Strategies & Benefits of Implementing Knowledge Management Essay

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1. 0 Introduction

Knowledge Management ( KM ) is a strategic method of turn uping. specifying. roll uping. hive awaying. sharing. organizing. receiving and following valuable information and cognition within an administration. It is considered as an of import tool that enables an administration to invariably switch and better to stay relevant in the of all time altering concern universe. The integrating of today’s advanced IT solutions coupled with strategic direction of cognition is the key to unlocking the true potency of an administration ( He. et Al. . 2009 ) .

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In Malaysia. most directors still use informal methods of roll uping and accessing information such as interactions with co-workers and clients ( Karim and Hussein. 2008 ) . Examples of this are communications during company meetings. internal studies and questionnaires. or a simple confab during tiffin interruption. Apart from that. the survey besides shows that most Malayan directors use the cyberspace. printed stuffs and company’s database to capture information. Many administrations in Malaysia still use the traditional methods of hive awaying information utilizing ordinary computing machine tools which lacks the hardiness in processing and pull offing big sums of information ( Karim and Hussein. 2008 ) .

The diagram below shows the development of cognition direction enterprises:

Figure 1. ( Beginning: Hoegl & A ; Schulze 2005. How to Support Knowledge Creation in New Product Development: An Probe of Knowledge Management Methods. 6. p. 264 )

This study presents journal findings on implementing good cognition direction schemes and systems that non merely shops bing cognition but besides exploits them into new cognition. We will so take a expression at the assorted benefits that knowledge direction can convey to an administration internally and externally. This survey so concludes with a treatment on the true values of cognition direction and what’s in shop for its hereafter.

2. 0 Strategies of Implementing Knowledge Management

Karim and Hussein. ( 2008 ) stated that the footing of making a cognition direction scheme is to first understand the information demands and demands of an administration. Quality information should be accurate. complex. benefits exceeds the cost of geting it. user targeted. relevant. important. seasonably. and presented in a manner that is easy to utilize. A good cognition direction system must be able to accurately nail valuable information and organise it efficaciously so that it can be shared and adopted easy by employees.

2. 1 Designation of cardinal histrions

When planing a cognition direction system. the internal landscape of the administration needs to be given serious attending. chiefly the employees. Directors need to place cardinal employees or in this instance cardinal histrions who have critical information about the administration and concern procedures ( Raub and Wittich 2004 ) . For illustration a selling director who holds the database of all the organisation’s clients and providers. and a senior developer who has all the programming books or entree codifications to the organisation’s computing machine systems. What would go on if these cardinal histrions resigned and did non go through on their cognition and information to their opposite numbers? The loss of valuable cognition is one thing. but the hazard of these cardinal histrions misapplying that cognition for their ain personal addition is something that needs to be paid serious attending to.

That is why directors need to place these cardinal histrions. entree information from them and hive away it in the cognition direction system. Due to the nature of opposition to alter. directors need to firstly choice histrions who already have strong support from his/ her subsidiaries in order to implement a top-down attack. Once these “high-ranking” histrions have embraced the cognition direction enterprise. their subsidiaries will hold less opposition and will be more willing to take portion and contribute.

2. 2 Knowledge Management Platform/ System

The usage of ICT is indispensable in developing a well versed cognition direction system to turn up. define. collect. shop. portion. organise. receive and adopt information. This platform needs to be synergistic. online and able to be accessed easy to guarantee the broad use by employees. Employees invariably exchange relevant cognition to one another during informal meetings or confabs ; therefore the fast one is to promote these people to make the same thing utilizing the cognition direction system ( Raub and Wittich 2004 ) .

In order to make this. directors can strategically place the cognition direction system utilizing the construct of a societal networking system. Examples are Facebook or YouTube whereby users can easy portion their profiles. updates. images. pictures. music. and assorted files with one another. By sharing they will besides be able to have information from other users. of which may non be possible for them to obtain entirely.

