The Color Essay Research Paper The Color

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The Color Purple by Alice Walker

The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, is a really intense book to read. By

intense, I mean it is a book touching really hard and difficult facets of life of

a hapless, black oppressed adult female in the early 20th century. Walker does

societal unfavorable judgment in her novel, largely knocking the manner black adult females were

treated in the early 20th century. Walker uses the life experiences of

Celie to exemplify her societal unfavorable judgment.

The Color Purple is non written in the manner of most novels. The writer

does non state us everything about the characters, the scene, and why the

characters behave the manner they do. The novel is written in a series of letters,

non dated. There are big spreads between some letters, but this is non revealed

by the writer ; we have to calculate it out ourselves. The letters are written in

what Walker calls black common people linguistic communication, which besides reduces the relaxation of the

reading. When the novel opens, Celie is a immature black miss life in Georgia in

the early old ages of the 20th century. She in an uneducated miss, and writes

her letters in common linguistic communication. Celie is come ining her adolescence believing she

was raped by her male parent and that he killed both of their kids. She writes

to God, because she has no 1 else to compose to. She feels that what happened

to her is so awful that she can merely speak about it to person she feels loves

her. She knows her sister Nettie loves her, but she is excessively immature to understand.

Celie believe merely to God may she speak candidly and openly about her agony.

Celie is non, nevertheless, at this point, kicking to God, she is merely

confiding in him.

Celie was born into a hapless household ;

her female parent was ill most of the clip,

mentally and physically ; there were excessively many kids in the household ; and Celie

was abused by the adult male she believed was her male parent. Celie feels used and abused,

but does non understand why. So many bad things have happened to Celie that she

deficiencies self esteem and assurance. Celie does non even experience she is deserving plenty

to subscribe her name at the terminal of the letters.

Slowly, Celie evolves into a mature adult female with great assurance, but non

before her sister Nettie is taken off from her, and she marries a barbarous adult male who

truly wanted to get married Nettie. For a long clip, Celie is about a slave to her

hubby, until her hubby & # 8217 ; s kept woman comes to populate with them to recover from

a illness, and Celie becomes her nurse. Shug is a strong adult female, and encourages

Celie to turn stronger. At the same clip, Sofia, Celie & # 8217 ; s girl in jurisprudence, shows

Celie to stand up for herself and battle bias and unfairness, and battle.

By the terminal of the novel, Celie & # 8217 ; s new strength pays away, because she is

able to populate merrily with the people she loves. She reunites with Nettie and

her two kids, who have been raised by Nettie. Celie learned to contend, to

stand up for herself, and she was rewarded. Celie was able to last

physically and spiritually, and is able to maturate into a full, modern twentieth

century adult female.

In The Color Purple, Alice Walker is able to exemplify the maltreatment,

disregard, and subjugation a black adult female had to travel through in the early twentieth

century, but she besides illustrate how a adult female must contend back to recover the ego

regard and assurance lost manner back in the early stripling old ages. The Color

Purple is a narrative about growing, endurance, and battle, all nurtured by love.

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