The Four Lobes Essay Research Paper Assignment

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The Four Lobes Essay, Research Paper

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Assignment # 3: Essay # 4

4. Describe the four major lobes of the encephalon ( name and location ) and depict what abilities one would lose if harm occurs in each of the lobes.

The Frontal Lobe

The Frontal Lobe is the lobe of the encephalon that resides in the front part of the encephalon above the eyes. This lobe is responsible for motion and planning. If a individual were to travel out and wound their Frontal Lobe many things would alter in their twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours lives, merely as Phineas Gage discovered. Activities that we take for granted such as walking to the shop and doing a shopping list would all of a sudden go rather hard after a sustained hurt to the Frontal Lobe. Besides, our personality would alter merely as Gage s did.

The Pariental Lobe

The Pariental Lobe is located behind the Frontal Lobe and is in charge of centripetal maps. So if one were to wound his or her Pariental Lobe there would be a noticeable loss in senses. Possibly it would go harder for the patient to experience hurting and would consequence touch and other feelings. In a worst instance scenario a instrumentalist who damaged the Parien

tal Lobe would happen it harder to play their instrument without the acute sense of touch they one time had.

The Temporal Lobe

The Temporal Lobe is located behind the Frontal Lobe and underneath the Pariental Lobe. This lobe of the encephalon is held accountable for audile maps, object acknowledgment, and linguistic communication. It is of class handily located above the ears. If one were to damage the Temporal Lobe a individual would happen that they would be left with a great trouble hearing things and would non be able to acknowledge object that they would antecedently cognize without even believing approximately. A serious blow to the Temporal Lobe would besides damage a individual s address. Most likely a address hindrance would incur after the accident.

The Occipital Lobe

The Occipital Lobe is responsible for airy maps. So as 1 might hold guessed, if an hurt occurred to the Occipital Lobe the vision of that individual would be damaged. If the hurt was serious plenty the individual might even travel blind. This lobe is located in the back subdivision of the encephalon somewhat below the Pariental Lobe. This is besides why a difficult blow to the dorsum of the caput frequently blurs your vision.

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