The causes of late marriage in Hong Kong Essay

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Late matrimony is a serious job. it may present a wellness hazard to both female parent and kids. may develop a coevals spread and do the job of aging. There is an originating tendency of late matrimony for both male and female in Hong Kong. The average age at first matrimony for males was 31. 2 and that for females was 28. 9 ( Census and Statistics Department. 2012 ) . They were higher than the parallel informations 35 old ages ago. The two causes of the addition of late matrimony are the growing of liberalism and deficiency of assurance about matrimony.

To get down with. the growing of liberalism is one of the ground doing late matrimony. The Revolution of 1911 ended the dynastic system. broad constitutionalism rose to political dominance for the first and what was to be the last clip on the Chinese mainland. ( Chinese liberalism. 2010 ) . In yearss gone by. parents used to be after the matrimony for their kids when they reach suited age to acquire married. Children were forced to acquire married although they have ne’er seen their consort before. However. the widespread of liberalism alterations the state of affairs. These yearss. people think they have freedom to take when and who to get married. or even non to get married. Their matrimony are no longer decided by others. Liberalism alteration peoples’ head therefore doing late matrimony.

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Besides. people lack of assurance about matrimony due to high rate of divorce in Hong Kong causes late marriiage. The figure of divorce edicts granted of Hong Kong in 2006 were more than eight times that in 1981. The rough divorce rate. which relates the figure of divorce edicts granted to the mid-year population. increased quickly over the same period. In 2006. the petroleum divorce rate was 2. 5 per 1 000 population as compared with 0. 4 in 1981. ( Census and Statistics Department. 2007 ) High rate of divorce cause people to contemplate before acquiring married. Men and adult females think they need more clip to understand each other better. They besides consider people with older age are more sophisticated and have a more mature head. Therefore deficiency of assurance approximately matrimony as the divorce rate is high is the ground for the rise of age of matrimony.

By and big. the two grounds cause late matrimony are the growing of liberalism and unequal assurance about matrimony.


1. Why matrimony tardily? . ( 3. 2015 ) . retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //horaceeeee. wordpress. com/2013/03/15/why-marriage-late/ 2. Jenco. Leigh K. ( 2010 ) V In: Bevir. Mark. ( ed. ) Encyclopedia of political theory. SAGE Publications. London. UK. pp. 164-166. ISBN 9781412958653 3.

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