2. 3 Spreading the Word – stimulate the usage of Knowledge Management

Although the direction have implemented a good cognition direction enterprise. employees may non back up it ( He. et Al. . 2009 ) . The grounds for this could be the reluctant of alteration. deficiency of trust. and the impression that they will non have any benefits from lending their cognition. Directors need to actuate employees with wagess and benefits. for illustration a point based system whereby employees will be given points every clip they contribute to the cognition direction system ( Yang and Wan. 2004 ) . Employees can interchange gathered points to dollars and cents or better yet directors can place points as an of import standard in assessments.

Another manner to assist spur employees is by pass oning on the many other benefits of sharing cognition. For illustration convincing employees that one time they start to portion information. they will besides have information from their co-workers and other parties involved in the administration ( Yang and Wan. 2004 ) .

Raub and Wittich ( 2004 ) suggested the usage of internal selling enterprises to employees such as internal publications of circulars or brochures. meetings and workshops. Aside from that. online bulletins and forums via the company’s web site can besides be used as a medium to advance the acceptance of cognition direction.

3. 0 Benefits of Knowledge Management

The successful execution of cognition direction methodological analysiss has been proven to increase an administrations competitory advantage by being able to properly shop and manage valuable information ( Massa and Testa. 2009 ) . Below we will briefly discourse the positive impacts of cognition direction to administrations.

3. 1 Employee Development – Value Creation

Chen and Huang ( 2009 ) concluded that cognition direction is an of import go-between between strategic human resource pattern that involves employees and invention public presentation which so affects value creative activity. An administration needs to leverage human capital to develop expertness in order for invention to happen. When employees portion knowledge with one another. they will straight and indirectly better their skill sets therefore doing them more efficient and effectual in finishing their undertakings.

For illustration. the usual sum of clip that it takes for employee A to complete a undertaking is 1 hr because he/ she merely knows how to make the occupation in that specific manner. Employee B on the other manus has worked much longer and knows how to finish the undertaking in half the clip it takes employee A and with much better consequences. The sharing of cognition from employee B will assist employee A be more efficient and in the bigger image lend positive effects to the administration.

New Product Development ( NPD ) scheme is critical in guaranting the sustainability of an administration in the market. A statistical survey proved the correlativity between cognition direction methods and merchandise development scheme with the public presentation of new merchandise development ( Liu. et Al. . 2005 ) . Employees with more cognition and resources will be better equipped in merchandise invention enterprises therefore making quality merchandises and services.

Administrations can cut down the cost for developing new and bing employees as assorted resources can be accessed at the same time via the cognition direction system. Employees can besides utilize the system to interact with their co-workers to inquire inquiries and even portion work related experiences. This will indirectly make a much better working environment as everyone is connected and will assist each other in increasing productiveness and criterions.

3. 2 Increased Customer Satisfaction. Trust and Loyalty

Administrations must match cognition direction enterprises with Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) in order to supply the best merchandises and services to clients ( Salomann. et Al. . 2005 ) . The handiness of CRM enables clients to pass on straight with administrations for support or ailments. This will make a good and long lasting relationship between both parties as clients will experience that the administration is crystalline. genuine and takes attention of the customer’s best involvement.

A instance survey at Siemens shows how the company uses information from customer’s feedback to back up merchandise invention enterprises. The consequences show that Siemens was non merely able to impart customer’s ailments to a positive consequence on planing their hereafter merchandises. but besides able to change over unhappy clients into loyal 1s one time approached personally and earnestly ( Salomann. et Al. . 2005 ) . Administrations should ever guarantee that their merchandises and services lucifer client demands ; hence accent on these demands must be made during new merchandise development undertakings.

The betterment of merchandise quality as discussed in the old subtopic besides contributes to the addition in satisfaction as clients will bask better merchandises and services. The execution of cognition direction in the country of CRM enables administrations to lock in clients. salvage costs and increase market portion ( Lin. et Al. . 2006 ) .

