The Ethics Of The Media Essay Research

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The Ethical motives Of The Media Essay, Research Paper

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The Ethical motives of the Media

The intent of the media has become an on-going inquiry since the big sum of struggles between the consumer and media. Why is the original intent of the media so bloody difficult to calculate out? It is clip to face this issue alternatively of blowing it off by stating, & # 8220 ; We can ne’er alter the media, so why fuss? & # 8221 ; What sort of chickenshit statement is that? ! If there are so many people with so much power, certainly one of them realizes the downward spiral of the moralss of the media. I feel my exclusive intent of this paper is to state everyone my thoughts and point of views on baning the media.

Ooooooo, censor. What a bad word that is when used in the same sentence with media. So many people believe censoring is a bad thing, but there is no other solution in halting the & # 8220 ; bad press. & # 8221 ; When I sit back and expression at the narratives about narratives that are bad and piquing to person, I realize something demands to be done. The media is out of control. True, there are many informing and needed narratives, but, my God, how many times a twenty-four hours to we need to hear and read about how much money O.J. Simpson has to pay the household of Ronald Goldman? We, as consumers, need to sit back and inquire ourselves, & # 8220 ; What was the point of hearing or reading that narrative? & # 8221 ; Back to the censor issue. I, as an aspirant journalist, do non believe in entire and complete censoring of the media, but besides, as an aspirant journalist, I am embarrassed of some of the narratives that are run, for case, when the offense scene exposures of Jon-Benet Ramsey were run in Globe magazine. Was there non anyone, an editor, a author, or even a keeper at Globe who thought, & # 8220 ; Uh, oh. These exposures may acquire us into some trouble. & # 8221 ; Was there non a individual sole who had adequate moralss to seek and halt these images from being printed? This is where censoring comes in. If I could make anything in the universe, I would foremost, halt universe hungriness, and 2nd set up

some guidelines and Torahs that the media must obey.

Guidelines such as, no delving through peoples rubbishs and no peeking in Windowss. Of class, we know that by jurisprudence, there is to be no peeking in Windowss, or over fencings, but there is no 1 at the editors desk to implicate these Torahs. There is supposed to be person at that place to forestall these narratives from running, but retrieve, their payroll check depends on how many transcripts are sold or how high the evaluations are. This & # 8220 ; censor individual & # 8221 ; demands to hold a set pay. If there was person to halt these types of happenings, half of my jobs with the media would be taken attention of. This may sound like a feeble solution, but we need to get down someplace.

Obviously this is non a complete solution to these jobs with the media, so the following measure would be to get down utilizing the editors for weeding out the narratives that are non giving some type of information that the consumer wants and needs to hear or read. This is besides easier said than done. This solution besides brings up inquiries like, how does the editor know what stories the consumer wants to hear or read about? That is the duty of the media. Let them take polls and give every attempt to happen out what we want. Journalism will merely last if it establishes a more valuable and clearly defined mission, ( Morality of Mass Media, Ellen Hume. )

I could compose a book about all the things I want to see changed in the media before I become a portion of it, but I will non. There should be a line drawn so that the media can be punished for their error. Many people agree that there should be a line drawn and like it or non, that line is called censoring. Our establishing male parents did non desire censoring on the media, but they likely did non believe that the media would be making such a bum occupation. I do non desire to state that all media is making a bad occupation. Overall, they are making a reasonably good occupation, but there is still a big sum of soiled imperativeness that needs to be cleaned up.

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