other facts and fortunes and non needfully in isolation. an purpose. as distinguished from mere desire or object. to perpetrate that peculiar offence”

On the inquiry of definition of effort the two determinations can be summed up as follows:

oBoth the sentiments support the traditional position associating to the phases in the committee of a offense and would put attempt phase in a sequence after the readying phase. oBoth the sentiments agree that for representing an effort the demand of work forces rea i. e. the province of head to perpetrate the offense attempted. and the actus reus. i. e. an open act. must be established. oBoth the sentiments agree that it must be established through independent grounds that the accused had the purpose of perpetrating the offense attempted. oHowever. on the inquiry of precise type of actus reus required the two sentiments seems to be taking different line. Justice Sarkaria specifically prefers the actus to be “reasonably” proximate to the consummation of the offense. but no such status appears to emerge from Justice Chinnapa Reddy’s sentiment.


The last phase in the committee of an offense is its achievement or completion. If the accused succeeds in his effort to perpetrate the offense. he will be guilty of the complete offense and if his effort is unsuccessful he will be guilty of an effort merely.

For illustration. A fires at B with the purpose to kill him. if B dies. A will be guilty for perpetrating the offense of slaying and if B is merely injured. it
will be a instance of effort to slaying.


Through this research and determination of my research undertaking of Indian Penal Code on Stages of Crime. it is concluded that the each and every phase must be taken into history for bear downing person as an wrongdoer or reprehensively apt and it is indispensable that all the phases are fulfilled or satisfied at the same time and if even one phase is absent it will non amount to offense under IPC. For the committee of offense by individual involves four phases viz. formation of the purpose or mental component. readying for committee of offense. moving on the footing of readying. committee of the act ensuing in an event proscribed by jurisprudence.


Books Referred:

1. Prof. S. N. Mishra ; Indian Penal Code ; Central Law Publications. Allahabad. Tenth Edition ( September ) 2001. 2. K. D. Gaur ; A Text Book of The Indian Penal Code. Universal Law Printing Company Pvt. Limited. New Delhi. Third Edition 2004. 3. O. P. Srivastava ; Principles of Criminal Law. Eastern Book Company. Lucknow. Fifth Edition. 2010.

Articles and Journal Referred:

Attempt in condemnable jurisprudence by Suwarn Rajan. Advocate. Supreme Court of India

Web sites Referred

ohttp: //hanumant. com/PreparationAndAttempt. hypertext markup language
ohttp: //www. legalservicesindia. com/article/article/the-elements-and-stages-of-a-crime-1228-1. hypertext markup language

ohttp: //www. lawyersclubindia. com/articles/print_this_page. asp? article_id=1664

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