3. 3 Support Tool for Marketing Enterprises

Information gathered from CRM activities can be of great value to the selling maps of an administration ( Shaw. et Al. . 2001 ) . Data excavation tools can be used to garner concealed client informations while cognition direction can pull off the informations consequently to assistance in determination support based on the organisation’s selling aims.

Knowledge-based selling increases the success rate of marketing enterprises and reduces cost as everything has been good calculated based on existent universe facts. A good versed cognition direction system can be used to profile clients and generate analysis for future selling enterprises ( Shaw. et Al. . 2001 ) .

A client profile tells sellers everything about clients purchasing forms and helps in doing of import selling determinations. Sellers can foretell customer’s buying tendency by detecting their frequence of purchases. sum of purchases. clip spreads between purchases. and place typical client groups ( Shaw. et Al. . 2001 ) . By analyzing customer’s profile. sellers can foretell customer’s hereafter purchases and calculate the success rate of selling runs.

Administrations can measure the credence rate of their merchandises and services and forecast hereafter gross revenues based on the analysed information from the cognition direction system ( Shaw. et Al. . 2001 ) . This information can be conveyed to the R & A ; D section for future merchandise developments or sweetenings. the selling section for planing future selling runs. and the determination shapers for investings in future merchandises. undertakings. and runs.

Effective client profiling will take to increase in net income borders and market portion as merchandises and services are developed based on customer’s demands. Administrations besides save costs via marketing runs that exactly target clients that have the highest chance of doing a purchase.

3. 4 Better Coordination of Technology Alliances

Technology Alliances are concern relationships formed between different administrations to obtain resources such as information and expertness that they do non possess. There are many types of different confederations such as Licensing Agreements. Selling and Distribution Agreements. Production and Development Agreements. Minority Equity Investments. Joint Ventures. and eventually Amalgamations and Acquisitions ( Awazu. 2006 ) .

Pull offing cognition in confederations is important as the information shared can be used to derive competitory advantage and better concern procedures. The internal benefits of such confederations are improved project procedure flow. improved cost salvaging methods. improved human capital expertness. improved merchandise invention and acceptance of new engineering. Externally. administrations will profit from improved quality of merchandises and services. easier incursion into unfamiliar markets. better distribution channels. and increase in market portion and profitableness.

4. 0 Decision

Based on the treatments above. it is clear that Knowledge Management is an indispensable tool that enables administrations to better their fight by making new cognition from the development of bing cognition. The true value of cognition direction is the effectivity of the managed cognition itself towards enriching employee’s experiences in the administration. It is non simply a inquiry of how to garner cognition but instead how to utilize that cognition to increase efficiency and incite invention in the work force.

On-demand entree to a good structured cognition enables employees to turn to any state of affairs utilizing their ain personal cognition coupled with cognition from every other employee in the administration that have experience in covering with similar state of affairss. This means that more advanced methods will be used to acquire the occupation done more expeditiously and efficaciously. However. without on-demand entree to that cognition database. that same state of affairs will merely be addressed based on that peculiar employee’s personal information and experiences.

The world of cognition direction today is that employees want to interact with one another ; they want to see firsthand how the other individual has succeeded in bettering work efficiency and effectivity. what are the Department of State and don’ts that they must follow in order to emulate the success. They need direct counsel and support from the individual who have gone through that specific stage and succeeded.

Knowledge direction in the hereafter is all about constructing societal relationships and human connexions with one another in an administration. The turning usage of societal webs is an of import key component in the hereafter of cognition direction as it enables people to link across any physical boundary lines. An illustration state of affairs in an administration is that a junior degree executive can merely link and interchange cognition with a senior degree executive or even the general director via societal webs. Even Prime Curates have their ain Facebook page today ; bridging the cognition spread even further therefore making borderless cognition direction ecology.

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