The Civil Rights In The 1950

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( 1 ) Trumans civil rights commission: In 1947 Trumans Civil Rights Committee recommended Torahs protecting the right of African Americans to vote and censoring segregation on railwaies and coachs. It besides called for a federal jurisprudence penalizing lynching. He issued executive orders stoping segregation in the armed forces and forbiding occupation favoritism in all authorities bureaus. ( 2 ) Brown V. the Board of Education ( 1954 ) : In 1954 the Supreme Court made one of the most of import determinations in its long history. It decided in the instance of Brown v. Board Of Education of Topeka that it was unconstitutional for provinces to keep separate schools for African American and white kids. This instance over turned the & # 8220 ; Separate but equal & # 8221 ; doctrine established in the instance of Plessy v. Ferguson back in 1896. ( 3 ) Montgomery Bus Boycott ( 1955 ) : After the supreme tribunal decided to stop segregation, African Americans started to talk out more about their racial sentiments. In Montgomery, Alabama, a coach boycott ended with a triumph for the African Americans. The Supreme Court ruled that the Alabama segregation Torahs were unconstitutional. During the boycott a immature African American Baptist curate, Martin Luther King, Jr. became good known. Throughout the long competition he advised African Americans to avoid force no affair had severely provoked by Whites. Rosa Parks tired of sitting in the dorsum of the coach, and giving up her place to white work forces. One weary twenty-four hours she refused to travel from the forepart of the coach, and she became one of history & # 8217 ; s heroes in the Civil Rights Act motion. ( 4 ) The Civil Rights Act: In 1964 degree Celsius

ongress passed a Civil Rights Act prohibiting racial discrimination in restaurants, theaters, hotels, hospitals, and public facilities of all sorts. This civil rights act also made it easier and safer for Southern Blacks to register and vote. Laws were passed to help poor people improve their ability to earn money, a program to give extra help to children at risk even before they were old enough to go to school, and a program to train school dropouts.(5) The Great Society: These actions were very popular. Johnson easily won the 1964 presidential election and then proposed what he called the Great Society program. This was Johnson’s plan. He would work to improve the lives of all people, but especially the poor and the powerless. Programs were aimed at helping every segment in society.(6) Passive Resistance: After Martin Luther King, Jr. successfully led the African Americans through the bus boycott, he became a national figure. Every where he preached the idea of non- violence or passive resistance as the best way to achieve racial equality. ” Nonviolent resistance is not a method for cowards” he said. One must “accept blows from the opponent without striking back”. Love, not hate or force, was the way to change people’s minds.(7) “I have a dream”: 1. ” Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice”.2. ” Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last!”3. ” I have a dream that one day this great nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘ We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.”

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